First Snow

Peppermint Kisses



Jongin says good-bye to his crowd of fangirls from his high school, and walks home. On the way, his mom calls him, “Jonginnie!” “Hi, mom.” It starts to snow. “Greet me better next time,” He could almost hear the frown on his mother’s face. “And I got you a job!”

“Oh, what kind of job?” Jongin needed money, he wanted to go to that dance school his buddy Sehun told him about. He watched as a bus whizzed by.

“You’re going to babysit!”

He wished the bus would’ve crashed into him instead.


He stops in front of the Do’s mansion. Do it for the money, you need it; he tried comforting himself. After taking a deep breath, he raises his fist, knuckles white against the door. Knocks,1, 2, 3…

A woman with wide, eyes and a very angelic face opened the door. This must be Mrs.Do; he inferred. “Hello, Jongin! Come in!”

“Good afternoon, Mrs.Do.” He bowed.

“Your mother was right, you are one handsome man.” She smiled up at him.

“Um, thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. Come on, let’s go meet Kyungie.”

They walk down a long corridor, and at the end there is a very cozy room with a peppermint filled smell. There is a decent Christmas tree with shiny little ornaments, and the fireplace warming the whole room. He notices a silhouette sits beneath the tree, a fluffy pile of jet black bed hair, and squishy frame. Jongin gulps;it must be Kyungsoo then.

“Kyungie, meet Jongin.” Kyungsoo turns around and Jongin thinks he might’ve just lost his 6-pack abs and all manliness. Kyungsoo has wide eyes just like his mother, pink, full lips, and a heart shaped smile.

Kyungsoo walks up to him and laces his soft, small hands into Jongin’s. “You’re tan.”

“Why thank you.”

“Now, Jongin, his father and I have to leave now, so Kyungie is 7 years old, and he’s very quiet. He loves peppermint candy canes but he cannot have too much, you hear me? Dinner is in the fridge, just heat it up in the microwave. Have fun, sweetie!” She kisses Kyungsoo on the forehead, and she walks out with a man who Jongin supposes is her husband.

“Umm…hi?” He tries.

Kyungsoo chuckles, and sits beneath the Christmas tree again. He pats the space next to him and Jongin sits with him; and Kyungsoo’s fingers find their way into Jongin’s again. “Tell me about yourself, hyung.”

“Well, hyung is 15 years old. I like to dance, and I like girls.” Jongin puts the last part in because he’s afraid if he continues staring at Kyungsoo’s lips, his eyes would be filled with lust, and he might not control himself.

Kyungsoo laughs, and Jongin has an eargasm. Kyungsoo’s laugh are like sleigh bells. He turns his attention to the snow outside. It’s like a winter wonderland.

“Hyung, do you think I’m cute?” Kyungsoo blushes.

“Of course you are, Kyung…” He trails off the last part. “May I call you Kyungie?”

“Yeah!” They both smile.

“Yes, you are cute, Kyungie.”

Kyungsoo then reaches into a sock that is hanging on the tree. He swiftly pulls out two candy canes; peppermint, Jongin thinks. Kyungsoo hands him one, and they both on the sweet flavored candy.

Jongin looks at Kyungsoo, and he stares a little too long at his luscious lips.

God dammit you ert, he’s only 7.

“Hyung, what are you thinking about?”

“Your lips.”

“I thought you said you liked girls.”

“Hyung doesn’t know anymore.”

That’s when Kyungsoo takes his candy cane from his mouth with a ‘pop’, and leans over until their noses are touching. A minty peppermint smell everywhere.

“I think I like you hyung. You are so handsome.”

“Kyungie, I think you are very mature, but we can’t do this.”

“Why not? I like you!” He innocently argues.

Jongin chuckles, “You don’t understand.”

“I do!” And he crashes his lips into Jongin’s.

Kyungsoo’s lips are so soft, he thinks as he breaths in the peppermint scent. They just stay at an innocent kiss, until Jongin accidently lets his tongue wander. Kyungsoo lips open slowly, and he roams his tongue around his mouth. Jongin realizes what will happen, from the heat in his pants, and he quickly parts.

Kyungsoo pants, face red but cute.

“I want to play in the snow.”


They walk out, but not before Jongin dresses Kyungsoo. He looked so chubby in Jongin’s jacket. Kyungsoo kissed him on his nose when Jongin was buttoning the brown checkered buttons.

Outside, Kyungsoo breathes out white puffs of snow. Jongin ignores the boy's pale face and tinted pink cheeks. They make snow angels, and have snowball fights. Of course, Jongin wins, because Kyungsoo isn’t just younger, he also has a very feminine personality. Jongin wonders if he gets bullied in school.

When they are back inside, he makes hot chocolate for them both. While sitting on the couch with Kyungsoo cuddled against him, Jongin asks, “Kyungie, are people mean to you at school?”

“No, they call me gay though, but the teacher said that gay means happy!” He chirps.

Jongin can feel his heart breaking upon hearing that.

“Yes, it means happy. “

“Do a lot of girls like you, hyung?”

“Yeah, hyung has a fanclub.”


They both don’t speak for awhile. Kyungsoo silently scoots away from Jongin.

“Hey…hey, Kyungie, where are you going?”

“Y-you have so many girls who like y-you…” He chokes out.

Jongin thinks he understands now.

“You like me, Kyungsoo?”


“I think I like you too, okay?”

“D-do you? But you are older than me!” He pouts.

“I thought you said it didn’t matter! Stop pouting, you look ugly.”

Jongin doesn’t realize it, but he is pouting himself.

“Hyung is pouting! Hyung is ugly too!”


Kyungsoo embraces Jongin, and Jongin kisses Kyungsoo’s forehead.


Soon, they both fall asleep.

Jongin wakes first, and carries Kyungsoo upstairs to his room.


He tucks Kyungsoo in, and before he leaves, he makes sure to kiss those heart shaped lips again. He feels the lips moving back on his, and a little groan, “Hyung, don’t go.” Tiny hands find his big ones.

“Hyung will be back soon.”


“Yes, hyung will wait until you are older.”


Jongin leaves when he realizes that Kyungsoo fell asleep.


The rest of the week was spent by eating peppermint candy canes.

And visiting the Dentist.


A/N: Me and my erted mind. Hope you guys enjoyed! I love fluff. && Christmas. OkBye. Love you guys /whispers/


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Chapter 1: Need squeeelll
Chapter 1: This is so cute and fluffy //u//
nicoholic #3
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaah <3 Wanna kiss kyungie too and jongin too huhu =)))
neko-likes-mangas #4
Chapter 2: Yaay ! A SEQUEL *0* I'll read it right now !
Gogiswag #5
bunny0401 #6
Chapter 1: hahahaha!
pedo kai thinking dirty thoughts with kyungie in it.
nice work author-nim!
hyenaShin #7
Chapter 1: I feel guilty after reading this,because I like that kyungsoo is alot younger than jongin and I*kinda* imagine them doing more than kissing>////< I know...ert me!! But sorry I'm not sorry lol so maybe sequel? No? Yes?
Chapter 1: omg...0_0 kyungsoo was too mature for a 7 years old kid but he still cute! :D
you should make a sequel!!!