Love Story

Love Story

"Yah, Kim Myungsoo! Give me that!" Sungjong shouted at a fleeing Myungsoo. 

"Catch me if you want it!" Myungsoo childishly answered before taking off again with the strawberries.

The game of catch soon ended when Sungjong finally sat down against a tree, trying to catch his breath. 

"You can only get to eat this if you let me feed you!" Myungsoo said teasingly.  

"Fine, you win." Sungjong said as he let out a sigh.

Proudly, Myungsoo sat down beside Sungjong as he took out the strawberries.

"Ahhh." Myungsoo said, signalling Sungjong to open his mouth.

Opening it, Sungjong went closer, and when he was just about to take a bite, Myungsoo pulled the strawberry away.

"Yah!" Sungjong exclaimed as he sat back down with a little pout. 

Laughing at Sungjong, Myungsoo saw his pout and immediately, he poked his cheeks. 

"Aww, who's angry? Is my little Sungjongie angry?" Myungsoo said with a smile, looking at Sungjong who started breaking out into a smile. 

"Stop that!" Sungjong said as his smile returned. 

Taking a strawberry quickly, Sungjong put it into his mouth happily. 

"Yah! I'm supposed to feed you!" Myungsoo exclaimed upon noticing. 

Giving a little smile, Sungjong continued to eat his strawberry.

Letting out a sigh, Myungsoo sat down, leaning on the tree as he stared at the sky.

"Sungjong ah, do you remember when we first met?" He asked.

Nodding his head, Sungjong looked over at Myungsoo.

Not really noticing Sungjong's reply, Myungsoo continued, "That was one of the best days of my life."





The bell rang for the start of class, and students quickly scrambled back. 

The teacher walked in, but this time, another person was following her. 

He looks like a girl. Myungsoo thought as he glanced at the boy's side profile. 

Turning around to face the class, Myungsoo finally saw the boy in full view. He was beautiful, having a fair complexion. He was rather thin for a boy though. But his face, his face was like a work of art. His hair softly swept to the side, his eyes that seemed to sparkle, his beautiful lips... It was not long before Myungsoo found himself staring, yes, the Kim Myungsoo that never seemed to be impressed with people, found himself staring at this boy. Not only that, he was smiling. 

"Class, we have a new student here with us today." The teacher announced.  Looking at the boy, she continued, "Please introduce yourself."



The boy fumbled with his books as he shyly said while he bowed, "Hello everyone. My name is Lee Sungjong. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." 

As his eyes swept across the room, Sungjong found everyone staring. That was natural of course, since he was the new student. However, he noticed one particular figure staring, and smiling at him. 

Was he just smiling at me?  Sungjong thought as he blinked a few times, trying to make sure of the fact. 

"Lee Sungjong, please sit in that empty seat over there." The teacher said as she gestured towards the seat beside Myungsoo. 






"You know, Sungjongie, before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. Never in my life, have I felt like that." Myungsoo said with a wide smile as he recalled the happy days that had followed as he started talking to this new boy, then slowly, as months went by, they had started going out. 

Sungjong smiled at this, and he had been just as happy to meet Myungsoo.

"You're special, you know, Sungjongie. You're special, in a good way." Myungsoo said, looking over at Sungjong. 

A light blush appeared on Sungjong's cheeks as he softly said, "You'll be the first to say that." 

Myungsoo smiled, and pulling Sungjong closer, he whispered, "Then I'm honoured to be the first one brave enough to say that." 

With this, Myungsoo pressed his lips against Sungjong's. 





Myungsoo didn't believe in love at first sight. He didn't believe in love stories. He disliked reading books on romance, and he always excused himself when he found his friends dicussing about the topic.

But now, he had his own love story. All this time, he only had to pick up a pen and start writing it. 







A/N: Hope it's all right! Please comment! :D *throws confetti* Thank you for subscribing and reading it! :) 


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Chapter 1: Waahhh being the first to each other such a love story made from heaven!!
Good work, author nim~~~
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute !! My babies are too sweet! <3
Thanks for writing this lovely story ! <3
Chapter 1: Awwww cute and super adorable fic!
Chapter 1: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! BRAVOOOOOOOOO! it's soooo freaking cute~!
strongheadgurl01 #5
Chapter 1: so cuuuuuute >.<
LycheeJelly #6
Chapter 1: Ahhhh love at first sight~ Myungsoo and Sungjong are just too cute. ;; I loved the strawberry part in the beginning hehe.

Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 1: It's so cute :3 please make a sequel author nim ^^