Can't Stop, Won't Stop


“How’s the preparation doing?” Onew asked as they were eating breakfast. It’s been two weeks since Minho has told him that he’s planning to propose soon. Luna also had the knowledge about it.

But the biggest news for them was, Onew finally allowed Luna to go the hospital to work, give she’ll go three times a week and they’ll eat lunch together…. Nothing is greater than his decision.

“I’m taking it slowly but surely, I want it to be a perfect event for Sulli.” Minho replied with a smile. He’s been spending some free time in order to organize his event for her.

“I’m sure she’ll like it, my best friend has always loved your events.” Luna encouraged, they know that Minho is being restless about it.

“I really hope so.” Minho replied.




Sulli was surprised to the sudden visitor in her shop.

“Luna!” she squealed upon seeing her pregnant best friend.

“How’s the shop doing?” Luna asked as Sulli guided her to the couch.

“Everything is doing fine, how are you?” Sulli replied as she signaled one of her staff to bring out some snacks.

“I’m bored in the house since I can’t go to the hospital now… so I asked our driver to bring me here.” Luna then got a magazine form the center table and started to browse it.

“But you sure are happy after Onew allowed you to go back to work… three times a week is enough for you future mommy… don’t get stressed out too much.” Sulli said with a smile as she handed her a glass of juice which just made Luna giggle.


“Ms. Sulli excuse me, we have already set the gown in the mannequin.” One of her staff said as they opened the curtain to let Sulli view the gown, and ofcourse Luna. It was a ball gown type of wedding gown with a lot of sequins. It looked totally glamorous in Luna’s eyes.

“Okay then we’ll put final touches tomorrow. Have it settle there first.” Sulli instructed as she faced Luna.

“I just need to check on something in my office.” Sulli said as she stood up but Luna followed which made her garner a look.

“Why? I’m not a handicapped, I can walk you know.” Luna snapped as she followed after her which just made her laugh, her best friend can really have a temper at times.


“So Ssul, whose wedding gown was that?” Luna asked as she sat infront of Sulli’s working table.

“It’s a gown for a wedding to happen a week from now. We also handled the whole entourage so it was a bit busy day since last week but good thing everything was settled immediately.” Sulli replied as she checked on her final design to think if there are missing touches on the gown.

“Looking at the gown, the bride must really be proud to actually wear such a ball gown.” Luna complimented as she thought about the gown earlier.

“She really is, she was really giddy when they went here and when I started asking her about the gown she wanted to have… her husband was all support and even asked if we can put some diamonds but she declined saying that it’ll just make the people stare at her gown and not her…. They were such an adorable couple.” Sulli can clearly remember her encounter on the future newlyweds the other day which made her smile as she scribbled some notes.

“How about you Ssul?” Luna suddenly asked.

“How about me what?”

“Do you have your dream gown? I mean, I know you have, what’s the use of your work if you don’t right?” Luna asked which made Sulli face her.

“Actually I do.” Sulli replied.

“Really? Can I see it?” Luna got excited.

“But I haven’t drafted it yet, I just wanted to have it in my mind…. Not until the right time comes.” Sulli replied with a smile. It was her choice not to draft it; she didn’t want to go ahead of things.

“Aww… but when do you think is the right time?” Luna asked, hoping that Minho won’t be disappointed if he’ll hear Sulli’s answer.

“Hmmm…. When I’m ready?”

“Then when are you ready?” Luna was anxious, she have to make sure or else, Minho’s effort would be wasted… though she knows that her best friend won’t let it happen.

“When the right time comes.” Sulli replied with a giggle.

“You’re playing in circles with me here Ssul… but really are you ready? If not…. Then when?” This time, Luna faced her as she made an eye contact.

“Truth is, I can’t really say if when I’ll be ready and all… but I believe it’ll just happen... I don’t want to go ahead of things… I’ll wait for it… I’m willing to wait.” Sulli replied with a smile which somehow brought Luna hope… and a clue.

Her best friend is actually ready… and just waiting for the right time…

Or just waiting for Minho to do his more?

‘Just wait for a little more, best friend, it’ll happen.’ Luna thought as she smiled at her.






“My baby seemed to get prettier each day.” Minho complimented as he stared at her while they were waiting for dinner. He surprised Sulli when he suddenly showed up in her shop asking her to go on a dinner date.


“Ofcourse I have too…. My CEO boyfriend is too dashing so it would be appropriate for the girlfriend to look pretty.” Sulli ride on with a giggle which made Minho chuckle.

He then reached for hand on the table and kissed it tenderly.

“You don’t have to try to do anything…. I love my baby the way she is.”

And that perfectly made Sulli blush. In their almost third year of relationship, here is her boyfriend still acting all so cheesy on her as if they’re just starting.


“And what has my baby eaten to act this way?” Sulli asked with a smile.

“Why can’t I act this way?” Minho asked with a pout which Sulli really finds adorable. His cuteness really shows when he’s with her… and that’s one thing that makes Sulli happy… for she’s sure that he never shows this to others… a bit possessive on that note.


