The Incident: Sungjong

Diva Swap


“~~~~~!” Your mother called from downstairs.

“~~~~~!” She called once again in a louder tone, trying to get her daughter to respond.

“~~~~~!” She yelled in an irritated voice, she stormed upstairs and barged into your room.

“KIM ~~~~~! Wake up!” She threw a discarded pillow at her daughter, causing ‘you’ to stifle a sleepy moan.

“5 more minutes hyung...” He mumbled sleepily into your pillow and covered himself with your bed covers.

Your mother kept agape.

“HYUNG?! Do I look like a man to you, KIM ~~~~~?!” She threw another pillow at him which hit him hard, but he remained to stay still.

“Crazy girl...driving me crazy! AISH!” She mumbled to herself and left your room with a bang. Sungjong moved a bit, he wasn’t used to this uncomfortable overly- soft fluffy bed he’s suddenly lying on. He decided to get up. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He suddenly felt cold; he was wearing a pink sleeveless top with a matching pair of shorts. He rubbed his arms, which seemed a bit too thin for him, he tilted his head in curiosity.

He lifted the covers off of him and stared wide eyed at his, his... perfect, hairless, milky white legs. Sungjong rubbed them and darted out of the bed. He looked at his hands, so small and fingernails perfectly cut, with cute black and white panda’s painted on each and every one. He began to panic but then realized, *Is this Hoya hyung’s doing?* He thought and rubbed his chilly arms and legs. *Must be.* He assured himself. *But what has he done to our room?!* He panicked.

 And gawked at all the girly make up things on the dresser, the millions of stuffed toys on his bed.  Then it hit him...This wasn’t his room, this weren’t his clothes, this wasn’t even his house... and most of all this wasn’t even him.

Now, he began to panic. The young diva frantically paced around the unknown room, he’d open the door but he was too scared. Did somebody kidnap him... and dress him up like a girl? He had woken up somewhere other than his bedroom back in his dorm. It seemed like the only explanation. Everything was pink, purple or white with floral patterns everywhere. Plastered on the walls were millions of posters of famous kpop dance group including his own.  He ran his fingers through his hair, and realized it was much longer than before.


“Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my freakin’ gosh! DID I GO THROUGH A GROWTH SPURT?!?! But why am I so short?!”  He shrieked.


Then he realized something more shocking. He took a glance at the mirror tightly attached to your wardrobe. His eyes widened to their fullest, if that was possible. He touched his face, or more rather your face. He squeezed his cheeks and pressed his nose, Stretching out his eyes and just plain messing with your face. He messed with your lips with eyes still as wide as saucers. Then his hands began to trail down...onto your chest. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. With two curious hands he grasped both s and quickly let go.

[[It’s so awkward writing this... O_o Excuse me if it sounds erted! D: But if you were Sungjong, you’d be curious too, right? ;)]]

He couldn’t get through his mind what was happening. He woke up in an unknown room, wearing girls clothes and suddenly grew a pair of melons! “What the hell... I’VE GOT S!” HE shrieked and ‘played’ with them.

“HYUNGS! HYUNGS! IVE GROWN LADY LUMPS!” He yelled and gave a nervous sigh when no one responded. Then out of nowhere an enraged male entered the room wearing only boxers, used to the sight, [[Omg, sounds so y... I BLAME YOU NIEL!]] Sungjong just stared at the unknown boy. The ‘unknown boy’ a.k.a your older brother threw a pillow at him, taken back Sungjong just blinked at him, confused.

“SHUT UP! Im tryna sleep, so I don’t wanna hear your whaling’, got it?” He spat and left the room. Sungjong raised his eyebrow. *Who was he?*He thought. The door opened again and your brother stared at you awkwardly. “Oh and holding your s won’t make em any bigger.” He laughed mockingly and left the room once again. Sungjong looked at where his hands were and quickly took them away, blushing. He did a double take at the mirror.

*Is this what God had in store for me? Too feminine and beautiful for a male, so reborn into a cute female with... microscopic melons?* He thought and sighed. *I’ll miss hyungs though... and Infinite.* He sobbed to himself. He stared at the mirror once more and spun once. *This body’s not bad though, thin but has an for the face, cute... actually adorable! But the hairs a mess.* He said. * I wonder if there’s a brush here...* He said, rummaging through your stuff, looking for something to fix your birds nest.

