
stupid in love

It was anniversary of your relationship with your boyfriend’s marked 3 years you were together …first years ..up and down in your relationship are still able to fix and him will fight for just a second ..and after that will be normal the second years ..the fight are getting worst ..sometime it takes month to get back together …when it comes to the third years feel tired ..tired of the fight ..even the smallest thing will cause a huge fight between you and him tired of trying to save the relationship ..and you know ..he also feel the same ..

The curse he throw to you …have broke your have a thousand pieces ..he never curse to you before know that he is really don’t love you anymore can feel it can see in his eyes..his already throws you out from the place in his heart are no longer the special person that he see a few years ago just a burdain that he carry ..he just throws you away like you just a piece of trash that can easily be dispose don’t know where have you do wrong ..the tears that running down your cheek are meaningless to him ..there’s nothing special about the tears on your face ..he didn’t feel slight pain seeing your tears ..

You know that he will leave you ..there’s no love anymore between him and you …you know that he did ..but your love to him still there don’t want to lose him can’t leave without him ..even if he always curse and made you cry ..he always there ..on you heart …you wished every time that he mad at you ..curse and made you just wished that at the end of the day ..he will be there to comfort you …to made you stop crying and hug you in his arm can’t help but wished that it would happen …wished that it was just a bad dream were refuse to accept the truth because don’t want to lose him ..

Both of you were sick of the constant argument ..because of that ..both of you try your best to avoid each other busy yourself with work …barely come home at the house that both of you share don’t want to see him were not ready ..not ready to have another fight with him…he never lay a finger on you ..but his words ..making your wounded heart ..bleeding again inside of you ..when we fight always like …you were the bad one …you can’t help but to feel bad for yourself ..

The trust and promise that you both made are long gone ..there’s no trust anymore already broken to million pieces just like your heart were sick of the doubts and accusing that he throwa at you every time both of you in a fight were the one who he always blame ..he didn’t give room for you the defend yourself..fight and swore to each other is a usual thing were tired of getting the blame every time you fight were tired being the one that always wrong ..tired get curse at were hurting a lot one knew don’t want people to see the real him …even if you hate him still care for him can’t help but feel farther apart with each other with each fight and arguments that happen in your relationship were tired of it know the end of the day ..someone have to say goodbye ..

“I tired of this ..tired of the fight ..i think’s time to let you go ..there’s is no way to save this relationship anymore’s the end”he said while looking to you …you can see the anger in his eyes …you stay in front of him ..not saying a word don’t know what more to say know there’s no point of begging for him ..there’s no more tears left in you …it’s all dry because of the constant crying know ..that’s the end of the relationship …

goodbye lee minhyuk”it’s all you can say …while you see him from the back ..walking farther away from you know that it’s the end more love between both of you ..there’s no more saving the relationship …you just a burdain to him ..the burdain that he always want to throw away from him ..

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