EXOtic Dancing with the Beauty

"UGH, Eunji is getting on my last nerve!" Yejin yelled as they walked home. "Everyones been getting irritating and pissy ever since rumors of new groups debuting spread around." She sighed and kicked at nothing. "I mean she had no right to say that to you when she doesn't even know you! You're the best female dancer I've ever seen and you do sing! When ever we go to karaoke people always look in our room when you sing 'cuz you sing so well! And you've been performing for as long as I have and you're good at it! She's such a- UGH if I cussed, I would cuss now."

Bella was silent during Yejin's rant. She patted her head and chuckled, "you, my good friend, need to relax. You need to like her 'cuz you might be in a group with her if you debut so don't let me ruin your relationship. I really didn't want to become a trainee either, to be honest. I know how hard it is for you. How much you miss your parents, how you pull all-nighters, you don't eat all the time. All of those things are not things I want to experience so I'm good with not joining," Bella assured Yejin. "Plus, I think he gave me that card hoping I'd  become a choreographer."

"What? A choreographer? Oh my gosh, Bella! Do it! That's perfect for you and the trainees won't give you trouble either! Oh my gosh that's perfect, why didn't you say that?" Yejin squealed.

"Are you gonna be the rapper of the group because you should be. No one else can talk faster that you, you know," That earned Bella a punch from Yejin. "Ow, okay okay. I didn't say anything earlier 'cuz I don't know if I'm gonna do it. It's still a lot of commitment and I've never taught people that are trying to be famous." Yejin gave her a side-eye and raised her eye brow, "Ah, yes, except for you," Bella chuckled.

"And see how well I did?! I got recognition from Tony! All because of your dance!" Yejin stopped walking and turned to Bella. "You have to, Bella! It would be so cool! You would have so much fun, I know you would!"

Bella hesitated, "I don't know, Yejin..."

Yejin sighed and locked her arm with Bella's, "Okay, you'll come with me to the company tomorrow and meet Tony there," Bella was about to interupt her," AH, ah ah! We'll go, you'll talk to him, and then you'll decide. Don't just give up this great opportunity, Bellarina," Yejin said with aegyo that made Bella cringe but laugh at the same time.

"Fine, we'll go tomorrow and then if I say no, then its no, okay?" 

"Okay!" Yejin said with a huge smile, "Okay! Yay! Bella's gonna be a choreographer, Bella's gonna teach me how to dance, Bella's gonna be my savior, then I'll kick some trainee arse. Hey, I should be the rapper!" That made them go crazy and they laughed about it all the way home.

The next morning, Bella went over to Yejin's at 5am. "Oh my gosh, this is way to early to be doing anything," Bella complained as she tried to eat the breakfast Ajumma made. 

"Aigoo, Bella, you're still young. When you get to my age, then you can start complaining," Ajumma said with a cackle.

Bella giggled, "Ey, Ajumma, you're still young! This food is waking me up though, it's so good. No wonder Yejin woke up so early if she woke up to this."

"You talk well, Bella! And Eunji said you weren't perfect," Yejin shouted as she came down the stairs with her duffle bag. "It takes around 30 to 40 minutes to get to the company and we have to be a bit early to make sure you can talk with Tony before he starts teaching so we have to leave this early. Now, it's time to go to your destiny," Yejin said dramatically as she pulled Bella from her seat, "Bye, mom!" 

"Bye Ajumma!" Bella shouted with a partially full mouth. 

"Oh, bye kids! Good luck, Bella!" 

After a crowded commute to the center of Seoul, the two girls got off the bus and walked the extra blocks to the company. Yejin was filling Bella in with the layout of the SM building and who they would see when they turned the corner and saw the building. "Whoa," Bella said as she took in the sight of maybe 50 to 60 girls and a few boys around the building entrance with their mobile phones and professional cameras poised at the doors. . 

 "Oh, right!" Yejin said as she started digging through her bag and pulled out two surgical masks, "here, wear this." She shoved one mask to Bella while she put on the other.

"What's this for?" Bella asked when Yejin didn't bother to look at her. 

"Unless you want your face to be on the memory card of a bunch of strangers, I suggest you put that on," Yejin said, looking back at Bella. 

"What are they waiting for?" Bella asked while slowing her speed half to put her mask on and half because the crowd was kind of intimidating with their hungry eyes and long lenses. 

Yejin swatted her hands, "it's always like that, don't worry about it. They're all just waiting around to catch a glimpse of their idols. They'll buzz a bit when we come around and maybe even record us, but once they realise we aren't who they're waiting for, they'll ignore us." Yejin looked around and grunted, "There are a little more today... But that's because EXO is going to be coming in." She said EXO with a soft sigh and Bella could practically see the hearts circling her head.  

Bella brought up her pace to catch up to Yejin again. She was apprehensive of the horde of cameras and teens, but guessed she'd be safer next to Yejin than behind her. "EXO, huh?" Bella teased. She knew about them. It was hard to not know about them considering the amount of stores and radio stations that played their song, but she didn't really know their names or faces that well. Yejin would tell her about them every once in a while and she knew that Yejin was totally crushing on them from the way her voice changed whenever she mentioned them. 

Yejin glanced at Bella from beneath her fringe and reddened ever so slightly, "Oh, shut up."

When they were about 15 feet away from the building, the crowd began shifting their heads and lenses to the girls. Bella looked down and shifted closer to Yejin. She adjusted her mask and just followed Yejin's lead. She heard camera clicks and questions about who they were being asked through the group. The commotion lasted maybe 10 seconds before someone yelled that they weren't idols. They were just reaching the steps when someone screamed, "THEY'RE HERE!" And all of hell broke loose as screams of EXO and what seemed like the names of the members filled the air and waves of movement and excitement moved through the mob.

"Oh no," Yejin whispered as she grabbed Bella's arm and rushed to the door panel. Bella turned her head to see the crowd part to let two silver vans pull right up to the steps and then remold themselves to surround the vans. Just as the van doors were sliding open, she heard a whooshing sound behind her and was pulled into the building.



Ohoho~ Yes, finally our lovely boys are making their appearance! I'm truly sorry it took so long, I just wanted to build the situation and characters a bit and it ended up taking like 6 chapters. Really sorry about that but I promise that things just got more interesting and EXO will be in every chapter from here on out~ yey~ lol

 Thank you if you managed to stick around this far after my 6 chapters sans EXO! It means a lot~

and thank you for subscribing [tears] Happy New Year!

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Cutiegirl503 #1
Chapter 14: Please update(´・_・`)
avisdawn #2
Chapter 14: Thanks and i might say, the wait is really worth it: )
mm0923 #3
Chapter 14: omg i love how exo protects bella
avisdawn #4
Chapter 13: Thank you so much!!!!!!!
avisdawn #5
Chapter 12: If you have time, please update ^^
Chapter 12: I loved the new update and I cant wait for more interactions. Thank you for writing it ^^
avisdawn #7
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update ^^
mm0923 #8
Chapter 12: thanks for the update
Chapter 11: LOLOL. Kris finally has a style eh? XD omg. And I love it so far! Had to watch the dance though because it added more to the visualization. Cant wait for your next update ^^