
Just, please, stay here

Your POV~

I felt a strip of warmth on my face. Suddenly my head began throbbing. “Ugh” I softly muttered out. The pain in my head grew bigger as I opened my eyes. I tried go get up from where I was but my back began to hurt as well. What the hell happened to me? I realized that I was on the floor instead of my bed. I managed to sit up and I grabbed the edge of my bed for support and I stood up.

“Ah ” I muttered as I stood up. I stretched my back and slowly but hurriedly shuffled over to my bathroom and opened the cabinet to get some painkillers. I then went to my kitchen for the water. I threw back two pills and chugged the water. I shut my eyes tightly as the pills went back. I never really liked them so I only drank when necessary. I rested myself on the Kitchen Island and tried to remember the events from yesterday.


The sound of a baby crying filled the house. “SHUT THAT ING KID UP!” My boyfriend’s voice invaded the house as well. I ran to my baby’s room and picked her up. “Sh, shh baby. Mommy’s here.” She suddenly went silent as I rocked her back and forth. She soon fell asleep and I smiled. I placed her in her crib and went out.

“Why does she always ing cry?” I met eye to eye with my boyfriend. “S-she’s a baby. I don’t know wh-“A pain stung my cheek and I fell to the floor. I looked down and tried not to cry. “AND DO YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW YOU’RE HANGING AROUND GUYS?” He threw a piece of metal at me and it hit the floor and shattered. It was my phone. “YOU ING . WHO IS ZICO, HUH? ING HOE!” He kicked my stomach and pulled me up by my hair. “I’LL ING KILL HIM AND YOU, ” He said and threw me onto the floor. I hit my back on the floor and screamed in pain. “CAN YOU BE ANY ING LOUDER? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” He screamed back at me and kicked my arm.

I kept the scream in and shut my eyes. I heard his footsteps get softer until they disappeared and a door was slammed. I was too hurt to get up so I ended up falling asleep where I was.

End of flashback.

I heard the baby scream and begin to cry. My head stopped hurting and I was relieved. I prepared her a bottle and slowly walked over to her room. I loved her but sometimes I wish I wouldn’t have had her at 17. “Hey Lilly, hey Lilly shh mommy’s here now.” I carefully picked her up and laid her in her rocker. I couldn’t possibly carry her in my arm because of the bruise on my stomach and arm. I gave Lilly her bottle and held it for her.

She drank it happily and stared at me with the most beautiful eyes. I smiled at her and tears began to form in my eyes. Why was I still living here? Why was I still torturing myself by being around him? Because I was afraid of him. I was frightened to the max. He always comes home drunk and pissed off and he always takes it out on me.

I looked over at Lilly. She looked at me and smiled. No. I had to save her from this horrible life. I had to save her from being abused like I was. I got up and packed everything that was in her room. I grabbed the house phone and dialed a friend.

After all that was done I packed my stuff and sat on the couch. The bell rang and I stood up and opened the door. “Zico, thank you so much I just-“ “Is that a ing mark on your cheek?” My eyes widened. “Uhm.. Zico.. Can we please just go? I’ll tell you later.” He my cheek and angrily sighed. “Alright but if he ever lays another finger on you I will not hesitate to break every bone in his body. Understand?” I smiled and nodded weakly. He helped me take the baby’s toys into the van and after we took in the clothes. He carried Lilly and put her in her car seat. I got in and he started the car.

“I will take care of you, I promise.” He said and drove away.

I was thankful to have a friend like Zico. And to be truthful, I kind of liked him. Like… I really liked him.

After a while we got settled in his apartment and we sat in his living room. “Thank you. Thank you so, so much. I can’t explain how grateful I am, Zico.” He just smiled and rubbed my leg. “I know, princess. But do you really not want me to tell the police?” I let out a light scoff. “I’m not dead, am I? I can handle. He’s just really troubled and he needs to be left alone. I hope you can understand.” Zico just sighed and nodded.

Zico’s POV

A month later I walked up to my apartment the door was broken open. I ran in and heard Lilly in her room crying. “Sungah? Sungah are you home?!” I ran to Lilly’s room and everything was a mess, she was in her crib crying. I picked her up and ran around the house. “SUNGAH?!” I screamed and saw her phone on the floor. I swiped the screen and looked through her recent calls and messages. In the past month there were 115 missed calls from her ex-boyfriend. He sent messages that said he wanted her back and he wasn’t gonna stop till he got her back.

I grabbed my walkie-talkie. “Officers Lee Sungah has been kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend, Kim Sunghoon he lives in the apartments south of the city hall, Rosewood Avenue. Apartment number 106, I repeat apartment number ONE-O-SIX. I’m going there now I want to meet you there with backup and bring kwon and the others this is a code red he’s abusive. I REPEAT HE IS A THREAT TO HER. I NEED BACKUP.” I spoke.

I stopped by a friend’s house and dropped off Lilly. After that I sped over to the apartment. I saw the other officers parked outside. Quickly stepping out of the car, I walked straight to them. “Okay, listen. I don’t know if he’s in there or not but he has no limits. He can kill her if he wants to. I want two officers in the elevators, three on the main floor and the rest with me on the floor of the apartment. We don’t want him to know we’re on to him. I want this bastard down-“ “AHH PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!” I heard Sungah’s voice.

