That season.


New school. New environment. New family. 

One brother. Two personalities. Three homes. Four seasons. Five strangers.



Age: 18

Personality: Shy in real, outgoing online. 

Appearance: Has the looks of female idols. Pretty. Able to catch every men's attention. 

Description: Smart, getting first in the whole school, just like her brother. Most girls are jealous of her due to her prettiness and cleverness. Got scholarship like her brother thus sent to Seoul to study.

Family: Parents, in Chang Won. Brother, Cha Hak Yeon, in Seoul.



Age: 20

Personality: Serious at times. Annoying most of the time. Likes to annoy Taek Woon the most.

Appearance: Easily recognised as a dancer as his outfits are often oversized shirts and baggy pants. Handsome and has the potential to take over the KingKa place which has been empty for a while.

Description: Smart, getting first in the whole school. Always hung his head low hoping people would not notice him. Got scholarship thus sent to Seoul to study.

Family: Parents, in Chang Won. Sister, Cha Min Yeon, used to be in Chang Won but came to Seoul.



Age: 20

Personality: As long as he's in public, poker face will be his only facial expression. Quite a dork when privately with the other boys from the clique.

Appearance: Looks fierce, making everyone avoid him. If possible, his stares could literally kill someone. Handsome and has the potential to take over the KingKa place which has been empty for a while.

Description: Intelligence not losing to Hak Yeon, getting second in the whole school, with a slight score difference due to his careless mistakes, everytime. May seem that he never cares about what happen around him but actually, he does pay attention to them. Really hate getting disturbed by Hak Yeon but couldn't bear to scold him. 

Family: Parents & Three older sisters.



Age: 20

Personality: Serious at times. A dork most of the times. Likes to annoy Taek Woon too, but doesn't dare to cross the line.

Appearance: At first look, he looks like a Western due to his sharp nose. 

Description: He has a secret talent which not many people know and if they know, he will instantly become the highlight of the whole school, thus he always try not to show it to the public. 

Family: Parents & One older brother.



Age: 19

Personality: When he starts on something, he will not stop even if someone asks him to unless if....... he fell asleep.

Appearance: Ugly at first glance (A/N: I'M A VIXX STAN NO WORRIES) but is actually handsome if you look at him longer.

Description: He can sleep, literally anywhere. On the bed, on the floor, on the chair, in class, while watching a musical, or even while scolding someone. He's actually quite rich for the fact that he earns 1 million for every song he writes, thus he's always the person who pays for meals or anything, unless if it was super expensive or the boys insist that they will pay for their own part.

Family: Parents & One younger sister.



Age: 19

Personality: Never liked to study and never have to since his intelligence is enough for him to just get a pass for every exam. Quiet and awkward around crowds.

Appearance: Like a guy who just walked out from manga, like an angel who just dropped from the sky. 

Description: He actually likes it when people calls him "pretty face" or "handsome boy", although he always denies it. Cares about his brother more than anything. Always covering his face with a mask or in hood since he doesn't really like crowds and he knows that by showing his face, girls would be attracted to him.

Family: Parents and adopted brother, Han Sang Hyuk.



Age: 18

Personality: Can't go a day without reading his textbooks. He's not a nerd, he just likes studying. Quiet and awkward around crowds, due to Hong Bin's influence. However, even though he likes studying, he still takes time off it and talk to people online. 

Appearance: His small eyes are his special features. Looks like a kid with that baby face of his.

Description: His parents left him at the Lee's house when he was just 3, telling him that they have to go overseas to settle some important stuffs for a while, however, did not return until now. He do not hate them, though, because the Lee family always tell him that they have not forgotten him and will be back one day to fetch him. 

Family: Parents, foster parents and foster brother, Lee Hong Bin.


Hi everyone ^-^

As you can see this is my first fanfic (or maybe second since I gave up on my first one), so please forgive me if it isn't very good or what.

I had a serious writer's block at description, I mean because description literally means first impression so it must be good right? So yeah I had a serious writer's block and I was stuck at chapter one for two whole weeks. I'll try to update often but please try to give me some ideas on how to continue since my ideas are very shallow and it always get stuck somewhere, somehow. 

I hope this story will be good enough for me to continue and hope everyone will like it! ^^

P/S: English is my first language but.... I'm one of the english failures in class so please understand if there's grammar mistakes anywhere. Thank you. ㅠ_ㅜ 


Plagiarism not intended. Any similarities is merely due to coincidence.

I do not own any of the characters mentioned. Ages are not according to their real age.



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