Fantasía Drogado


"You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun."




Lights pranced outside the window, the silent night was illuminated with a horrifying alluring show. Gravel crunched beneath the movement of shoes and was accompanied by the grunts of several men as they struggled through the dark. It wasn't different from any other time they had been sent out to complete a deed; yet they dragged their feet with a hint of guilt, only a hint. Most of the time it had been a teenager, an old man, someone their age, but never a child. Never had it been a small being who didn't know the difference between right and wrong. A job was a job, and it was something none could disobey. Each had grown up with this type of lifestyle, a job where love was thrown out and humanity was turned off.  


It would be no different for the child they were about to take.

Or would it be?                        

Could he turn back on the humanity he would lose?                

Or would he also be lost among the life of trafficking.











"Are you sure you want to do this?"

The question brought uneasiness to the pack as they waited for the frontman's answer. 

                                    Did they?

"Idiota, does it look like we have a choice? The boss made a deal with this man, and it wasn't kept. He's lucky that El Jefe is going easy on him by only taking the child and sparing the rest of the family."

The others only nodded, beginning to walk again until a window was reached. Knocking echoed throughout the yard until a small face poked from between the curtains; groggy eyes that swelled at the sight before them. 

"Hello? Who are you?"

Not a single tremor filled the voice, there wasn't any fear within the boy's presence.



     "Hello mijo, my name is Kris and I'm a friend of the family. Your father wants me to take you on a trip for a while, let's not make him mad, okay?

A smirk played its way across his face as he noticed how the boy warmed up to the comment. 

"You know daddy?? That's very nice of you to do that, my name is Luhan and I guess it's nice to meet you." 

  Luhan no longer looked confused, yet he remained unmoving. 

"So tell me Luhan, how old are you and what do you like?" 

The boy tapped his chin, lost in thoughts.

"I like playing with toys, especially my set of Lord figures, they're kings of pretty islands."

 Chuckles were passed around the men. 


"So you like lords, huh? I happen to know one too, you know." 

Luhan's eyes widened. 

"Really?! What kind of lord?" 

Kris shook his head. 

"How about we make it a surprise during our trip?" 

The boy nodded.



Small hands eased open the window as he climbed out to meet one of the man's arms.





Silence swayed the night as the man calmly made their way opposite of the home. 

"Please take care of me."

Heads turned to look at the figure behind them. 

"I'm scared to be away from my family, so please make sure I'm okay."

Luhan's voice wavered as he struggled with tears; Kris only smiled walking back towards him.

He understood Luhan.

     Too much.

 "Of course we'll take care of you Luhan, we're a family now."



The young boy grinned as he skipped to meet the man's embrace. A small gesture that carried a larger meaning.




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kaikuma #1
update please, it's been too long!!! i even made account just to ask
Chapter 2: hallelujah you updated! you know ma nigga i'm starting to dislike kris tbh he thinks he's all jefe but in reality he's just a big cause he ain't the one battling out there ya feel! hollers luhan already fell for the hana chick but but but;;; hana doesn't like jongin but she feels some typa way about jongin and jongin likes her and wowie very drama much tension TT so far so great wowie
Chapter 1: YODELS I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG NOW OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOPPP!!!! Ok let's get serious now. wiggles eyebrows I'm liking it so far aaaay whiny luhan and badass wufan I see how it is :-----) jongin though that was so unexpected omg and and and who is this Hana person I'm yodeling I wasn't expecting a /female/ in the story! Wowie and the use of Spanish words throughout the story TT dream come true! It's all fun and games so far I really like this whole concept ❤ please update soon and get well from your flu!
continha_troll #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Lisa_lp10 #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^