Chapter One: Umbrella

Wisdom Tooth

The second day in the unfamiliar and strange place was also a rainy day, and while those who didn't have a purpose to go out stayed under the safe confinements of a roof, Baekhyun took the chance and stepped outside in order to explore the place in which he would be living in for at least the next few years until he was sent to university, but by the current appearance of the town, he wasn't quite sure if he could survive even a few years. Although he couldn't say the town was in the country-side, it was definitely in the sub-urban regions and had a mass contrast to Seoul, and Baekhyun found himself missing the tall sky scrapers and noisy cross-sections even more.

As he walked along the ancient cobblestone sidewalks, there was no argument that he received more than a few curious glances from passerbys, for a small town like here, everyone knew everyone and every single face was a familiar sight, and for a handsome young male with his milky pale complexion, chiseled yet soft facial features, almond shaped monolided eyes and an alluring aura that practically yelled out city-boy to suddenly appear out of the blue, it held no surprise that he constantly heard intrigued whispers as he walked by, and far too many back glances and desperate eye flutters for it to be deemed completely unintentional.

The noisy loud blaring of his ringtone disturbed the previous peace and quiet of the small town with the occasional quiet chatters and rain drops, almost afraid of the sudden noise intrusion, Baekhyun fumbled with his phone as he eventually fished it out of his pocket with much difficulties, only to be greeted with a caller ID that was far too familiar. Jung Soojung. After a period of time of contemplating whether or not to answer, he eventually gave in to the tedious repetition of the ringtone and picked up, immediately regretting his decision not long afterwards.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? Byun Baekhyun, who the do you think you ar-" Before his eardrums could break, Baekhyun hung up with a slight frown and scowl, he didn't want to deal with Soojung's right after settling down, he'll worry about her later, if she was going to go haywire and drive all the way here just to give him a slap he well deserved, he will gladly receive it, but at the moment, he wasn't in the mood, and a little voice in the back of his head told him he was never in the mood, and will never be in the mood.

However, at the momentary interruption with the little call, Baekhyun didn't notice the wind suddenly picking up and the rain becoming more and more aggressive, and almost in the immediate second that he hung up and tried to stuff his phone back into his pocket, his grip on the umbrella loosened and it flew away in persuasion of the blowing wind, and the male was immediately drenched in the pouring downpour of the rain. Cursing under his breath, Baekhyun attempted to block as much of the rain as possible with his sleeves as he ran to the nearest shop that had a roof over its head, shaking the droplets of water out of his hair and rubbing his arms with his hands to deliver some heat as he looked out at the pouring rain, from where he stood, it wasn't going to stop anytime soon, he didn't have an umbrella and his house was a good distance from where he currently was. ing great, it was only his second day here and everything was getting off to a bad start, per-ing-fect.

"You need an umbrella?"

It was amazing how this little thing called fate works, because some people in life were destined to be a part of your life, walking in aimless circles and squares and all sorts of different shapes until you meet, they will constantly appear here and there, and once you finally set eyes on each other, they don't ever leave.

Glancing up at the sudden male voice, Baekhyun lifted an eyebrow as his glance settled on a tall male leaning against the counter of the shop whom he didn't notice earlier, he didn't return his glance, only focused his attention on the small pot of flowers he was t, scissor in hand, soft brown hair falling in front of his face in concentration as he continued, seeing how Baekhyun didn't reply.

"It's raining pretty bad out there." The stranger's deep voice startled Baekhyun, as he didn't quite expect someone with such an innocent looking baby face could hold a voice that deep and manly, but he figured he should probably get used to the contrast between appearance and person after knowing Sehun.

"I noticed." A little self conscious even though he didn't know why, Baekhyun replied curtly but quietly with a small nod of his head, eyes unconsciously trailing over the male. Tall and definitely a looker, he stopped himself when he realized that he was checking the stranger out. It was strange, in the entire seventeen years of his existence, Baekhyun never got nervous, especially around people, attractive or not, he was the one to make others nervous, not the other way around. But under the presence of this particular male t a pot of purple flowers he faintly registered as lilacs, and only now realizing that he entered a florist shop, Baekhyun suddenly felt small, wordless, and nervous, very nervous.

Noticing the lack of response from the sudden intruder, Chanyeol eventually lifted his glance from the flowers to the male standing in front of the doorway, all drenched in the rain and turning slightly purple from the absence of heat, chewing his bottom lip a little in concentration and contemplation, he stood up from his bench and disappeared for mere seconds into a separate room, coming back with a large hoodie in one hand, a towel and a cup of hot tea in the other as he made his way to the front of the florist shop and tossed the piece of clothing and fabric at the smaller male.

