kongju's pov

appa and i went to the park


"kongju, will just buy our drinks stay here"-gd

i nodded happily


i was just sitting there waiting for appa

i saw a super pretty butterfly...

i followed it

and then i saw someone not so far away


i ran towards his direction

but he disappeared

i know he's there

i called him again


i sat on the ground and cried

someone patted my back

"who are you??"

she did not answered

she was with a boy i guess the same age as I.



"i told you stay to there"

"im sorry but i thought i saw...i saw..saw..appa!!!"

i hugged her tight and cried on him

"is it donghae??"


"cheer up daddy is here :)"

he lifted me up

"miss thanks for finding her"

she just smiled

"can i know your name??"

the boy beside him spoke

"she's sena my older sister.she can't speak"

"oh im sorry i don't know....thanks anyway :)"

we left

i looked at her as we go

"appa i thinks she's not japanese"


"sena unnie"

"hmm sena doesn't sound japanese,yes.maybe"

"i think she's korean"


daesung's pov

i was singing on my room


"ow kongju"

"oppa your voice is so good"

"ow thanks,you're so sweet.btw what happened to your day at the park today??"

"well it's nice except that.."

"except what baby??"

"i thought i saw daddy donghae but he's not there all along"

i lifted kongju and let her sit on my lap

"cheer up soon as we find him,we'll go to him araso??"

"yey!!oppa you're speaking korean!!"

"oh yeah!!i didn't noticed hahaha"

"you know what we met a lady today and i think she's korean"

"what's her name??"


what did she say???



"are you sure??"


i took th picture on my wallet

"is this how she look like??"

"yes know her??"

i did not answered her

im  out of words

she's here in japan??

i have to look for her

i need answers

SENA wherea are you??



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xtavista #1
i like it..update soon ^^