❥ rules & htj.

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  • bashing or hate will not be tolerated. we are a family.
  • make sure to make everyone feel welcome. no selective replies.
  • respect the admins and everyone else.
  • one account per soul. if you have more, then there's something really wrong with you and you should go seek for help.
  • three days of inactivity and you're out. there will be random activity checks / kickouts.
  • don't pose as someone else. that defeats the purpose.
  • don't give out personal information. if someone here tries to get you to, report it to the main admin asap.
  • only associate with those in the roleplay.
  • you aren't obligated to have a picture of yourself anywhere.  
  • comment below with the following form filled out.

name :
gender :
a paragraph about you :
why you want to join :

  • wait to be accepted.
  • make your account. your username can be anything you want.
  • place the given code in your profile.
  • add all admins then everyone else. 
  • subscribe to the main thread.
  • make a small 'about me' section in your profile. favorites, biases, songs etc.
  • just have a bunch of trivias about you. c: 
  • comment your arrival and start talking! 





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Chapter 3: name : jeanene - jeans for short
gender : female
a paragraph about you : i'M NICE BYE. i'm a social person and i like to talk randomly at times. reasons why many people judge me. uh i like the things that people hate for example milk or school especially. i'm weird myself yes yes. i'm kind of tomboy-ish but i like girly things like makeup, fashion and all that. i talk alot, i'm quite friendly. it depends on the situation though. i get real mad at things like teasing or just stupid things like people calling other people fat or something like that. i'm very straight foreword no matter what it is. ok things i like include fashion, makeup, english, art, kpop, kyary pamyu pamyu aND ICE CREAM. is that too much pmsl.
why you want to join : it's unique and pretty cool. < 3
milkcafe #2
Chapter 2: name : justine but feel free to call me justiney.
gender : female.
a paragraph about you : i'm quite and no i am not an introvert, well i kinda am but still. anyways, i'm quite, i don't talk very often. there's no particular reason why i don't talk a lot, i just don't but once you get to know me, i'm actually quite talkative myself. i'm nice, i guess. i listen to everybody's problems and accept other peoples opinion very easily oh and feel free to talk to me when you have a problem, i'd love to help. i have a little obsession with jelly donuts or donuts in general, i mean, who doesn't love donuts. hehe, you'll know more about me^^ and i really need some friends so-.
why you want to join : this is a really unique roleplay and i wanna try something out of the ordinary.
trippy #3
Chapter 3: destine here
jessica will be on semi-hiatus.
will return on january 14th.
hyesuu #5
Chapter 3: name: destine
gender: female
a paragraph about you: hello peasant, well my name is destine, people always judge me by the way i look like people think that i am a real because i always get kicked out of schools and get into fights, people tend to be scared of me, but people that are close to me know that i am really friendly, random and nice, i am obsess with skin-ship , such a turn on, and yeah that is pretty much it. i at these about me things
why i wanna join: this rp seems to be one of kind /slapped by gd and i could make new friends
hostile #6
imperious #7
haruka has arrived! are you still hiring?