Episode 001

We Got Married ❦ Fake Maknae Couple ❦ Kim Namjoo x Park Jimin

•• Studio ••

Misun : Omo... Time flies by so fast, doesn't it?

Jihye : That's only because your old.

*They both send each other death glares and get their claws out* 

Jungmin : WOOOOO! Cat fight coming!

Danny : Yah... Can you guys be quiet? I'm trying to see who the new couple is...

Misun : THERE'S A NEW COUPLE?! Omo! Lemme see!



•• Big Hit Entertainment Practice Room ••

[Danny : Ehhh...what group is this? 

Jungmin : Bangtan Boys. Members is seven. Debut is in 2013. Oldest is a 92-liner, leader is a 94-liner and the youngest is a 97-liner. 

*Misun looks at him weirdly*

Jihye : When did you start doing your research?]


There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" A voice came from inside.

"Maknae, go!" Another voice teased. 

"Aish..." The maknae sighed and went to the practice room door, opened it, and looked around cluelessly. "Hyungs...there's no-one here..." 

He failed to see the red mailbox right outside. 

"Are you sure Kookie?" J-Hope asked. 

"Next maknae, go!" Jin teased, yet again. 

V rolled his eyes and got up. "Aha! There's a red mailbox here!" 

He brought it in and the other six members immediately perked up.

"We Got Married?" Jimin wondered. Suga shrugged. "Looks like it. But it can't be...right? We only debuted this year!" 

Jungkook opened the mailbox. "There's an envelope in here!" 

Rap Monster took it off him and took the letter out from inside. 

He then read it out. "To ____ You have been selected to be a part of the new couple on We Got Married! Please head out to Lotte Amusement Park as soon as possible. You don't want to keep your spouse waiting, do you? So you know who your wife is, you'll dress up in a blue-bear suit when you reach there. She'll be in a pink one. Have fun! :)" 

"Scratch it already Mon!" J-Hope said. 

"Aish... Does anybody have a co—" Before he had even finished, Jin was already holding a coin. "Looking for this?" 

"But... How did y— Oh well. Let's see who it is!" Jimin said excitedly. 

"Hurry up hyung!" Jungkook whined. 

V turned to him. "You do know that you're too young for this show right now, don't you?" 

The maknae nodded and grinned. "I just want to see who it is so I can tease them!"

V rolled his eyes and laughed. "Evil." 

Rap Monster's shoulders moved a little and his eyes popped out before he started laughing uncontrollably. 

Suga took it off him and he soon joined in. 

The others looked at it and after a few seconds, were circling Jimin chanting, "Beloved Park Jiminnie!" 

After all that commotion, Jimin was getting called upon by their manager. J-Hope called out. "Don't forget to send us a photo of your new wife!" 


•• Studio ••

Misun : Omo! He looks so adorable! 

Jungmin : Wahh! He's only a 95-liner

*Danny nodded thoughtfully*

Danny : That'll probably mean his wife is a noona

Jihye : If he doesn't like her, then he can come to me! I'm always free!


•• Next Week Preview ••

Jimin : The first time I saw her...I thought she was so cute! I had always been a fan of A Pink! 

Words on screen : ALERT! The wife is a member of A Pink!!

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ParkSeoHee #1
Chapter 1: they are so cute. update soon
Chapter 1: update sooooooonnn >0<
Chapter 1: Haha..sweet..
SherliJoong #4
Chapter 1: MinJoo couple, another my fav in BangtanPink.
Update please!!!><
Chapter 1: Please update :'3 I'm really in love with this couple :'3 Pleaseeee ~
athirahtira #6
Chapter 1: Update juseyo ~~! ^^
Chapter 1: Update juseyo QAQ
Chapter 1: Update soon juseyo~~~!!!!
namjoors #9
Chapter 1: Please update soon authornim! fighting<3
Chapter 1: i had read it before i have acc in aff, and i'll always waiting for the next chapter. Fighting author-nim :)