Cloud2: what was that?

Falling from the Cloud Nine

Your POV

The next morning, I woke up feeling hungry. Slipping off my pink-tinted duvet, I drag my starving stomach to the dining room and saw mom busy cooking breakfast. I grab my carton of milk from the refrigerator and chugged down its content hastily, trails of the white milk dripping from the left corner of my lips. I heaved a deep sigh of relief as I felt better.

"Mom, what's for breakfast?" I inhaled the sweet scent of the food as I stand beside mom who is frying eggs on a pan.
"We have cheese spread, toast, egg and hotdogs."
"Wow, I'll be stuffing myself today then~" I coo as I washed my hands.

I took a seat and remembered the yesterday's unfateful event. Goosebumps arise on my arms as I thought of Wufan's presence popping at this very moment.
"Mom, where's Kris?" My voice croaked at the mere mention of his pet name. Instead of answering, mom looked at me questioningly.

"I thought you don't like him here?" I scratched my head annoyingly at the rethorical question. I mean, why would I not want him here? He's still my friend at least, right? What I just mean is that his appearance yesterday was just too surprising that I didn't really expected it at all and to say the least that we met after 8 years in such an embarrassing situation. How would I look at him if he's still here right?? I'd rather bury myself underground than to share a breakfast with him.

"He's staying at their house at Gangnam while his papers are still under processed." I nodded, fiddling with my fingers on the table. "But why is he here? Is he studying or what? I thought he had already finished his studies?" I was so curious so I kept on asking mom who has now gone tired of my unending queries.

She faced me, huffing, spatula clutched on her right hand while exasperatingly waving her left hand in the air. I mentally chuckled at my mom's ridiculous look. "If only you stayed for dinner while Wufan was still here, you could've asked him personally those questions of yours. First of all, Wufan is here to have his vacation while managing his mother's business at the same time. I think he'll be staying here for 2 or 3 months. I'm not quite sure of the month so you just ask him that. Oh! My eggs!!" Mom hastily attended her eggs while I nibbled on my toast, a small smile visible on my lips.

After sharing a satisfying and appetizing breakfast with mom, I bid goodbye as I made way to work. As I entered the the second floor of the accounting firm where I am working, I was greeted by the hyper greeting and bright smiles of my co-worker signalling a good start of the day. I proceeded to my cubicle and I smile at the sight of the familiar auburn hued cup placed neatly beside my desktop with a pink sticky note attached to it. I get the sticky note from the cup's lid and open it, inhaling the nice smell of latte as I read the note. "Fighting!!" is written with a very cute doodle beside it.
"Thank you, Yixing!" I thanked the guy occupying the cubicle adjacent to mine, receiving a smile from the latter.

I am working on one of the most busiest accounting firm in the town. Three years of rendering my service at this company is not a joke for I was able to witness its success and predicaments. I had established a good relationship with my co-workers whom I treated as my friends. I mean who would not if you'll have them almost 24/7? They were dorks and still young at hearts but were all damn serious during working hours so it wasn't really a question when the company itself received so many awards and such prestige. I am one of the youngest worker however I still managed to cope up with the others.

*phone ringing*

"Yoboseyo?" I answered my phone as an unregistered number appeared on its screen. I heard shufflings from the other line and I stared back at my phone's screen confirming that it is really an unregistered number. "Yoboseyoooo?" Another shuffling again. I was about to hang up thinking that it was a wrong number when an awfully familiar voice answered from the other line. That deep and velvety voice belongs to no other than Kris Wu himself. I suddenly got hyper aware as Kris spoke again.

"Where are you right now, Nari-ah?" He voice sounds hesitating.
"Work." I made my self sounds unaffected eventhough I am spazzing from inside at the mere thought of him calling. I am so sure that I heard him inhale sharply form the other line, "Can I ask you a favor?" I nodded my head fervently as if we were talking personally and I mentally smacked myself. "What is it?" I saw one of my co-worker look at me and I lowered my voice a bit, not wanting to catch attention.

"Can you pick me? I think I l-lost my way." Kris chuckled awkwardly from the other line and my eyes darted to my wrist watch. 12 minuted before dismissal. "Okay, where are you by the way?" Kris didn't answered. "Can you describe your surroundings then?" I kept my chuckles to myself as Kris described his surroundings. "Okay then, I'll be there within 20 minutes." And I hear a faint thank you as I hung up, shaking my head at the thought of Kris Wu lost somewhere in the city. That guy still never changed at all.

After the dismissal, I hurriedly dash out of the building and fished out my phone to contact Kris.
"Are you still waiting for me?" I stopped for a while as I can saw the blonde hair sticking out in the middle of the crowd. I continue to watch as the ladies around ogled at him with interest as he just sat there, hand stuffed deep in the warmth of his coat, completely oblivious of the attention he getting.
"Yes, hurry up cause I'm freezing to death here." Then, a lady in chiffon dress and red coat sat at the seat before Kris. Kris looked at the stranger with his menacing eyes and naturally furrowed brows as the girl winked at him. I cringed at the sight of the lady obviously flirting with him but Kris ignored him. "Yah!!! Are you still fetching me here or not??" I was taken aback by the loud voice causing for me to put away my phone.

I saw the girl slipped a business card at Kris as I approach them "I'm Jung Sera and I don't mind keeping you accompanied." The lady whispered at Kris. And that's when I entered the scene.
"Hey." Kris looked up almost immediately whilst the lady raised his left eyebrow at the sight of me.
"Are you ready to go, oppa?" I made sure to make my voice an octave higher as I asked Kris. Fortunately, Kris got my act and played with it. He hugged my waist and acted like he kissed me on my cheek and I blushed as he runs his hand on the small of my back. "Let's go." Kris said, looking at my eyes intently and I melted at his stare.

He slipped his hands on mine as we walk away from the lady who was clearly fuming in annoyance.

We walked for awhile as awkwardness was clearly present between us. I cleared my throat and asked him. "Why were you lost by the way?" Kris looked at everywhere but me as he search for an answer. "Nothing really important. Just don't ask"

"You called me all the way from my work and then tell me that it was nothing? How dare you?" I acted hurt and Kris just rolled his eyes at me. "Nari, be mature. When I say it's nothing, it really is nothing." I only mimicked him as he yanked me towards the waiting bus.

"Where are we going?" Kris made me sat near the windows and he sat beside me.
"Just don't ask cause I'll be sleeping." And he placed his head on my shoulder as the bus starts moving. I adjusted Kris' head on my shoulder as I buried myself deeper at the warmth of his body and the bus seat.


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KrisLuforever #2
Chapter 1: Its so cute authornim~
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