By Your Side

By Your Side
After your trip form the hospital it felt lonely more than ever. Seeing all of the gifts that Jungkook has given you on the table made you hurt even more and angry. You knocked them off the table making the cake spill out of its container. The balloons popped and the flowers were thrown against the wall. The apron that Jungkook left in your kitchen, you tore it up and threw it in the sinky. Everywhere you went to in your room reminded you of Jungkook. Glass were shattered, the gifts were destroyed, and the only think that’s left is the mattress he brought in to sleep in that one night. You didn’t know what to do with it and instead took it back to his apartment.
The door was unlocked and you threw the mattress inside where it knocked over a glass frame plus a vase fully of roses. Your angry grew so much it ended with you crying all over again. Being inside of Jungkook’s apartment tore your heart apart and you just bawled on the floor.
When you calmed down, you wiped your face in Jungkook’s bathroom where the unused towels were placed hanging on the towel bar. You looked in the mirror and imagined yourself still standing next to Jungkook. You imagined as Jungkook stood beside you and hugged you around the waist to help you settle down. you missed him, you missed him greatly.
Without touching anything else you went back to your apartment where it was a complete mess. Slowly and lazily, you started to clean up. The apron you tore, you threw away, the flowers, the balloons, the cake everything else was thrown away. Soon your place became spotless and no trace left of Jungkook.
With still pain in your heart you wanted to get out and go for walk. You walked  to the park where it was peacefull. Children were playing and parents were talking amongst each other, you on the other hand, just walked as if nothing had happened. You looked up at the sky where it was clear. The birds were chirping and the soft wind blew, brushing your hair slightly to the front.
“Hey I’ve seen you around!” said a familiar voice. You were in surprise and looked around to see who was talking to you.
“Oh mr. Jun! what an odd place to meet you at” you replied.
“It’s dad remember? How is everything with Jungkook?” he asked. Right when you were about to get your mind off of him, you instantly thought of everything all over again. Mr. Jun looked at you disappointedly and bent over to level with your face.  “Did something happen my dear?”
“No! not at all. Just… you know having a break ^^.”
“What did Jungkook do?”
“It’s nothing… really…”
“It doesn’t seem like it… c’mon like I said you can tell me anything!”
“No but’s we’re going to fix this no matter what!” Mr. Jun grabs you by the hand and takes you into the depth of the park where you both walked along the trail. The trees split to make the pathway and it seemed peaceful.
The trees stood straight, parts of the grass were growing on the stoned pavement of the trail, the birds sang louder and the light that peaked through the trees made the walk seem more and more peaceful. “Now tell me” started Mr. Jun.
“The other day I was brought into the hospital because I fainted from stress and anxiety. I was waiting for Jungkook that morning because he said he would take me to school but never showed up. I mean I didn’t get ready anyway I just wanted to see if he would come since he didn’t show up after work…” you said, “Then he comes into the hospital at 3 in the morning to tell me that he can’t date me anymore…”
“What? Exactly why did he say that? Now he’s being an idiot!”
“I told him I understand since it’s the entertainment’s policy. Apparently they can’t date anyone right now so he broke it off this morning…”
“That’s a darn shame… he’s in the BigHit Entertainment right?”
“Correct… why?”
“Looks like we’re gonna have to make some plans then…”
“Dad… how so?”
“Mr. Jung is my best friend… he’s probably busy at the moment but it never hurts to give him a call…” Mr. Jun pulled out his phone and dialed his number. “Ah yeah… yeoboseyo? Aye waddup man! No this is Mr. Jun, Jungkook’s dad… yeah I wanna ask, did you guys make this stupid policy where my son can’t date anyone right now?.... wait but why?...”
As Mr. Jun spoke with Mr. Jung, you were curious about their conversation and wanted to listen. You wanted to hear so bad but Mr. Jun walked a few feet away.
“Yes… alright good you better change that… no because  I think it’s just wrong. It hurts two people and we don’t want that… ok think of it this way… if Jungkook is heartbroken and doesn’t do well Bangtansonyeondan wouldn’t perform well… besides he’s happy his mother got off of him and that he’s dating whoever he wants and becoming successful… nope change it… alright thank dude! Annyeong…”
The conversation w=ends and you were desperately waiting for an answer. “Well?” you asked.
“He said he can’t change it and he apologizes for it…” Mr. Jun said with a sigh.
“I see…”
“I’m terribly sorry… at least the other boys and I have tried…”
“Wait… how did you know the other guys tried?”
“How did-“
“Let’s just keep walking…”
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inspirit_melody96 #1
Chapter 4: Is this all?