The News

The Undead

have you seen the news?" Sehun asked jongin during breakfast on that May morning. Sehun looked wary and unsure while asking the question, jongin noticed.

"no, why? anything happened? you know I don't trust that ", jongin shrugged carelessly, clearly showing absolutely no interest at all about sehun's remark.

"well there are people running around... killing the citizens"

jongin stared at sehun so hard as if sehun has grown a second head. "it is a common thing when people are killing people out there, it is an unfinished crime sehun. why are you so worked out about a very normal phenomenon anyway? are you possibly the next one on the murder's list?" jongin chuckled gleefully at his last statement, but stopped abruptly when sehun was glaring at him so hard he should be grateful his hair didn't sizzle.

"it's not just about that. the humans out there, they are killing by biting, tearing others with their teeth and nails. that is clearly uncommon jongin," sehun explained with hints of desperation, frustration and exhaustion here and there. he knew jongin would deny all of these things, his personality changed, compliment prettily with his career right at the moment. wild, carefree and doesn't give a damn about the world. and sehun hated that.

"the conclusion that I can make about your raging is cannibalism is still practiced by certain people and apparently still exist in the community. so, no big deal."

"but, jongin..."

"enough of the empty fretting, want a ride to the hospital Dr. Oh?"

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