Hyukbin's wedding day

Hyukbin's wedding day


Hongbin adjusted his white tie in the mirror. His heartbeat going out of control. He looked even paler than usual in his white suit. "You ready?" Ken asks suddenly appearing next to him. He nods, as Ken offered his arm. He latched onto his arm, as Ken gave him one more smile. 
*Without Ken hyung, i think my legs will fail me.* Hongbin thoughts. They walked down the hall, arriving at a door. Leo who was at the door looked  at the two, smiling a father-like smile. He nodded once at them before pushing open the doors. He walks in, in front of the two as music rang in Hongbin's ears. 
Down the aisle, standing at the end was Hyuk, smiling at them. In his black suit, he looked stunningly gorgeous. Hongbin's cheek tints pink as he smiles at him. His heartbeat was getting so fast and loud he was sure everyone in the room could hear it. 
When Ken and Hongbin finally reach Hyuk, Ken places Hongbin's hand in Hyuk's, before teasingly saying, "You better don't make our artwork cry or Leo and I will come for you in your sleep." Hyuk chuckles, before replying him, "Don't worry Hyung." He looks lovingly at Hongbin, "I won't." 
Satisfied with his answer, Ken scurries back to his seat next to Leo.  "You look amazing." Hyuk whispers to Hongbin. A light pink tints Hongbin's cheek, obvious on his pale skin. "You too." He shyly whispers back. 
They both turn to the pastor, who smiles at two. "We are gathered here today, in holy matrimony of two individuals who love each other enough to face all odds together and now here they are. Getting married."
"Do you Han Sanghyuk take Lee Hongbin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor says. "I Do." Hyuk smiles at Hongbin. "Do you Lee Hongbin take Han Sanghyuk to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Hongbin smiles, before tearfully saying, "I Do. A million times I do." 
"Then I now pronounce you, man and Husband. You may now kiss your groom." Cheers erupt as Hyuk leaned in and captured Hongbin's lips. "You're mine forever. Saranghae Lee Hongbin." Hyuk whispers, when they pulled back. "Saranghae Han Sanghyuk." Hongbin whispers back as he leans in for another kiss.
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Chapter 1: I've read it again, and it's sooo cute <3 My feels TT TT
Chapter 1: SHORT BUT CUUUTE <3
Chapter 1: Short but fluffy and cute! There's so much Hyukbin on aff lately and it makes me happy :P