The kiss

His dark secret

Today's playlist :P

XXXY - Flower                  
Natural+ - So real             
Got7 - Playground             
J rabbit - Sleep is gently coming


Today was Sunday and Min Yeon had no intentions of waking up until her brother, Kim Jin Yeon, walked into the room and told her there was someone for her. Without waiting for Min Yeon to give any kind of reaction he let in the guest, turns out the guest was Jungkook.

Kim Yeon quickly scrambled her blankets together and quickly covered herself up. She didn’t sleep , but she didn’t want him to see her childish, hello kitty pyjama. She turned red and looked down.

Jungkook simply said “Get dressed quickly, sleepyhead. I have something planned for you.”

Kim Min Yeon opened  her closet and decided to wear a denim overall with a graphic tee and her only pair of high heels. She was feeling kind of fancy today and was hoping Jungkook liked her outfit.
But Jungkook didn’t seem to pay a lot of attention to her outfit and grabbed her wrist, dragging her outside.

“Where are we going?” Min Yeon said curiously.
“You’ll see.” Jungkook said pushing her into the car.

Min Yeon decided to close her eyes while in the car, without noticing she fell asleep again. Jungkook woke up her up by softly pushing against her arm. “You really are a sleepyhead!” He said as he walked inside a coffee shop. Min Yeon quickly got out of the car so she could catch up with him.

She walked into the coffee shop and saw Jungkook walk upstairs, she quickly followed and sat down next to Jungkook. “We’ll have more privacy here.” He said.
“What was so urgent that you had to wake me up so early.” She said sharply.
“First of all, it was 1PM and second, because I wanted to spend some time together.” He said looking at her cutely. Min Yeon looked away as she could feel herself blushing.
Jungkook turned her head his way by putting his hand under her chin.

Min Yeon noticed Jungkook coming closer so she said “Should we order something? I’m hungry.” Jungkook quickly scratched the back of his head. They way he did so kind of reminded her of the way Zelo did after he had first run into her.

“What do you want?” Jungkook said quickly recovering.
“A piece a chocolate cake and ... ehm... Caramel macchiato.” She said smilling at him. Jungkook quickly gave the waitress their order and then sighed.


“What’s wrong?” She said concerned.
“Nothing.” He said sharply.

After the food and drinks arrived she decided to eat your cake slowly and enjoy it while Jungkook ate it quickly. He was finished when she had only half eaten her cake. He quickly signed a waitress and paid the check.

“I’ve gotta go.” MinYeon looked at him surprised.
“Why?” She asked curiously.

But Jungkook didn’t even bother to answer and just said “I’ll call you.”

Now MinYeon was left all alone with her cake and coffee. She sighed, grabbed her cellphone and quickly dialled a number.
“Hello?” A voice at the other side of the line said. Hearing this voice immediately made her smile uncontrollably.  
“Hey, it’s Min Yeon we met the other day. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out..”
“Sure, I’ve got a day of so where do you want to meet?” She started thinking and eventually said she wanted to go to the park.
“Alright I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Then he quickly hung up. The person she called was Zelo from B.A.P.. She didn’t even bother to finish her cake and coffee, instead she quickly went downstairs and quickly walked to the park. It wasn’t far but she still felt the need to hurry up.

Once Min Yeon arrived at the park, she saw he wasn’t there yet. So she used the time to make sure she looked okay. When she was done she took a deep breath and all she could do was wait. Zelo showed up after ten minutes with a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry if I am late.” He said while bowing.
“You weren’t late, I was early.” She said smiling at him.
“Alright.” He said laughing a little. “You look good today.” He said smiling, looking at her from tip to toe.
“Thank you.” She said, ‘finally, someone who noticed’ she thought.
“Are you dressed like that for me or was there another occasion?” He said slightly tilting his head.
“Ehm... I was actually going to a coffee shop with a friend, but they left all of sudden...” Min Yeon said cutely while pouting.
“Awh... Don’t worry, I won’t leave you alone.” She could hear this wasn’t the answer he was hoping for, but he did sound genuine when he said he wouldn’t leave her alone.
“So... You want to take a walk?” She said.


Zelo smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically. They started walking and after a while Min Yeon felt Zelo had grabbed her hand. She could only imagine what the two of them looked like now. A young couple walking hand in hand, most people must have thought they were an actual couple. Min Yeon smiled at Zelo, who was only a bit taller than him.

“I was wondering ... where you were from.”Zelo obviously wanted to say something else but quickly changed his question. “You obviously aren’t from Korea.”
“I’m from Europe.” She said trying to dodge the question.
“From which country, I meant.” Different to Jungkook it seemed as if Zelo actually was curious about her.

“The Netherlands, A small country next to England.” She quickly added the last sentence, knowing he wouldn’t have known it otherwise.
“A-ha...” Zelo said. “That explains your looks.” He said while nervously laughing.
“You don’t have a girlfriend, right?” Min Yeon said looking up to Zelo. If he wasn’t going to ask it, she would.
“No.” He said while blushing, he turned his so she wouldn’t notice.

”Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked shyly, rubbing the back of his head. MinYeon thought he looked super cute doing so and she could feel herself fall in love more and more with everything he did.
“No, I don’t.” She said, smiling at Zelo. She could feel herself blushing, but frankly she didn’t really care.
“You’re cute.” Zelo said all of a sudden. She felt she was getting even more red than she already was. “Thank you.” She said softly.


Min Yeon looked at her watch and noticed it was already getting late.
“I should start going home.” She said when she suddenly stopped walking.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Zelo said, looking around, hoping she would say yes.
“Yes, please.” She smiled, nodding a little. Zelo held her hand again and she noticed his hands had gotten sweatier.

After they were about two blocks away from her house, her left heel broke off.
“Aish...” Min Yeon said, taking off her broken shoe while leaning against Zelo.
Zelo laughed a little, he then lifted her, bridal style.
“Thank you.” Min Yeon said looking at him, smiling at him. She just realised how she had never been this close to a guy without feeling awkward.

With MinYeon as a GPS Zelo carried her home and put her down as they reached the front porch.
“Thank you for carrying me home.” She said whilst moving taking a step closer to him.
“Anytime.”He said leaning closer, wrapping his arm around her waist.

She bit her lip softly as if it was an invitation for his lips to touch hers. Then Zelo slowly came closer and before they both even realised, their lips touched. Zelo lips were incredibly soft and Min Yeon closed her eyes for a second. This was her first kiss and although it only took two seconds, she was sure she would never forget about this moment. Zelo was the first one to pull back.

He took a step back and smiled. “Bye” She returned his goodbye and just before she was about to go inside he said. “And let me call you this time!” He said.
She laughed a little and finally went inside, throwing her heels onto the ground.

I’m sorry if this was cheesy. lol.
Just so y’all know, it won’t go any further than kissing since I’m kind of underaged. So yeah.

Hello everyone! I hoped you like this story, if you did please upvote and subscribe to this story. If you didn't please tell me what I could do better! <3

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Chapter 8: what the end of ths story??
Chapter 7: why did zelo break up with her..? They just kissed right..? They not dating right? But why zelo speak sound like they are couple.? And at last she with jungkook? Without say yes to be gf of jongkook..?? Aigoo im confiused.. Ottokae..??
Chapter 6: Omfg don't tell me Zelo knows about Jungkook and Minyeon. And why am I the only one commenting now? .___. I seem like a crazy person like this...
Chapter 2: *Spoiler alert for others*
LOL Those gifts were better than expected
Chapter 1: If he actually gets her that I'm going to laugh
mariamolekun #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^