
EXOtic Dancing with the Beauty

Right after Tony and Bella left the practice room, all the trainees flocked to Yejin with questions about who Bella was.

"Who was that?!"

"Why did she come here?"

"New York?! That's so awesome!"

"Is she going to be a trainee?"

"Or like a teacher?"

"Is she going out with Tony?"

"No way!"

"Is she single?"

"She's like super hot, yeah?"

"Oh my gosh. Keep it in your pants!"

"Don't be jealous~"

"Where did they go?"

"How do you know her?"

All those questions came toppling out at her and she could barely understand them as they spoke over one another. Geez, Bella owes me one. Making every act like this just by sitting there. She knew they'd come to her with questions as soon as Bella left but she didn't expect them to be this excited. She knew by the way all the boys suddenly got more 'feel' in their dance and tried harder to look cool and the girls tried harder to look y that they all saw Bella as a exotic dancer from NYC. The boys saw her as a potential girlfriend and the girls saw her as a potential rival. Not the best place to be with the trainees, but concidering that it's Bella, it's the only way for people to react. "Okay, okay. Slow down. That was Bella, she introduced herself if you were paying attention to her talking than her face. Idiots. And she's here because Tony gave her his SM card when he saw us perform together in Hongdae."

That stunned everyone into silence. For a second.


"I didn't even know he had a card!"

"I've never heard of an instructor casting someone!"

"Can he do that?"

"She must be seriously good."

"You danced with her?"

"You're friends?!"

"She is from New York City so she must be good!"

"A card from Tony, that is insane."

"What does it mean?"

"So she's gonna be a trainee?"

Once again they blew up with questions. Yejin tried to talk over them but they were all busy talking to one another swapping theories. It was then that the door opened and Eunji, Pilsuk, Daeho, and a few other trainees that went to Yejin and Bella's street performance in Hongdae came in from Room D to hang out for break time like they always did.

"Whoa, what's going on? Why is everyone freaking out?" Eunji, who was SM's most senior trainee.

The trainees quieted down and someone spoke up, "A pretty girl came in and watched our practice then she left with Tony. She came in with Yejin and we're trying to figure out why she came. She said Tony gave her his card."

Once she heard that, Eunji and the trainees that came in her knew they were talking about Bella. "So she actually came, huh, Yejin?"

Yejin had a tight smile, "Yeah, I, uh, brought her. She's probably talking to Tony about choreographing. Not training. She's not going to be a trainee so you don't have to worry or anything..."

"Worry? Me? Oh, please. I'm not worried even if she were to become a trainee. I was just wondering. She doesn't seem like the kind to listen well so she wouldn't even last that long as trainee. Actually, she probably won't last long in SM period." Eunji scoffed. No one said anything. Eunji gets like this when she's annoyed. She acts nonchalant but she's obviously bothered by it. She'd attack you if you spoke up now. "Whatever, lets go get breakfast now. Come on," she turned and the trainees looked at each other anxiously before following her to the cafeteria. 

Stress~ Yejin said to herself as she followed Pilsuk and the rest of them out of the room. 


Tony and Bella walked down the hallway to go to the practice rooms used by the idols on the 5th floor, "Okay, so I'm in charge of choreographing the special stage for EXO's comeback in december. They'll be doing a song from their new mini album called Christmas Day. It's pretty good. It has a jazzy kind of feel to it. Then they have a concert with F(x) on the 24th and 25th of December and I have to choreograph their special stage of Let Out The Beast which is from their first album and a couple other special stages they're gonna be doing."

Bella's eyebrows just got higher and higher as he listed his "huge project" assignments to her. "That is a huge project," she chuckled. "And you have to do it all on your own?" she asked indreculously.

"I did... but now I've got you so everything's kinda possible now," Tony said with a sigh of relief. "The company expects a lot from me and I can usually get what needs to be done, done, but this time it was a little much so I asked them if I could recruit some help. They said yes, but I had to make sure they were qualified. They'll pay you, of course. I didn't know who I was going to ask, so I went to Hongdae after Yejin invited me hoping to find someone there.. and I happened to find you, Bella of NYC! It's fate, really," Tony said proudly. "I just need to let Lee Soo Man know who you are and that you're qualified. I'll just show him your dance videos and stuff. He's a kind of strict when it comes to EXO, though, 'cause they're there huge right now, but I'm sure he'll aprove of you once he sees your work." 

Bella just nodded. She didn't know how she felt having the president of SM watching her underground dance videos. It was pretty nerve-wraking. He's the maker of successful singers and dancers and he would see her dancing. His standards must be high. She began nibbling on her bottom lip as she imagined how he would react to her videos. 

"Oh, Sunghwan-manager!" Tony's shout snapped Bella out of her thoughts. The elevator door opened and there was a man walking towards them.

"Ah, Tony. I heard you're in charge of choreographing the boys' comeback and concert," Sunghwan-manager said as he shook Tony's hand.