“Stop that pout Mr. CEO.” Sulli said as pointed on is lips… but to her surprise, Minho even acted as if he was going to bite her finger which made her pull it immediately. It made Minho have a good laugh.

“You really…. Tsss…” this time, it’s her time to pout which made Minho rich for her face and give a soft pinch.

“Yah!” she snapped but was obviously taken aback, Minho really acts sweet when they’re together which makes her fall for him more.

“I love you baby.” And there is his out of blue confessions that she already have knew more than three years ago.

“I love you too baby.” Sulli replied with a pout as she held his hand…. It seemed like the food was taking forever to arrive for them to do such cheesiness.







It’s a usual office day for Minho as he was reading some reports when his secretary entered his office.

“Sir, I received a call from your uncle.” She started.

“What is it?”

“He’s asking for a schedule with you over dinner.” She replied.

“What for?” Minho obviously has no plan in entertaining his uncle over dinner or it would just ruin his day…. And yes that’s who he despise seeing him.

“He didn’t say anything when I asked him… he just told me to schedule it.” The secretary replied.

Minho took a deep breath first to clear his thoughts.

“What’s my schedule for that time?”

“You’re free after six sir, he’s asking for a seven o’clock dinner.” His secretary informed him as he scribbled some notes.

“Okay, schedule it and confirm it to him… tell him to just text me the place.” Minho instructed which his secretary immediately noted.



Minho was about to go back to what he was reading when his phone rang, a call from his baby.

“Hello baby, miss me?” he playfully asked as he hear her giggle on the other line.

“Too full of yourself CEO Minho… I just called because I need to tell you something.” Sulli replied when her giggle died down.

“What is it?”

“Your uncle called me and asked me for a dinner… he said that you’ll be around.” Sulli informed him which made him adjust his sitting position.

Why would his uncle invite Sulli in the first place?

Yes, his family loves her so much… but for his uncle to ask her for dinner with him… that’s something.

“What did you say?”

“I said-“



“Mr. Minho, the sponsors are in the conference room.” His secretary suddenly popped out from the door who immediately said sorry but Minho signaled that it’s okay and he’s going.


“Baby do me a favor, tell him you’ll not go… I’ll just meet with him. I need to go now baby, I still have a meeting.” Minho cut her off.

“But baby-“


The line was cut, Minho immediately checked his phone just to find it dead bat.

“Great.” He cussed as he stood up and buttoned his suit… he was sure that Sulli would follow what he said. Not that he’s controlling her, but he didn’t want her to be the center of attraction of his uncle who doesn’t know anything but to find his faults.






“What to do now?” Sulli pouted as she sat on the couch. She was about to call back Minho’s uncle when she was surprised to see someone enter her shop….


The most unexpected guest….


Minho’s uncle.





Minho was on his way to his uncle’s table when he was surprised to see a lady figure sitting infront of him.


And he perfectly knows who it is.



“You’re here.” He managed to say when he arrived infront of them.


Sulli’s smile vanished upon seeing Minho’s face…. He’s fuming.


“Oh Minho you’re here, come and have a seat, we’ve been waiting for you to start dinner.” His uncle said as he gestured him to sit beside Sulli.


He first eyed his uncle then Sulli who was looking at him intently.

“Actually uncle, me and Sulli needs to go somewhere, I’m sorry for not informing you ahead of time.” Minho suddenly said which made Sulli’s jaw drop.


“What I-“

“Let’s go Ssul, we need to get going or we’ll be late.” Minho said as he touched Sulli’s wrist, signaling her to stand.

“Oh is that so? Aren’t you going to stay for atleast dinner?”

“I’m sorry uncle, we have to go.” Minho replied as he lightly pulled Sulli to come with him. Sulli wasn’t able to pay respect to the elder as Minho started walking ahead of her… she didn’t have a choice but to follow… she can clearly say that he’s mad… really mad.




“Baby I’m sorry.” Sulli managed to say while they are inside the car. Since the drive started, Minho wasn’t speaking… she also has just gathered the courage to talk.

But Minho didn’t reply.


“Minho please…. I know you said that-“


“Let’s talk about that later Sulli, I’m driving.” Minho replied bluntly… Sulli closed her eyes to suppress her tears from falling… she knows that she has a fault in this situation… and the way Minho said her name… he’s mad.








“Minho I’m-“



“Ssul I asked you… I told you not to come… I asked you a favor… you know I seldom ask that… but you didn’t listen to it.” Minho cut her off as they entered her house. He still brought her home even though they’re not in good terms now…. And good thing Sulli’s parents was out for dinner or they would hear their sudden commotion.


“I know Minho, that’s why I’m saying sorry…. I wanted to call him to say I’m not going but he just showed up in my shop saying that he came to fetch me.” Sulli explained.


“You could have called me… our call ended because my battery went empty but I immediately had it charged… you could text me… or call me to tell me what he did.” Minho can’t find the point of his anger…. But he’s just feeling furious now.


“You know that I can’t do it anymore…. As much as I wanted to do your favor, I can’t do it infront of him… he personally came to fetch me… how can I decline?! How can I even call you if I know you’re busy?!” Sulli suddenly found herself burst…. She tried to hold it back since she knows it was her fault… but Minho seemed to be closing his ears to listen to her.


