The Things We See

The Things We See

She sat on one of the park benches, watching everyone go about their normal Saturday. Checking her phone, she realized it was one twenty-five. He’ll be here soon. The young girl continued to watch a couple stare at each other, in a way she could only describe as full of confusion. An odd gaze she had never really seen before. Endless possibilities ran through her mind, as she felt someone else sit on the bench. The man sat next to her and handed her a can of coffee.

“What did I miss?” he asked while she opened and sipped her drink.

“Nothing much. I’m looking at the couple at three o’clock,” she stated as she pointed her index finger towards the couple. After a few moments of silence the man answered.

“He’s a Chinese man who came to Korea to pursue a dream. He’s twenty three and misses home.” He sipped from his own coffee.

“Hmm… interesting. She’s a college student who supports him and his dream 100%. She lives in a dorm and waits for the day they can live together. She loves him but doesn’t fully understand him. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good.” Finishing his coffee, the gentleman aimed for a nearby trashcan, shooting it gracefully. He made it. They lean back against the bench and watched in anticipation.

The couple before them stopped staring at each other as the girl looks down and begins to play with the hem of her skirt. The man looked at her with concern in his eyes. The couple on the bench starts their game.

“It’s nice to see you, Oppa.”

“Is anything wrong? You don’t seem like yourself lately.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you haven’t been answering my calls, you’ve been ignoring me when I go to pick you up from class, you don’t let me walk you home, and... I don’t know. You just seem kind of distant lately.”

“No. I’ve… I’ve just been busy recently.”

“I understand. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay before I leave.”

“Leave? Where are you going?”

“I’m going to Changsha. I’m going home. Isn’t that great?

“You’re going to leave me?!”

“What? No. I’m-”

“What the heck! You’re going to leave me! What? Am I not good enough for you?”

“I never said-”

“No, you didn’t. You didn’t have to,” the girl on the bench sighed, “Oppa, I can’t do this anymore. I’m tired. I think that, while you’re in China, we should both think about our relationship and what we want from it.”

“What are you saying? I know what I want. All I ever wanted was to become a musician and come home to you. I need you. I love you. You’re the only one for me.”

“Did you hear what you just said? Your dream of becoming a musician is all that matters to you! Not me. I come second to your dream. What about mine. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be with a guy who strives so much for something and leaves me behind.”

The man in the couple embraced the girl, with that the man on the bench continued.

“I love you. My dream is important, but you are more important. I love you more than my music, but I need it because it reminds me of why I’m here.”

“But I can’t do this anymore!” The girl pulls out of the hug and walks away. The brother after successfully consoling his heartbroken sister follows her home. The duo on the bench continues. She starts first.

“I liked it. She was a bit needy for my taste, but all in all I liked it.”

“Eh, he was a bit awkward and not very protective. We can do better. What are you in the mood for now?”

“Ooh, a sci-fi!” she beamed.

“I got it. The group of kids over by the swings. Do you see the little boy with the red cap next to the water fountain?” he continues after seeing her nod. “He is part of an alien invasion. He is one of a 12 man army sent to see if they can inhabit this planet. His special power is that he can heal.”

“Ooh, I love how that sounds.” The two continue to stare as the alien child approached one of the boys on the swing.

“Your wings aren’t taking you very far.”

“I don’t have wings! This is a swing. Pabo.”

“Wait, you don’t have wings?”

“No. I have 2 arms, 2 legs, a nose-”

“Only 2?” the alien child continue to stare at the child on the swing “I have 4 of each except a nose. I don’t have one, what is that?”

“The thing that lets you smell things.”


“Yeah, smell! Wait? You have four arms? Can I see?” The child on the swing leapt in midflight, falling to the floor. As he writhed in pain the alien child ran to his aid. Upon reaching the child, he maneuvered his hands over the boy’s skinned knee and elbow.

“Hey, I feel better. Did you do this?”

“The effects are not yet done so I will walk you to your guardian. Where is your leader?”

“My mom? I dunno?” the female sung as the children walked towards their parents. “We at sci-fi! I say we never do that again.” The male next to her winces.

“Yeah that was pretty bad. What about that guy?” He points at a tall, blonde gentleman. Giant sunglasses and a ball cap covered his face while he leaned against a tree.

“Hmm… international spy! Yes! He’s a spy, here to pick up the details for his latest mission. He is part of a secret organization from the North that uses children for espionage.”

“Or, hear me out on this, he’s a pop idol. Looking for someone he cares for dearly but must disguise himself. What do you think?” He eyed her. She looked at her phone.

“I think it’s two o’clock. I have to go. Thanks for the company, Mr. A. See you next week?”

“Of course, Ms. B.” He shook her hand.

“I’ll bring cookies next time, okay?” she smiled. As she walked away the gentleman approached the man on the bench.

“So she’s your mystery girl, Lay?”


“And you don’t know anything about her?” He gave the other a quizzical look.

“No, Kris. All I know is she is cute, kind, and has one of the greatest minds I know.” They both watched her leave the park.

“How long have you been doing this?” Lay glared at Kris. “I’m only asking because I care about you.” Lay sighed.

“Every Saturday for 4 weeks”

“Maybe you should stop this.” Without shifting his sight from the woman walking away, Lay responds with a smile.

“Course not. Next week she’s bringing cookies.”

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