"Yes, me and Bella, here," Tony replied as he gestured to Bella.

"Hello, I'm Bella. Nice to meet you," Bella offered with a smile. This is it, she thought to herself. I'm doing this. I'm going to be  a choreographer. To EXO none the less. Wow, wait till I tell Yejin. 

Sunghwan-manager didn't say anthing for half a second and just looked at her. Oh no, this is not good. She's a girl, a pretty girl at that. The boys won't be able to focus... This is bad. Very bad. "I didn't hear about that," he said with an awkward chuckle. 

"It was a recent decision, but she'll be my co-choreographer and help instructing," Tony nodded. "I, uh, actually should let Lee Sooman know now, before she starts teaching and stuff, but there's no harm meeting the boys now and getting a feel for the song and their skills, right? I'm going to go to Lee Sooman and tell him who you are. He'll probably want to meet you later but I could just show him your stuff while you meet the boys. I don't want to bring you in unannounced," Tony said, or rather, thought out loud. He nodded like his plans were absolutely brilliant and turned to Sunghwan-manager, "could you take her while I go to Lee Sooman?" 

"Uh, yeah sure," Sunghwan-manager said a little confused as to what just happened. Tony smiled and waved a goodbye as he hopped back on the elevator. Sunghwan-manager glanced at Bella who was obviously as confused as he was. He cleared his throat, "well, I'm gonna go and... let the boys know. Would you mind waiting out here a bit. They just got back from their sessions and recordings so they're kind of... unfoucused right now. I'll calm them down a bit first. You know boys."

Bella let out an awkward laugh and smiled reassuringly , "sure. Take your time." 

That smile is dangerous, he thought to himself as he hurried into the room.

The boys were lazing about. Some were on their phones and a few were arguing since the finished recording about what harmony sounded better. Two were already sleeping even though they got in the room just 5 minutes ago.

"Hey, I have to talk to you guys. Wake up Jongin and Yixing," Sunghwan-manager shouted. He felt bad waking them up so often, but he knows they know that thats how things have to be because of their schedule. 

Chanyeol had to shake Jongin and Xiumin shook Yixing before either got up but everyone else was fine. 

"Hm?" Jongin asked as he rubbed his eyes a bit. Yixing just sat there looking at nothing before focusing on Sunghwan-manager.

Once he saw the boys were awake enough to take things seriously and the rest of the boys' attention was on him, he gave out the news.

"Listen up, you boys are getting a new dance instructior for this next comeback. Her name is Bella and she's from New York," Sunghwan-manager said.

In an instant, all 12 boys started talking over each other.


"She?! As in a girl?!"

"We're a boy group. How are we supposed to learn from a girl?"

"But it is a girl, right?"

"Noona or dongsaeng?!"

"New York? Does she even speak Korean?"

"I don't wanna dance like a girl, though!"

"YES! A girl in the practice room!"

"We've never had a girl instructior before."

"She must be pretty good."

"I hope she looks good."

"Is that really the issue here?!"

"HEY! Shut up, all of ya. I'm gonna let her in now. Be good and you know the rules, right?" Sunghwan-manager shouted to get the room under control.

"Eyy, you know we're good," Baekhyun joked.

Sunghwan-manager walked towards the door while dragging his hand along his face and sighed,"I'm serious, you guys. Don't get involved with her. For your sakes and for hers." Then he opened the door and, thus, Bella began her journey with 12 rowdy boys.

Hello, hello, hello~ 

I had nothing to do today so I just wrote this chapter. /Sigh/ I feel like its rushed but I need to focus on EXO because that's what we're all here for, yes? lol

So I'm sorry if it feels rushed but I just want to write about EXO so I'm trying to get her to meet them ASAP.

Eh, okay~ well here it is. The big meet is next chapter, bwahaha, are you excited?

Thank you for subscribing and reading, you lovely people! :)

T/N: I'm trying to think of a title for this chapter but I can't omg. I was hoping they'd have met already so I could call it something like " Meeting" but they didn't LOL i dont even know where this story is going. its kind of just going LOL i am the worst, sorry. Next chapter for sure! Bella x EXO yehet!

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Cutiegirl503 #1
Chapter 14: Please update(´・_・`)
avisdawn #2
Chapter 14: Thanks and i might say, the wait is really worth it: )
mm0923 #3
Chapter 14: omg i love how exo protects bella
avisdawn #4
Chapter 13: Thank you so much!!!!!!!
avisdawn #5
Chapter 12: If you have time, please update ^^
Chapter 12: I loved the new update and I cant wait for more interactions. Thank you for writing it ^^
avisdawn #7
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update ^^
mm0923 #8
Chapter 12: thanks for the update
Chapter 11: LOLOL. Kris finally has a style eh? XD omg. And I love it so far! Had to watch the dance though because it added more to the visualization. Cant wait for your next update ^^