Learning How To Love


Lee Min Ra knew everybody. They didn't know her. She could point out every flaw everyone had. They didn't even notice her. What happens after she gets put in an arranged marriage with one of the Kingkas at her school? She hates the attention. He hates her. Well that's what he thinks. Can she ever get used to the way it is now, or will she back out of it when things get rough. Lets see how things do in Learning How To Love.




Okay, so this is my very first fanfic. I honestly don't have a clue of what I am doing so bear with me for a bit. I would love some feedback about how it is. There may be some similarities with other stories, but that's because I get my ideas from reading others so yeah.... I hope you like it. :)



Lee Min Ra

- 17 years old

- Oh Sehun's wife

-Personality: Lazy, but very smart. Doesn't do much when at school. Observes everyone around her, pointing out who they are and how they'll end up. Enjoys sleeping, listening to music, dancing, and drawing. Doesn't have friends


Oh Sehun

- 17 years old

-Lee Min Ra's husband

-Personality: Cold to people that aren't close to him. Best friends with EXO. Can be caring and sweet to those who know him. Loves bubble tea. (I honestly don't know more than this)


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Waiting for this story to finished. Hope author-nim would find inspiration to continue this evn if itsnot long. Hwaiting!!
MSflirttycat #2
Chapter 17: Good luck on your exams
really i could tell u all about him....... mwahhhhhhhhhhhh.....its me kpop_lover2
StarTravelMallow #4
Chapter 13: I love this!
I'll be waiting until you get more inspiration ^^
AngelGirls #5
nice story!
ILoveKDramas1 #7
please update soon!!!!
Chanbeakhunhan #8
Chapter 10: Please update soon and happy new year !!!!
Chapter 9: Great story i abosolutly love it so far, it is very cheeky and adorable!
gatau-- #10
update soon pls