Teenagers ✧

MyungYeol Christmas Oneshot Collection
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  3:   When myungyeol are childhood friends. Plus their winter break is already nearing. What will they do?   *** "I hate you!" "I hate you more!"   Myungsoo smiled at the thought of his childhood together with Sungyeol. Heck he can't even imagine his whole life without Sungyeol. At first, he objected of moving away from their home. And now, he will sure regret it if he protested about the whole moving away thing.   Myungsoo sat by the bleachers near thr school's entrance as he was reminiscing his childhood. As he looked around him, he noticed couples. So it was the time of the year.   Holidays.   It's either you spend it with your family or with your partner as a couple, that's it.     But how Myungsoo celebrated it is one of a kind.   He celebrated his holidays with his childhood friend.     His childhood love. ☃☃☃   Sungyeol and Myungsoo decided to attend an all-boys high school at the different side of the city. It was pretty far away from home so they practically pleaded with their parents. With the help of their siblings, Moonsoo and Daeyeol, their parents agreed.    It was their second year in high school. No girls. Just boys. Well no that was exaggerated. There is an all-girls school, if you'll cross the street. That explains why there were couples awhile ago.   “Where's Sungyeol? Aish.” Myungsoo ruffled his hair. As he walked, or rather– stomping his feet like a kid sulking, he met Sunggyu. “Sunggyu! Have you seen Sungyeol?” “Oh no I haven't! He's pretty late for Physics class too.” Myungsoo nodded as a sign of gratitude while Sunggyu ran away.   Myungsoo's eyes widened. He clearly forgot all about his Physics class. Oh the perks of being in love with Sungyeol. Both daydreaming and finding him. Pretty much a hard task for the man in love aka Kim Myungsoo.   “Sorry for being late seonsaengnim!” “It's okay, Myungsoo. Sit down.”   Myungsoo is favorable not only by his fellow students, but also his teachers. Heck even the lunchlady adores him! He even gives free coffee for Myungsoo, which in return gives it to Sungyeol. "Plus points" he says to himself.   He notices Sungyeol's empty seat at the back near the window. Myungsoo tried. Really, he did. He tried to listen to the teacher's explanation about some chemical bonding or whatever the teacher is explaining. All he know of is his bond with Sungyeol.        A very strong bond no one will break.   ☃☃☃   Papa Americano~ ♪ Papa Americano o o o~   Myungsoo whipped his head (((back and forth))).    Hey that's Sungyeol's ringtone! He followed the tune and at last it got louder.  One step that he took, his heart beat increases. Sungyeol. The owner of the tone answered his phone and turned around.     But heck it wasn't Sungyeol.   Oh being lovesick. He never really thought of Sungyeol-not-owning-the-song as a ringtone. Others can have it too.   Disappointed, Myungsoo lowered his head while walking.   He collided with someone and sparks. Sparks. Sparks.   He knows that body frame.   The body that was always been hugged by his own arms.   “Sungyeol!” “O-oh hi M-myung-myungsoo!” Sungyeol faked a smile. “What's wrong?” Worry obvious in Myungsoo's tone.  “Nothing's wrong.” Wait. Something is wrong. “Tell me.” Myungsoo started to stare at Sungyeol with his piercing eyes. Not his usual glare, no. It's warmer and caring. “Later? Okay? Will you wait in our dorm room later at dismissal?” Myungsoo nodded. He was about to say more but Sungyeol already ran off. ☃☃☃ Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.     5 minutes until dismissal time. Myungsoo is still worried about Sungyeol. What if's are running around inside his head. He shook his head.    *DING DONG DING DONG*   The bell signaled dismissal time and he ran fast as he can.    As he neared room 0327, he wonders what kind of Sungy
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[122313] 1ST CHAPTER IS UP! thank you!


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Chapter 3: Myungsoo sounds like a lost puppy without Sungyeol by his side kekeke... Oh, I spot jealous!Myungsoo and Teenfinite \o/

Dear Myungsoo, you are an idiot who should let your love, Sungyeol speak and explain instead of making wild guesses, thank you! ^^ (It's understandable though, since love can make someone irrational <--O_O since when I am so wise)

Ohoho, I love the cheesy Myungyeol at the end~ I also want to join in the snowball fight but my country doesn't snow :( I agree that Myungyeol need the push or else we won't be able to read their romanticness ;D Thank you for all the fluffy oneshots and I am looking forward to reading Myungyeol in school!au too ^^

(Do you like writing childhood!Myungyeol? :O)
Nayama #2
Chapter 3: ahahaha cheesy myungyeol, idiot myung, brotp SungNiel! you got the recipe
yeah brotp SungNiel! it's rare to find it, despite the fact that they are so touchy and adooorb together >.<
deliciousyou #3
Chapter 3: Thanks for another sweet story :)

"I'm in love with an idiot"
"Yes, Niel is an idiot"
.............idiot -,-
Chapter 1: so cheesy weezy...my yeol..
Nayama #5
Chapter 2: ohh i love this chapter, and i always love the presence of smarty dongsaeng (daeyeol and moonsoo
Chapter 2: Firstly, yay for children!Myungyeol \o/ Hahaha, I laughed at Sungyeol's first impressions of Myungsoo, gloomy kid wearing all black and kimchi-eating monster. And Myungyeol can't stop bickering, can they? Even their brothers can't stand their childishness >_< A+ for Moonsoo's and Daeyeol's drawing! (They have better artistic skills than me when I was a kid /sobs)
Thank you for the lovely update, author-ssi! ^^
Chapter 1: The chapter is so fluffy and sweet I was smiling the whole time, especially the part when Myungsoo foam-kissed and confessed to Sungyeol. I love your sense of humor and how you ended it. Keep up the good work and update soon! :)