Of Non-Existent Chinese and Broken English



Languages, Sehun decided, are bulls. Who the had the time to invent 6.912 languages.

Languages are bulls, because now he’s stuck with a non-korean who looks like he could murder someone with that bright smile.




Contains a decent amount of cuss words. If you decide to stick around though, notify me and I’ll send you virtual hugs and virtual cookies. <3

May contain grammatical error(s). English is my second language.

EXO are not mine.


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Chapter 1: So like read this years ago and only just recently did this becomes a giant mood i met someone who didn’t speak my language and was unfortunately not fuxking with me so I’m dead loved it thank you for not deactivating
SoSquishy #2
Chapter 1: Awwwe so ing cuteeee <3 <3
gyulps #3
God this is like the funniest fic i've ever read since last year. Good job author-nim!❤️❤️
Chapter 1: omg i loved it. ;; poor sehun tho.
omfg I just realized it was a one shot but I looooooved it too much to et go xDD
gertrxde #6
Chapter 1: This had me laughing for a long time! Hahhaa when Sehun learned that Luhan could speak in Korean! Hahahahahahahhahahahaha lol
Chapter 1: But but.....Can I say that they will get married and live happily ever after and holly I died laughing at the part where Sehun gets mad because Luhan was pretending xD Loved it! <333
Chapter 1: omg this story is so cute!
haha.. love jongin here XD