I Just Really Like Pizza


Yifan really thinks Jongin needs to order less pizza.


Written for kiwisses cause I was bored one day and was having KaiRis feels.


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Onepenny #1
Chapter 2: Aw man, now I have a craving for pizza and the boys. Oh wait, I always have that craving anyway!
Chapter 2: naaaaw okey kairis was a pretty good 'guilty pleasures' pairing. it was cute>///< /(damthemboys)
Chapter 2: need more kairis <3
Chapter 2: Omo... so cute... n sehun is so funny hahaha noce update! Love this! ^^
ReaLiknownot #5
Chapter 1: Ohahahahahaha I lose it completely at the image of Jongin just in his boxer with cheese on his hair, flustering in front of Yifan xDDD
Chapter 1: Haha! Jongin is just simply adorable. XD. And lol, Love at first sight for Jongin. I would be the same as Jongin if I ever saw kris on my doorway leaning liket hat. *drool* and Sehun, haha, you sassy thing. I just love this chap! It flows well enough, and not too much description as to make it stuffy. Love it! ;D

Keep going and good luck, sidedish! ^^V
Chapter 1: omagawdd this cute, awesome, magnificent, wonderful, fluffy, great, beautiful, daebak and all in all than anything i could define to express my love to this fic.. you did a great job.. love this fic so freaking much.. hahaha sehun wae so naughty??!! hahaha innocent kris and stripped kai haha.. love you jongin.. XDD