A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess


You got the best of both worlds.

You’re the kind of girl who can take down a man and lift him back up again.

You are strong but you’re needy, humble but you’re greedy.


off, Kim Jongin.


Those were the first words she said to him. He always thought they’d have some cliché kind of meeting, the one where Krystal Jung blushes and sizzles like a snail under the school’s dancing machine and number 1 ovary bomb under a “coincidental” meeting in a warm coffee shop on cold winter afternoon. But here she is, breathtakingly pretty yet simple with a fuzzy red scarf and tight, faded jeans, piercing his skull with her laser-like gaze and pissed as hell. He was shocked, amused, and impressed. She’s not as easy as he thought she is.


                “Well, hello to you too.” He smirked. That trademark smirk which can cause a hoard of girls to melt on their toes. His eyes not leaving hers as he helped himself in the table she’s occupying. According to his peripheral vision, she’s drinking black coffee and a John Green book is opened on her hands. She closed the opened book with excess force that the thud could be heard from the next table. Earlier she was just pissed, now he’s quite sure she’d snap and throw the book at him anytime soon. But Jongin did not waver nor flinch in terror. In fact, he was excited at this new side he’s seeing from Krystal Jung, the cold as ice beauty he often stares at two desks ahead of him in school.


                “Stop bothering me.”

                “I’m not.”

“What do you want?” her voice low but threatening.

                “What do you think I’d want from you?” he crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat.

                “Why are you following me?”

                “Did I?”

                “Stop it. Leave.”


                So she knew he’s been trailing her. Geez, she’s kinda creepy. But according to their current situation, he’s the one doing the creeping. Still, he did not budge.


                “Can’t I stay and drink the coffee I bought in this store?”

                “Then occupy another table. I think you saw me reading awhile ago.”

“Am I disturbing you? I don’t remember being noisy.”

“Yes, you’re disturbing me. I can’t read when you’re staring at me like that.”

“Am I?”


It’s obvious that she’s trying her best to keep calm. Jongin did not fail to notice the rise and fall of her chest as she tries to inhale and exhale her way to relaxation. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and clenched her fist before opening her eyes, gaze intensely meeting his.


“Okay, what do you want?” Krystal said in a more relaxed tone.

“Nothing. Can’t it be that this is my favourite spot in my favourite coffee shop?”

“It can’t be. I’ve been here every day since winter break. Try something more realistic.”


Now, Jongin is sure that there’s something he can’t quite point out in this girl that inferiorates him more than just being utterly curious. And that thought alone makes him even mad. He doesn’t like being caught off-guard. And Krystal has been doing that for the past six months now. Like when she beat the crap out of Kim Kangin, the biggest bully in school, using taekwondo for calling her a when she did not answer his assignments. Or when she always slept in their English class but still manages to ace every English exam. Or that time when—


“Look if you’re just here to bug me, congratulations.” Her voice as cold as the weather.

“Can’t we talk like we’re friends?” he tried to lighten up the mood as he noticed her replacing her things in her bag and smiled a little bit.

“We can’t ‘coz we’re not.”

“Can we be friends if I ask you?”

“No because that’s not what you really want.”

“Why do you know what I really want?”

“Because I know.” Her chair produced a screeching sound as it was harshly pushed back when she abruptly stood and stormed out the coffee shop, thus earning some knowing stares from nosy costumers.

He can’t just let it go this time. Not when he has inkling as to why he’s pouring too much attention in a girl when usually doesn’t. This girl, the silent Krystal Jung, ignited something more than just curiosity inside him. It’s a new feeling, and Jongin is excited and utterly terrified at the same time.

So he immediately jogged to follow her and slowed down when he’s just three steps behind her.


“I said don’t follow me.” Her eyes focused on the road.

“I’m not. I’m on my way home too.”Hands on his pocket as he followed her.

“You just moved into that new penthouse facing the Han river which is the exact opposite to where you’re heading. Unless you moved again.”


For the second time that day, Jongin was caught off guard. She was exactly correct about his new address.  Why does Krystal Jung know about that? Just how much more does this mysterious girl know about him? He’s aware of his popularity in school but he is aware that no one, not even his friends or his parents, knew about his moving yet. He quickened his steps until he’s already ahead of her and immediately blocked her way with his body. Krystal tried to escape but failed because Jongin’s hands were faster, grabbing her arm until she’s got no other choice but to stop.


“Listen, I don’t know how you—“

“I know what you want.”


“I can’t directly give you her number beca—“

“Wait, what? Who’s her? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jongin is totally lost as to whom she’s referring but Krystal just looked at him like he’s joking.    

“Really, now? Stop the I-don’t-know because I’ve heard all tho—“

“Can you please tell me what you’re talking about?”

“You don’t want her number?”

“Who’s number?” Jongin sounded desperate.

“Jessica… isn’t that why you’re hassling me?”

Jessica? Jessica, who—ah. Jessica Jung. Of course.

Jongin now understood Krystal’s hostility. Jessica is Krystal’s older sister who is a senior in their school. She is considered a goddess because of her beauty and her voice. Even students from other school knows about her. As far he knows, Jessica Jung is a trainee in SM Entertainment. The thought of other people hassling Krystal sickens him. How could they—wait why am I mad?

“No, I’m not hassling you about her.”

“Then what are—“


“I wanna ask you about you.”


Now, it was Krystal who’s caught off guard. Kim Jongin dropped that devil smirk of his and replaced it with a bashful smile, looking like a shy kindergarten student. For a second there she though he really sounded sincere. But she knew this is just his way of getting what he wants. So she quicklygot her guard up because who would ask about the beautiful Jessica Jung’s little sister who’s nothing compared to her?

“Let go.”

Jongin realized that he’s still holding both of her arms and quickly dropped it. With a sigh, Krystal reached for her back pocket and grabbed her phone and started fiddling it. As soon as she found what she’s looking for, she shoved it in Jongin’s hands.

“I don’t really know why you’re asking for her number. You know contacting her is as good as talking to thin air. All she wants is to debut and—“

“Krystal, no. I am not asking for her number. I don’t even know her that much.” Jongin knows that the last sentence is a complete lie. But he’s willing to lie a little bit more if that’s what it takes for this girl to listen to him. Taking advantage of her phone in his hands, he punched something on the screen and a muffled sound of another phone could be heard.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

He took out his own phone, typed something, and smiled to his phone like a legit idiot.

“Saving your number. Can you pick it up when I call? Thanks. And take care!”

Just like that, Kim Jongin was gone like a breeze. Easy come, easy go. WHAT WAS THAT?


part 1 fin ~





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clapyourhands #1
Absolutely wonderful^^
Chapter 1: pls update ;;;;;;;
Chapter 1: the first chapter got me flying into cloud nine. it's just so cute and i really like your writing. it's very detailed and i can literally imagine everything that's happening in the story. i hope you'll update soon. ^_^ and don't worry about the foreword, it's good. cheesy is a big no but when it's kaistal, it's a huge yes. XD