
Jealousy caught up

WHAT?! Every member of EXO K gasped, shocked that the fact Hyuna fainted

! Without any delay, I wanted to run to her waiting room but D.O stopped me

Hyung! Her manager is sending her to the hospital now! Sehun

Manager hyung! Can I go ask visit her now? I asked anxiously

Are you crazy Byun Baekhyun?! Both manager hyung and Suho hyung shouted at me

Hyung, I have to accompany her now. She has no one by her side and she CERTAINLY needs someone, ME with her. I reasoned out, empathsizing strongly on the certainly part

Baekhyun, our performance is up next and you want to go and visit Hyuna? What about the performance? What about the fans? What about Hyuna? Do you think she wants you to just abandon the performance and go and visit her? For others I don’t know, but hyunnie wants all the best for your career and would definitely not want you to just abandon your performance just to visit her. Suho reasoned

But hyung… our conversation was interrupted by Hyunseung’s knock on the door.

Hyuna just fainted and I’m going to visit her now. I know you guys are worried for her but I hope you could do well for your performance later as it’s her joy to see you guys standing up on stage performing. Don’t worry, I will update you guys about her condition. Just do well in your performance later and she will be more than happy.

Thanks Hyunseung sunbae, do update us on hyunnie’s condition. – Kai said, bowing slightly

You’re welcome, and Byun Baekhyun, can I have a talk with you privately? Hyunseung asked

Sure sunbae…

We both went out of EXO K’s waiting room to Troublemaker’s waiting room










What do you guys think Hyunseung is going to talk about with Baekhyun? ;) 

I'm so touched by the nice comments from you guys thus I double update keke~ 

I really want to thank you guys for the support and the upvoters too! <3

I'll probably update the next chapter tomorrow~ Till tomorrow, bye-yong! <3

In the mean time, do comment and subscribe~ And tell me who you guys want me to pair hyunnie up with for the next fic then I'll conclude to the 4 popular ones, which you guys can vote~ 

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srnijm #1
Chapter 1: Nice story authornim keep writing about baekhyuna or hyuna with other member exo keke it's cute :)
I really love this fic LOL Keep writing about exo with hyuna hahhahaha
Chapter 1: I want MyungAh pair x) but baekhyun not bad, good job author-nim xD
sheryin #4
Chapter 6: Awesome love it applause
So precious! I love it.
sheryin #6
Chapter 4: Merry Christmas !!!please keep update soon
bellaxjoker #7
Chapter 5: BaekHyuna is soooo squishy cccuuuuttttteeee.....awwwwww....i wish they really date each other in real life. I'll give 100% support BaekHyuna couple....hahhaha
4niahyun #8
Chapter 5: awwww jing jing~
i miss that nickname><
glad they made up already huhu