“you do know that I’m not in good terms with him… I don’t want you to be involved… I don’t want him to find something on you and use it against me… I’m afraid that he’ll talk to you about none sense… I’m afraid that he might-“


“And you think I’ll listen to that?! You think that if he’ll talk bad anything against you I won’t say a thing?! I won’t defend you?! You think so Minho?! Then you don’t know me well.” Sulli snapped as she finally got his point.

He’s afraid that his uncle might bad mouth him infront of her…. Which didn’t even happen.


“Sulli listen, my uncle… you do know that I really could feel him holding grudges against me… I just don’t want you to be involved… please listen.” Minho’s voice somehow died down as it sounded pleading as he took several steps towards her… but Sulli stepped back.


“I have never thought that we’re fighting over this petty thing Minho.”


“This is not petty Ssul-“


“Yes it is! Your ego is hitting on you big time… you’re afraid that your uncle might say bad things about you infront of me…. And you clearly think that I’ll listen to it?! You clearly think that I’ll believe it? Didn’t I once promise you that I’ll only listen to you?! I thought you heard it…. Or was I just talking to the air?!” Sulli cut her off… she’s spatting everything out… she suddenly felt disappointed over Minho’s behavior… she also got embarrassed to Minho’s uncle because of what he did… she’s having a mix of emotion now.


“But Sulli, what I’m trying to point out here is I asked you a favor and you didn’t listen to it… I asked you not to come with him… is it that hard? And yes my ego is hitting on me big time now… I don’t want him to speak about anything against me infront of you… he can do it to others but not you!”


“Well then maybe I’m just too respectful to elders that I can’t manage to reject their offer… maybe I’m just too caught up with the situation that I needed to choose… and guess what? I choose to do what’s right… and that is to cater the request of someone whom I though is important to the one I love… he’s a family afterall… but maybe my perception was wrong. I also said my sorry… it’s up to you if you’ll accept it or not.” Sulli can’t find the heart to soften now… she’s too disappointed… very-very disappointed.




“Let’s cut it here Minho… we’re both fuming and we can’t settle this now I believe… you do know the exit… I’m going up.” Sulli cut him off… she knows that she can’t afford another round of conversation or she’ll lost it… her tears are already breaming and she doesn’t want to cry infront of him… not now… he’s too preoccupied with his own ego.


Minho massaged his face until his hair as he looked at Sulli who was going upstairs… he wanted to stop her… everything seemed to be just pouring into him… it was his fault… he knows it was his.


“Oh… you might just want to know…” Sulli suddenly spoke in the middle of the staircase.


“Your uncle actually scheduled that dinner to ask me to design the gown for your cousin’s debut.” And with that, she directly went to her room and even shut the door… a signal for Minho to leave.


His pride might also be working now… they’re in a fight and he can’t find the heart to reconcile with her immediately… he can’t find the heart to say it was his fault… all because of pride.






As soon as Sulli entered her room… she felt her energy was all gone as she slump her body to her bed… and it cued her tears to fall. She pulled one of her pillow and started to hug it in frustration…


She can’t believe that they have just fought…


Not the first...


But might be one of the biggest fights.








End of chapter eight.


HOW WAS IT? -_____-


You, yes you... you know who you are :p Here is chapter eight. I hope.... uhm.... oh well. ehehehehhe...


comments? :)


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updated, chpater 12, Can't stop, won't stop :)


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#neverforget missing your stories abt SHINee & Khuntoria hahaha
korinna26 #2
Chapter 18: I❤ur story ,^^ best couple ever:)
mimikonoch #3
Chapter 18: This is indeed great! perfect !!! hoping for a epilogue
minsulic #4
Chapter 18: I like this story. It was so light and heartwarming. Great story Author-nim!:)
alisson #5
Chapter 18: the ending was amazing, beautiful and touching. you did such a great works, authornim. can you write a epilogue for this ff? can?
mama1424 #6
Chapter 18: Yhank you it's a nice story but deserve an epilogue
Chapter 18: Wah such a beautiful yet touching ending.
So sad it has to end here for now.
Ever since I've started to read this ff I had a prediction that this would be a wonderful story and I was never wrong!

Please continue to make more wonderful stories for your fellow readers to read.

Thank you so much for this remarkable touching story.
Take care, till next time! :>
nana4ever #8
Chapter 18: I can't stop smiling .... What a beautiful ending .... And a great twist. Sulli a motivational speaker about love. How cool is that.

A little one on the way to complete the family... Minho making her eat solid before ice cream is so perfect I would expect that comment from him. Lol

This is a story I will re-read. Thank you all of my heart. I totally will miss this couple. ;)
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 18: Epilogue...hahaha the c0ming of the baby please. ^_^
Chapter 18: Soooo beautiful ending authornim. I really love this story a lot. huhu...its ended now; I must be missing this lovely couple for sure. Owww...Their wedding!! I felt like it was MinSul's in real life and their 9 weeks baby.

Thank so much for this wonderful story of MinSul; I am going to wait for the next MinSul's story from you. Round of applause!!