The New Chapter

The End, Brings A New Beginning

You were out late at night, roaming through the streets without a destination in mind. Until your boyfriend interfered and grabbed your wrist; “What the hell are you doing?” you angrily asked and looked into his eyes, pleading for an answer. “Did I not make myself clear? You are not suppose to go out unless I take you.” He said with a loud tone, causing a scene for people to watch. “You are not my mother. You can’t tell me what I can or cannot do.” You replied with a stern tone, showing that you weren’t afraid of him. Every bystander walked by and stared at the two of you, until the manager came stating that if you guys kept disturbing the entrance, the cops would arrive.

“Great, see what you just did? Let’s go home and forget that all this ever happened in the first place.” He told you while reaching to latch your arm.  

“No, we are over! This always happens. You leave me in the house like I’m a prisoner. And I can’t even make my own choices. I’m human; I also have a brain too! And this is not the first time; remember that incident at that fancy restaurant? I can’t believe you; we are done!” You screamed at him with a breath full, not having the strength to hold in your emotions. You turned around and walked the other direction; as he chased you and grabbed your arms that made you turned around to face him. Then it was entirely silent and motionless the moment someone’s hand took a hold of your other wrist, holding you back.

You turned around, and stood in between your ex-boyfriend and a tall, handsome stranger. “Let go of her.” The man ordered with a forbidding voice. “This is none of your business, pretty boy. So you can stop playing super hero.” Your ex replied to him. “Yeah, you really don’t-“ you tried to in but the mysterious man cut you off. “Don’t speak until we’re done.” You obeyed and stayed quiet, assuming that it was the best thing to do. “So are you going to let go?” The man asked with a little irritation in his voice.

“And what if I don-“ he tried to finish his statement until a fist went straight to his face. Then he released you, trying to uphold his reputation by covering his bleeding nose. “Ugh, screw this. I’ve had enough drama for today. I better expect you to be home tonight.” He threatened, taking a double look at you before heading the opposite direction.

“So do you have a place to stay tonight?” The nameless man asked. “I should probably be heading home, you should too.” You replied to him. “Don’t tell me that you’re going back to that jackass.” The tall figure stated, not buying your words. You looked at him expressionless and couldn’t find the right words to say to him. “Come stay at my house.” He commanded as he took off whether you were going or not. You followed him absently-minded, not having a place to return to.

As soon as you arrived to his house, it was huge for a single person. You assumed that he would be living in an apartment or something quite smaller. After you entered his house, he gave you a t-shirt and basketball shorts to change into. You reluctantly took his offer and changed, you waited for him on the living room couch as he was fixing the bed in one room. “This will be the room that you’ll be sleeping in,” he told you as he came out. “Thanks.. for all that you have done tonight,” you said gratefully to him. “Uhm (clearing his throat) yeah, just sleep first. You’ve been though a lot tonight.” He said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

It was 2 in the morning; you opened the door and found him watching a movie. You went around the couch and looked at him, he looked up and saw you still sleepy. “Can I join you?” you asked him and he responded by moving over to make some space. You tried to stay awake and watch the movie; but the night was too exhausted for you, your brain burned out that you didn’t realize that your head was resting on his shoulder.

It was morning when you woke up, the sun shining through the blinds to light up the whole room. You tried to push yourself up and found yourself wrapped in a blanket. You walked around the house to find its owner, but he was nowhere to be found. You stumbled to the kitchen to find a breakfast plate on the counter. A note was attached; you picked it up trying to examine the words. –Eat this while I’m gone, and don’t leave until I come home. Unless that is if you want to leave without your clothes.-Kris

A huge smile formed across your face as you ate your breakfast happily, knowing that this guy finally named Kris would be able to bring you a new beginning. 

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