click me ova here click me click me ova here. no wait srs help me i'm jus so kunfus??? pmsl. ; u ;


uh hEY. 


so here's the case ; i'm feelin like opening a roleplay but i don't know what should i name it???

i know there are a lot of rps nowadays (a LOT, i tell you) but

should i make it as an au rp? school-themed? original (somehow i'm thinking of kfc)?? idk sobs sobs.

can you little fegits guys help me by commenting below? ; u ;

or if you wanna be an admin too, i'll accept with opened arms! and legs! ..wait no, not legs.


but yeah seriously, i really wanna open an rp. a straight, closed (or semi) one that is. 


thank you! c: please help moi out, sobs sobs.





if you don't wanna help, or too lazy to, then--



haha joking. cx 



no seriously.


have a blast of my brian joo's iness



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woohyunsass #1
omg i rly liek school themed rps. maybe one where there are classes and stuff. sobs i would join and b and admin. btw, i lub your use of brian joo hes so diva omg
like the two commenters below, I really like school au themed rps too. ; u ; ulzzang only or not, I'll still join, nyahahah.
school themed au seems kewwlll o u o
there's a lot of people that really like that stuff /coughsmecoughs/ I would join :3