
we belong together
Okay, let's get this started....so this is my story. I'm still studying at one of popular university in korea. I've a boyfriend. His name's choi seunghyun. Everyone is envied us cause we're the sweetest couple. He's very caring towards me, he's gentleman, hot, handsome and his rapping skill is so WOW. Well, that's not last a long time. Long-short story we've an argument and we fought, we've a cold wars for 1week. When we fought and not talk to each other in 1week I really missed him so badly. I miss his dorkiness and all. So I decided to apologized to him, I went to his house and brought his favorite dessert, banana split. On the way to his house I was so nervous and happy at the same time. A thousands 'what if...' Popped out on my mind. When I'm about near his house I saw him with a girl, well this girl is cute and pretty and they're seem so close to each other. I don't want to jump in conclusion so I just hide and saw what's they doing. I'm curious to death what's their relationship but all I could do is just hide, I don't want to get caught. I saw them laughing together they seem so happy together I gotta admitted I'm very jealous at that moment then I saw them hugging and seunghyun kissed her on the cheek and they bid their goodbye. I'm really mad and jealous I can feel the fire rushing inside me so I walk towards seunghyun with furious eyes. He seem so surprised to see me when he about to talk to me I'm cutted his sentence and I said "oh now I got it. you have another girl right?" He just showed his what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about expression before he could say something I slap his face and said "I'm done with you! We're breaking up now!" With that I'm run to my house with tears flow down to my cheeks. While I run and run I could hear he screamed "WAIT BOM I CAN EXPLAIN!!" But I don't care anymore I just want to run and go home. That night I cried my self out. I hate him, I hate him for betraying me. But I really love him, I miss him. I called dara, my bestfriend and tell her all of my stories. She said it's all will be alright, just need a little time to fix it all. I feel lighter, and I thanks dara to chat with me and comfort me that time. I said to myself I must forget him and move on! Yeah I can do this!
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Chapter 1: That was a massive break up.. It was nice honestly on how you describe every part of it,so it's not bad nor good enough but rather an ok story.
Chapter 1: That was a massive break up.. It was nice honestly on how you describe every part of it,so it eas not bad nor good enough but rather an ok story.
blackjack2ne1forever #3
Chapter 1: Can you put it in paragraphs? It will be easier to read and look more interesting to the readers too. A bunch of words put together seems kinda boring. Besides that, love your story. Update sooon