Chapter 3

Is this True Love?
Soon, New Year’s Eve came around, and you and all the B.A.P members gathered by the Han River to watch the fireworks. Counting down from ten, you all were awestruck when beautiful colors littered the sky and created images. Right when the fireworks went off, you turned your head and caught Zelo staring at you. “Gwenchana, Zelo oppa?” you asked him.
“Huh?” his face turned confused before he nodded to reassure you, “Oh, ne. Waeyo?”
“You kept starting at me. Did you want to say something?” you looked at him curiously. He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment for being caught staring but gives you a cute beam, “Yeah, I do. Saranghae.” With that, he pulls you into a tight hug. Your face turned red; however, you returned the hug, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face into his jacket. He pulls away short afterward, only to rest his forehead on yours. With a small yet cheesy smile on his face, he leans towards you and gives you a soft kiss, causing you to feel butterflies flutter in your stomach as your lips touched. You slightly smiled into the kiss as you kissed back, enjoying the feeling whenever he was with you. It was as though you two were meant for each other, as though you two were meant to be together for eternity.
After the kiss was broken, you gave him a smile, “Saranghae, oppa. Neomu saranghae.” After a while, you hesitated, “Oppa, can you promise me something?”
“Anything you want,” he confirmed, his arms wrapped your torso firmly as your back was flush against his chest. “Promise me that you’ll stay by my side and never leave me,” you whispered, staring at the fireworks in the sky. He rested his chin on your shoulder, whispering into your ear, “I promise.”
Hearing his promise made your heart ease in relief; it made you feel safe and reassured.
“Hye Soo,” Yongguk called out, causing you to turn your head towards him, “Yeah, hyung?”
“Hyung?” Yongguk raised an eyebrow in amusement, “You’re not a boy.”
“I know,” you shrugged, “but I am a tomboy. I always wanted to call someone hyung.”
“You’re funny,” Yongguk chortled, “We’re going to get you some food. Wait here, alright?”
“She can’t be by herself,” Zelo frowned in distaste, “What if someone kidnaps her?”
“I’ll be fine,” you reassured him, giving him a small smile, “Even if anything happens, I’ll beat him up.” They murmured in agreement before Jongup spoke up, “Okay, let’s bounce.”
The six left to go get food, but really…
“Okay, so we need to do something for Hye Soo’s birthday on February 13th,” Yongguk stated. Zelo frowned, “I was going to go on a date with her that day.”
“Go on Valentine’s Day,” Yongguk stated a bit bluntly. Zelo sighed, “Alright.”
January past by like a breeze, and soon, it was the day of your birthday. You were slightly disappointed that the B.A.P members didn’t wish you a happy birthday. However, Zelo called you that evening. “Yoboseyo?” you asked.
“Jagiya,” Zelo answered, faking a cough. You frowned, “Oppa, gwenchana? You sound sick.”
“I think I caught a cold,” he sighed, sniffling, “Can you come over?”
“Of course,” you quickly said, grabbing your keys and wallet, “I’ll be over soon.”
“Gomawo, jagiya,” he coughed and let out a heavy sigh, “See you soon.” After hanging up, Zelo sighed. Even though you said you were going to come over in a bit, you took forever to do your hair, so he guessed that you would be over in about an hour at least.
In the meantime, the rest of the B.A.P members were busy decorating and putting up hidden cameras to record the memories. Himchan and Youngjae made a matoki-shaped cake. Since all the members had a separate color to differentiate themselves, they made you a purple matoki. You meant a lot to B.A.P; besides Zelo, they were practically your family.
You arrived in front of their dorm around 8 P.M. You were curious as to why it was so quiet in the dorm, considering that they always made a ruckus whenever you came over. With thoughts that the members were out and Zelo was sleeping, you took out your spare key and unlocked the door, pushing it open to allow you inside. Once you closed the door and the lights, everyone appeared from their hiding spots and shouted, “Surprise!”
