Starring Role


star |stär|noun

a famous or exceptionally talented performer in the world of entertainment or sports: a pop star | [ as modifier ] singers of star quality .• an outstandingly good or successful person or thing in a group: a rising star in the party | [ as modifier ] Ellen was a star student.

(of a movie, play, or other showhave (someone) as a principal performer: a film starring Liza Minnelli.
• no obj. ] (of a performer) have a principal role in a movie, play, or other show: McQueen had starred in such epics as The Magnificent Seven | (as adj. starringhis first starring role.• no obj. ] (of a person) perform brilliantly or prominently in a particular endeavor or event: Vitt starred at third base for the Detroit Tigers.



They all were famous. But everyone knows that fame and money is never enough. They all want the same thing, no matter what. Only one of them will win; for the other, there will be only shame.


Hello, Autor here! i change the description because i had a writer's block and i didn't like the plot. The idea is the same, i only changed some things. I'm really a bad person, i promised to upload the first chapter soon but i didn't. Btw I'm working on it, so please be patient, i prefer to update late but to make at least good chapters (it's useless because i at writing and it's just a crappy fic).


i'm really sorry for the grammar mistakes, and if my story is similar to another is just a coincidence. Everything i wrote belongs to my mind. 


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tiffany_pink_monster #1
wohooo, update soon
Update soon please........
I like this.. :)
Lufany plz!!!!