

“Ugh I’m so tired” Anna moaned as she dragged herself out of bed. Going to the bathroom, she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and began her morning routine, her messy reflection gazing sleepily back at her from the mirror. Grabbing some clothes, she pulled them on and stomped downstairs to feed her cat, Nero. Something didn’t feel quite right….

“I’m forgetting something, I’m sure…” she mumbled to herself as she tipped the box of cat food upside down in the general direction of the cat bowl. Shrugging, she sat down at the table and promptly fell asleep again with her head in her arms.

A loud RIIIIIINGGGGG jolted her awake.

“Huh?!” She jumped up. “Oh, the door.” Shuffling towards the front door, Anna frowned. Who would be calling at her house so early in the morning? She opened the door.


She gained a smack around the head. “What the holy cat-”

“Oi! Why aren’t you ready?! We need to get to the airport pronto!!” Her friend Hazel said.

“Well someone’s charming today.” Anna grumbled, before registering what her friend had actually said. She looked up in shock…. And horror. “CRAPOLA!” Spinning around, she skidded back into her house in panic, trying desperately to locate everything she needed for the next few months. When she couldn’t find anything she needed, she bit her lip to stop from crying. She’d been planning this exchange trip to Korea for months, yet now it was the day to go and she wasn’t ready! She turned slowly back to face the door, trying to come up with an excuse….

To then see Hazel collapsed on the doorstep, gasping with laughter.

“Hey, what’s so funny git?!” She demanded.

“Ahaha…. Ha… haha…. Your suitcase…” Hazel was unable to continue through her laughter, but brought a shaky hand up to point down the hallway, where Anna’s suitcase was packed and ready to go.

“Oh. Yeah. I forgot I did that last week”. Anna glared at the damn suitcase.

Turning back around, she noticed Hazel had managed to drag herself from the floor and was now standing, using the doorframe for support as she continued to laugh. Grabbing her suitcase, she dragged it past her friend and into the waiting car. “Well come on then, apparently we need to get there ‘pronto’” she mimicked.

“Yeah yeah whatever. Did you say bye to Nero?”

“Shut up asshat I haven’t got there yet!” Anna ran back into the house and grabbed the cat who was feasting on the spilled cat biscuits. “I love you my fabulous handsome man!! I will return soon I promise you~” Slowly putting her cat down, she spared him one last sad glance before leaving the house and locking the door. Turning to her friend, she took a deep breath and said, “Okay, let’s go!”

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