You were shocked, completely speechless from the surprise birthday party they planned for you. Feeling the gratefulness seep into your heart, you began to shed tears. “Aw, baby, don’t cry,” Zelo cooed, taking your face into his hands as he wiped your tears away gently, “I’m sorry I lied to you about being sick, but it was for something important after all.”
“I’m not upset,” you sniffled, letting out a slight chuckle of insecurity, “I’m just really grateful. I thought you guys forgot, so I was going to book a plane ticket and fly out to the states and meet up with a few friends.”
“You mean these friends?” Yongguk asked with a grin, signaling for somebody to come out. You were surprised, “Woobin! Yi Jung! Goo Jun Pyo! What are you guys doing here?”
“I thought their names were Aeri, Bora, and Sueri?” Jongup asked with a lost expression on his face. You chuckled, “They are, but we used to roleplay as F4 of Boys Over Flowers in high school.” Jongup nodded in understanding afterwards.
“I’m guessing you’re Jihoo,” Daehyun guessed. You grinned, “Chyeah~!”
“That’s my line!” Yongguk playfully glared at you, causing you to make a face, “Mehrong~ I said it. Chyeah~” Everyone laughed.
Time flew by quickly, but the surprise wasn’t over yet. “Do you know why they’re here?” Youngjae asked.
“The real reason?” Himchan added.
You looked between them and your friends curiously, “No, why?”
“We flew them here because you and your friends are going to train under TS,” Zelo explained, before giving you a sheepish/guilty smile, “I took your phone a few weeks back and told them that they were going to be given a chance to be in the k-pop industry.”
“No way!” you gaped at them in surprise, “Really!?”
“Yes way!” Bora grinned and nodded.
Yongguk chuckled, “We had them sing or dance in front of CEO Kim and he approved of our idea.”
“You all are going to be in a band together,” Himchan said. Jongup nodded, “You’ll be kind of like a branch off of our group.”
“We’re going to called Ultimate Four,” Bora said happily with a grin.
“Oh, no way.” You were still in disbelief. You didn’t know what to feel.
“You still all have to be trained for at least two years or so,” Yongguk stated, “Unless something comes up.”
At that point, you didn’t really mind the tough training. You were just happy and thankful that the members allowed you and your friends to have this opportunity. After the talk, you all went to eat Korean BBQ, and the night was filled with joy and laughter.
“Hey Hye Soo,” Zelo said, catching your attention. You looked at him inquiringly, “Ne, oppa?”
“Close your eyes and turn around,” he said with a smile. You did what you were told, waiting patiently before feeling something cold land around your neck. You opened your eyes and looked down, seeing a necklace with a ring on it. Examining the ring, it had PHS ♥ CJH carved on it. “I love it, Zelo,” you thanked him, giving him a smile, “Gomawo.”
“I have mines, too,” he said, pulling out his necklace with a ring that had CJH ♥ PHS carved on it. “If I’m ever away and you miss me,” he whispered, pulling you close, “hold onto the necklace and think of me.”
“I will,” you replied, causing him to smile as he pulled you into a hug. When he pulled away, he leaned down, pressing his lips on yours to give you a soft yet passionate kiss. “Park Hye Soo, naekkeoya. I will forever be yours, no matter what happens.”
“I’m forever yours as well,” you replied with a shy smile. He leads you to a park afterwards, and you can see the faint outline of a picnic blanket on the ground. You both lie down and gazed at the stars. Unknowingly to you and Zelo, the clock struck twelve, and a shooting star ran across the sky. The two of you made a wish that the other will be always be happy and that the two of you will be together forever.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Zelo whispered, giving you a smile. You smiled back, “Happy Valentine’s Day, oppa.” Zelo pulls out a couple of blankets in a backpack that he brought with him and placed the blankets on top of the both of you. Zelo fell asleep first, murmuring in his sleep, “Saranghae, Hye Soo. I love you so much that I would die if you left my side.”
You heard him and cuddled closer, a content smile on your face.
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Chapter 5: Naaawwww I feel bad and angry at zelo -_-
hermeh #2
Love the fic! Please read mine? :)