“Ahh! Here!” He said picking up your blue sparkly (Dog grooming) brush. He started brushing your hair, actually starting to accept his sudden change. That’s Sungjong for you. He did one of your hair and squealed in pain. “This brush hurts!” He whined, rubbing his temple. He took a closer look at the brush and threw it across the room. It had white hairs all over it! It creeped him out.

“WOOF!” A white puppy ran out from under your bed and pounced on you, Sungjong, who was still new to all this, was even more creeped out.

“Ohh... so the white hairs were from you?” Sungjong chuckled and started playing with the dog. The dog his face, but noticed something odd with its owner. It barked and growled at him. It jumped off Sungjong’s lap and ran away. Sungjong blinked.

“Go go power rangers!~”


“Go go power rangers!~”

Sungjong noticed the blinking led light from the window sill, he got up and reached for it. It was a flip phone.

“Go go power rangers!~” 

It rang once again. Sungjong scrambled up and grabbed it, he warily opened it and aswered to the bizzare ringtone. 


"HEELLLO??! HELLO!? IS ME THERE?!.... I mean is.... Uhh... DANGIT I FORGOT HIS NAME!" The mysterious caller yelled through the other line, causing Sungjong to back the phone away from his ear abit. There was a silence until the loud caller began his yelling once again, "SUNGJONG! LEE SUNGJONG!!! Are you there?" The caller asked needingly. Sungjong made a face, how did this person know his name? It sounded like a panicky girl. 

"Uhh... yes, who is this?" Sungjong sweetly asked. He could hear some arguing on the other line, it sounded like... *Hoya hyung...* He thought. "HOYA HYUNG?! YOU THERE?!" Sungjong yelled through the phone, he was relieved someone he knew was only a phonecall away. But indeed, Hoya couldn't hear the poor boy... girl.... :L Anyway the caller answered again. 

"In a minute uhh... Hyung!" She called.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, listen please this is important." Sungjong perked his ears up in curiosity, does this girl somehow know about this absurd situation he's in? She took a deep breath before speaking again. "It seems like we've... Somehow... Magically.... Opposedly.... Switched bodies(?)" She nochantly said and lowered her volume when saying the sentence. Sungjong tried to speak... but the reality hit him hard, how can this be possible? How on earth can this be humanly possible? 

"I'll call back later, for the mean time-"

"SUNGJONG!! Get that phone out of your ear and get it the damn car!" A male voice was pulling the poor girl away. 

"No wait!" Too late, the line had already been disconnected.

Sungjong blinked, "Hello?... Hello?!" He sighed and put the phone down. *So much is happening and it's only 9 in the morning.* Sungjong sighed and messed with his new long dark hair. "I guess I need to get used to this... for now." He sighed and looked at the phone on the bed.

"But seriously, why the Power Rangers ringtone?"



Heyy guuiiseeee :D First chapters up! Hope it met your expectations! ^^ Just going to tell you in advance that I'm not really going to update this very often... maybe a few updates here and there but my main priority are the stories in my other account. But don't worry I wont abondon this fic!;) It depends on the response I get... anyway a big thank you to my first subscribers! 









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KiwoonIsReal #1
@LeePeppers thankyou for commenting!~ im glad I made you laugh xD
LeePeppers #2
oh my... Im laughing so hard in here xDDD, YOU CRACK ME UP! hahaha, whe Jong touched his news s and when he acepted his fate (?) haha, I love it, really is amazing, I will wait the update <3
KiwoonIsReal #3
@Hoya_Fishie haha yes you are xD and yes... me and my erted mind ^^ you'll be seeing alot of that from me lol
OMG. I'm one of your first subscribers?! :D Yaaaaaay! Anyways. Omg Sungjong grabbing his.... or her s. LMAO.
KiwoonIsReal #5
@K-P0PG1rL I'm glad you liked it ^^ thankyou for commenting!~
--peperokiss #6
Wow her brother's cranky in the morning! XD<br />
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“HYUNGS! HYUNGS! IVE GROWN LADY LUMPS!” - Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I almost fell out of bed!