
Single Mother



The weekend ended short and once again Eunji was found at home doing her homework, she planned on graduating ahead of time and she was able to since she had the highest grades, the best attendance, and her teachers loved her enough to sign any form, all but her singing teacher who broke down at the news of her pregnancy.

Mrs. Park was the music chorus teacher who showered Eunji with love since day 1 about her talents, she always thought to herself that one day, if Eunji worked hard enough, she could represent Korea in national singing competitions across the world. The news about her pregnancy broke her heart and not only that, she saw Eunji as a daughter as well. There they were together, the end of the day and on a Friday where it was Eunji's last day of school. Mrs. Park cried.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do yet ?" Mrs. Park wiped her tears away and through her sobbing managed to let out coherent words. Eunji was threatened by tears as well but was simply widened eyed with watery eyes,

"Of course, I plan graduating early and admitting myself to a community college nearby until my baby is born, i'll take some time off and continue my studies the following semester until I have enough credits for a decent university. I was thinking that with my grades and recommendations i'll be able to go into Seoul University. I've already applied and I have yet to receive their response, don't worry Mrs. Park, everything will work out." Eunji hugged Mrs. Park and was well received.

"Honey, have you even told your parents about this ?" Eunji shook her head, she had yet to tell them.

"I can't bring myself to do it, i'm afraid of my father and what he'll do." Mrs.Park nodded at her response, the most he could feel was shame, shame in having his daughter be pregnant at such an early age, to be leaving school so early and not even having a dime for herself to care for the baby. Eunji knew this and she felt the shame rain on her everyday she wished her father a nice day at work in the mornings, or when she went to bed, how he would kiss her goodnight. She never thought another day that wasn't the day of confession, but today was that day, Eunji's last day and her day to go face the Kim family as well. First she had to find Suho.

"My child, i'm here for you. If anything happens, if anything you want, i'll be here for you and that baby, tell Suho that he can come to me as well. You guys need as much help as you can at this age." Eunji bowed and hugged Mrs. Park once more.

She admired this woman, the kind of woman who was like her mother, her mentor, her best friend.

Her short hair reached to her shoulder. Her pale skin was milky but as she aged she grew more lines on her face, she was merely in her 40's but her spirit was one of a 30 year old. Her body still in form and healthy, she would trot around in heels and her pencil skirt with a blouse and cardigan, she was a women of modesty. He had no double eyelids like most teacher and she looked all natural. She had a motherly feature overall and Eunji admired that about her.

"Thank you Mrs. Park. I'll come back to visit whenever I can." Eunji smiled and wiped her already fallen tears.

"Wait Eunji, here, take this." Mrs. Park handed Eunji a small piece of paper with numbers and letters. Her address, and her number.

"Is this -?"

"-contact me often, don't make excuses Eunji, I know you have a mountain of chargers in that purse of yours." Mrs. Park brought a bright smile with her teary face. Eunji blushed smiling before she bowed and left.

Now to go and face Suho.




The number you are trying to contact is unavailable at the moment, please leave a message after the beep.


"Suho ? Hey it's Eunji. I miss you. How've you been ? It's been a while since I've seen you. I don't know what happened to you but there's something I wish to speak to you about. If you get this message please return my call. I miss you,..." the last few words "..I love you. -deadline-" Eunji hung up and walked up to the house that was three times the size of hers originally. Eunji had been inside but every time she was in the presence it seemed like it never failed to impressed her. A very white, rich feeling.

She was met with a door frame and hesitated to knock or not. She bite her bottom lip and went for it.

"Hello,-" The door was opened by what looked like the housemaid if not a kitchen assistant.

"-could I speak with the Kim's ?" One of the maids excused themselves to report to the Kim households.

"They said to come in." Eunji was welcomed in and was leaded to the Kim family where they were seated in the living room.

The Kim's smiled happily and welcomed Eunji to take a seat, Eunji in her time of dating had never been in the presence of the Kim's and she had to admit, they screamed wealth. Their outfits were furred coats, or that was the mothers while the father had a tailored suit with his initials across his left side chest.