"Put that on if you don't want to catch a cold, and here's a towel to dry yourself. Don't stand in the doorway, it's warmer inside." Shooting instructions after instructions at the stranger, Chanyeol nodded towards a small chair at the side of the room before handing the cup of tea towards the other and settled back down on his own stool, re-focusing his attention towards the pot of purple lilacs. Murmuring an almost inaudible "thanks", Baekhyun shoved the hoodie over his head, not particularly surprised at how large the hoodie was over his petite frame compared to the male and shuffled to the chair, wiping himself down with the towel and ruffling his hair dry as he did so. For quite a while, the shop was almost silent except for the constant steady downpour of the rain outside and the clean, sharp 'snip, snip, snip' from the scissors as it shaped the previously rough pot of flowers into something more than presentable. The silence wasn't uncomfortable nor awkward, and Baekhyun found himself intrigued in the other's work as pots and pots of plants and flowers were skillfully cut into a piece of artwork rather than a pot of dirt and earth, and before either of them knew it, the rain had stopped and the sun was beginning to peak out behind dark clouds.

Baekhyun noticed the change first and immediately stood up, by now, his cup of tea was long gone and the dry towel he had first been presented with was now damp with water, but the hoodie was only warmer than before due to the natural body heat he produced after a while of sitting down in the warm, heated shop. Awkwardly walking over to the male still glued on the stool, he settled the cup of tea and the towel on a free space on the table filled with pots, loose leaves and petals before beginning to take off the hoodie but was soon interrupted by the other's voice.

"Keep the hoodie, it's still pretty cold outside and your shirt is probably still wet. You can return it to me some other day." Giving one last cut at a pot of roses, Chanyeol stood up and brushed off the dirt off from his apron before settling his gaze back towards Baekhyun, this time, offering just the smallest of a smile.

"But I don't want to cause anymore trouble after already bothering you this much." Baekhyun argued back, trying to come off across strong and determined but his words stumbled after each other in urgency, he blamed it entirely on that smile. Damn that smile.

"Keep it."

"Thanks." Muttering his gratitude, Baekhyun clutched the hem of the hoodie and hesitantly turned around, walking towards the exit slowly, telling himself that the least he can do is walk properly. Left, right Baekhyun, left right. It seemed like eternity before he finally reached the door way and stopped in his steps, swiveling around only to see that the male had followed him out.

"Well, uhm, thanks again. You really didn't have to do this but-" Stopping himself before he can embarrass himself even further, Baekhyun gulped quietly and dared to look at the stranger in the eye. Mistake. The other's big, brown eyes only made him even more nervous. Get yourself together Baekhyun, jesus. "Y-yeah. Thanks. I'm Baekhyun by the way, Byun Baekhyun."

"Park Chanyeol." The taller male replied curtly with a quick nod, seemingly uninterested, cold and nonchalant. 

"Well, it was, uh, nice to meet you Chanyeol-ssi. Thanks for all this again, I-I really appreciate it." Breaking off to a small, nervous smile, Baekhyun immediately gave a bow to the stranger named Park Chanyeol and stepped outside of the shop, only to turn back his head once again and offered a small wave in farewell before breaking off to a small jog back home.

It didn't come across to him that Chanyeol was the boy on the bike that he saw for a fleeting second when he first came, and it didn't come across to him that a simple cup of tea, a piece of cloth and an oversized hoodie set flames to the many more years to come. Because at that moment, Baekhyun's thought process was simple, all he wanted to do was to meet this Park Chanyeol again, to figure out why he was nervous, why he felt his heart pounding each time the other spared a glance his way.

hello there lovely readers, after a short prologue, the first chapter is finally posted. sorry for the possible grammar and spelling mistakes, didn't have time to check it over and sorry it's more on the short side, i promise longer chapters next time. thanks for subscribing, upvoting and commenting, even though it isn't much, it does mean a lot to me that there are people out there reading this. also, i want to thank kpopalltime at her graphic shop paragraphia for making the amazing poster and background, it's beautiful, i love it, so thanks again. ; u ; i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i'll speak to you again soon! love, ecrire.

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Julietrose76 #1
Chapter 2: chanyeol seems so mysterious to me, i really don't know what he's thinking, but it really makes him interesting. and baekhyun is so cute, getting flustered over him ^^ this chapter was really good btw~ i'm excited for the future updates c:
Update soon! :)
Julietrose76 #3
This is really amazing so far ^^ the way you use the words and make them flow like that, it's really wonderful.