Anger boiled through me. “Alright everyone get into position. Lets go!” I grabbed my gun and we all went into the building. Instead of using the elevator we ran up the stairs and lined up down the hall. “SHUT UP, !” We heard his voice. After that everything went silent. I motioned for another officer to stand at the other side of the door and I counted. “One, two.. three!” I opened the door. “GO GO GO!” The officers piled in.

I meet eye to eye with the er and raised me gun. He did the same. “Put down the weapon and this will be over” I tried to talk nicely. He glared at me. “You’re that Zico guy, right? That she left me for!” I nodded. “Look, just lower your-“ A bang filled the room and three others followed. I flew back and fell to the floor. “ing !” I cursed and held my shoulder. Blood seeped through my fingers. “WE HAVE A 13-06, I REPEAT, 13-06 OFFICER DOWN.” Taeil shouted into his walkie-talkie. “Are you alright, buddy?” I nodded but pushed him away. “Sungah, find her!” I slowly got up and walked through the house.

 I found her in the kitchen on the floor with her eyes closed. She had bruises on her face and blood dripped down her chin. There was a rip in her shirt and blood seeped out of it. She was bleeding out. “Sungah, please wake up!” I kneeled next to her and patted her cheek. I placed my fingers on her wrist, no pulse there. . No she can’t do this to me. She has to live. I placed my fingers on her lower throat and my ear on her chest. I felt a light pulse, she was barely alive. “WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!” I shouted and a pain surged through my arm. “MAKE THAT TWO” I said again and sighed.

“Sungah, I need you to stay awake for me.” She opened her eyes a bit. “I’m sorry Zico. I should’ve told you.” She breathed out. “Baby don’t talk, I understand but please don’t talk. I don’t want you to strain yourself. I know you’re a fighter please stay awake, for me and Lilly.” I said and she nodded slightly.

Her head suddenly dropped. “Sungah? Sungah! Wake up! PLEASE WALKE UP!” I shook her. “I-I can’t” She breathed out. “It hurts, Jiho. It hurts. I thought I was used to it but it hurts even more now.” She said weakly. The paramedics ran in with the stretcher. “She needs oxygen and blood!” I said and they nodded. “Do you know her type?” One of them asked. “Type B. Please hurry. Get her safe” They nodded and took her away. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Sunghoon being carried out on a stretcher.

I smirked and walked out. I was taken to the same hospital as Sungah but in a different ward.

After I woke up from surgery I asked the doctor if I could go out. “Yes and the officers already told me that you’d want to visit Sungah. But Mr. Woo, she’s in critical condition and has lost a lot of blood. She needs to rest and so do you.” I nodded and lied back in the bed.

“How long till shes stable?” “We don’t know sir, please lie back down.” “DOCTOR JINWOO LEE PLEASE REPORT TO ROOM 13 IN E.R MISS KIM SUNGAH IS HAVING CARDIAC ARREST!” A nurse ran in. The doctor left without a word. “SUNGAH? WHATS WROND WTH SUNGAH?!” Minhyuk ran into my room. “Jiho lie back down!” “NO! WHATS WRONG WITH HER?!” I fought back. “NO I NEED TO BE WITH HER!” Minhyuk glared at me. “LET THE ING DOCTORS DO THEIR JOB, ALRGHT? THEYRE TRYING EVERYTHING THEY CAN” I calmed down and fell back into the bed.

A few minutes later doctor Lee walked in with his head down. “I’m sorry, Mr. Woo.” I felt my blood drop. That bastard murdered her. “I want to be the one to take that er to prison. I WANT TO SEE HIM ROT IN THERE AND LIVE FAR AWAY FROM HIS DAUGHTER! I WANT HIM TO SUFFER!” I screamed punched the wall. “Mr. Woo! Please settle down!” I glared at the nurse. “NO. NO I WILL NOT SETTLE DOWN. THAT BASTARD KILLED HER.”

I shouted and they tried to pin me down on the bed. “I LOVED HER. HE MURDERED HER I WANT HIM ON DEATH ROW!”

I woke up panting for air. Oh thank god it was just a dream.. but.. The hospital. I’m actually here. I looked around and I saw Sungah sitting next to me with her head down. Her head was bowed down and there was a stand next to her. Lines of IV and other drugs attached to her arm. “S-Sungah” I breathed out as much as I could. Her head snapped up and turned to me.

Her face was covered in bruises and bandages. She looked at me with her red puffy eyes and her cheeks stained with tears. “Jiho. You’re awake. Thank god!” She walked over to my bed and hugged me tightly. “Sungah, you’re alright! You’re alive!” She giggled and pulled back. “Of course I’m alive. I’m right here. Why wouldn’t I be?” I rubbed my neck and shook my head. “Just… I’m just glad you’re here, okay?” She smiled and I swear, that smile lit up the whole room.

“Just please, stay here.” I whispered and she hugged me.

“I wouldn’t leave for the world”

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26ofjuly #1
Chapter 1: woaaa! loved it! great job! :D
Chapter 1: hello new subbies here! ;;
the story is jjang authornim!! thumbs up!
if i was there i'll just tore the man apart and skin him alive :<
why is he so mean huh? :<

anw good story!!
Chapter 1: I thought she actually heart couldn't take it..and the baby I'm so glad she's okay..Aww I would have been devastated..