"How can we help you ma'am." Mrs. Kim seemed pleasant as she smiled her white pearls at Eunji. She sat down on the chair placed in front of them.

"Hi, my name's Jung Eunji. I study in the same school as your son."

"Our son ? Which one ?" Mrs Kim asked.

"Oh, Joon Myeon ma'am."

"Oh, my precious. What about him ?"

"Well me and him have been dating."

"Joon Myeon ? I wasn't aware he was dating." Mr. Kim looked confused but was still listening, but when Eunji heard that they didn't know they were dating it was questioning to her.

Had he not even told his family about them ?

"He didn't tell you guys we were dating ?" Mr Kim and Mr Kim looked at each other before nodding at Eunji.

"-well, we've been dating for the past year so far. If he hasn't told you, I apologize for what i'm about to say but I'm currently expecting a baby of his." It was no surprise that Mrs. Kim stood up at the sudden news, gasping.

"YOU'RE WHAT ?!" Mrs Kim shouted as she bit at the bottom lip of hers.

"I'm pregnant. I'm sure that the baby i'm having is Joon Myeon. I want him to take responsibility ma'am, me and him can-" Eunji was cut off.

"You want MY son to take responsibility ? How dare-" Mrs. Kim was cut off by Mr. Kim.

"Honey, calm down. Listen Miss Jung, Joon Myeon is out of the country but when he comes back we'll talk about this. For now we can discuss this just me and my wife. You may leave now Miss Jung." Mr. Kim looked relatively calm then what Mrs. Kim looked, she looked desperate to say something but was held back by Mr. Kim. "Honey...."

"Thank you Miss Jung."

With that Eunji was dismissed and sent home. She needed a response from the Kims and Suho before she could face her parents, she needed to see what foundation she could make her parents trust her with.

She stood one last time with a strong face once again. She was losing her confidence, but if it was to secure the future of the baby, she was willing to lose everything for him or her.




"WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT !" Mrs. Kim threw her arm out of Mr. Kim's grasp and looked angered at her husband. How was it that he was going to think about things and might consider having that child be born in the care of Suho.

"Look, do you honestly think we're going to tell Joon Myeon about this ?"

"Then why'd you say-"

"To buy us some time, Joon Myeon doesn't come back until next week, it gives us enough time to get this girl out of the country if not then out of state."

Mrs. Kim was much more calm now as she listened.

Mr Kim went over to his table of drinks and poured himself a cup of ice and tequila.

"If you were to 'cause a scene then how would she believe you when you lie to her later ?"

"Lie ?" Mrs Kim went closer to her husband.

"How are we suppose to tell her that our son was never faithful ?" Mr Kim threw her a 'do-you-know-what-i'm-saying' kind of stare which made Mrs. Kim smirk.

"So what's our plan then ?"



So you met the in-laws . I tried my best, I tried my best. :p
So it was a short update. I felt inspired. ^^ 
Anyways, what do you guys think ? It'll probably be a while til I update again, turns out this is my last day before I go back to school. School's hectic for me & I have hw to do it ~
Tell me what you think about this chapter, all I can say is that the next chapter will be the encounter of Eunji and her parents, let's see what happens. ^^
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Chapter 1: U can either choose baekhyun or chanyeol.. They are childish enough.. Please update
Chapter 2: Its ady too late when i found this fanfic :') but still hoping for an update tho or its never
Chapter 2: please update soooon:)))
asyilasa #4
Chapter 2: Authorrrr nim please update soooooon! ><
Aiyuuuuuuu MyunJi couple <3
Chapter 2: Omo!!! Anyeong~ new reader here!
Junma though...uuggghhh.. can wait for what will happen next!!
Update-juseyo authornim! Fighting!!!
Chapter 2: I want more!!
letsliveonceagain #7
New reader, amazing plot <3 !
This is so nice!!
jesse_panda #9
Chapter 2: My heart started beating so fast the moment eunji stepped into that house. I swear I hate his parent urgh! (Only in this story I don't know about other stories or real life keke) they are just so urgh in this story... Poor eunji... I hope she gets through this! Eunji and authornim fighting! Please update soon ! Love you! And the story!