The Charm

Lucky Charm

"Yay, we won another award!" EXO-K shouting as they met you backstage. "I'm so proud of you guys!" Suho said with much excitement. "Yeah, yeah. Can we go home now?" Sleepy Kai asked before he yawned. "Yes, we can go home now." D.O. assured him. We very body was asleep in the van except you and the manager driving. He called your name, which made you snap out of daydreaming. "Yeah?" You politely responded. "How are things coming along with you and Baekhyun?" He asked. "Ugh, good." You lied to him as you took a glance at Baekhyun in the middle seat. "Do you know that every time you come with EXO, they receive an award. You just might be EXO - K's lucky charm." 

You all arrived at the dorm and gathered all their belongings. There were still tuff left after everyone has gone in, you waited until Baekhyun and Chanyeol came out. "Do you guys need any help?" You offered, seeing them struggle with the bags. "It's okay," Chanyeol responded with a smile. "You can just close the trunk for me please." "Chanyeol, hurry up before I close the door on you." Baekhyun shouted from the door. You closed the trunk and followed behind Chanyeol, in case he dropped something. Instead, not knowing what was on the floor, you sprained your ankle. "Ahh!" You screamed. EXO came running out to see what had happened with Baekhyun trailing behind. "What gappened!" Suho shouted in shock. "Are you okay?" "Can you walk?" "Did you step on something?" Concerns all coming from EXO. "Get up!" Baekhyun shouted. "Stop shouting at her, Baekhyun." Chanyeol backfired at him. Chanyeol picked you up and set you down on the couch. 

Soon the rest of EXO returned to the living room. EXO-K usually web cammed with EXO-M before they went to bed. But Suho restricted you to bed and see them tomorrow. "Baekhyun, take her to the room," Suho ordered, clueless that you guys fought. 

Once you guys were in the room, you told him, "I'm fine, you can leave now." But he took a while to respond. "This is my room. I shouldn't be the one leaving, you should." "Baek, are you really going to do this to me?" You asked him, feeling that he was a little harsh. "Do what?" He asked as he brought in new clothes. "Ignoring me and being a jerk," you lashed out, afraid of what he might say next. "I saw you with some other guy the other day when you couldn't come to our concert." He began with. "Is that why?" You asked him feeling guilty but relived that you guys were talking it out. "He was a son of my dad's friend, and my parents didn't think that you're capable of taking care of me," you explained. "And I rejected, telling them that I would live my life with Baekhyun and Chanyeol," you finished. "Why Chanyeol?" He pouted. You a smiled, knowing everything was straightened out; and responded, "Because you can't live without Chanyeol either." You pinched his adorable, squishy cheeks. "Chanyeol is not yours and you're not Chanyeol's either." Baekhyun said as he embraced you into a warm hug. "Here, change your clothes and go to bed." He commanded after he kissed you and left the room for a bit. After Baekhyun closed the door, you giggled to yourself, knowing that everything had stayed the same and you wanted nothing more. 

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