
Perks of watching Weekly Idol

“Seungri please come out” G-Dragon said to Seungri while knocking on his door. “No!” Seungri retorted. “Well can you at least tell me why are you acting like this?” G-Dragon said again. “No……” Seungri said calmly. “Seunghyun-ah. Please come out. You know I don’t like that attitude of yours.” Seungri fell silent. “Let’s make a deal. If you come out there right now, I’ll buy you that watch you wanted when we went to the mall” G-Dragon said. Silence fell on them. Minutes passed and GD almost gave up and about to walk away when he heard Seungri’s door open. “Thank god you came out. Now, can you tell me why are you acting like this?” GD said lovingly while holding Seungri’s waist. “Wee………..kly…….I…….dol……..” Seungri said quietly. “Weekly Idol? What about weekly idol?” GD asked. “Hyungdon hyung…….” Seungri said quietly again.

“Too……….much…………skinship” he continued. GD had a confused face while looking at Seungri. Then an “ooooh” face then he smirked at Seungri. “Are you, by any chance, jealous?” GD asked Seungri. Seungri then had a WTF?! Face then quickly defended himself “what?! Why would I be jealous?!” “Well alright then” GD said while walking away. “W-where are you going?!” Seungri half-screamed half-asked. “To see Hyungdon hyung!” GD said while smiling at Seungri then walked away with a smirk. Seungri had a surprised face then ran to GD to give him a backhug.


“alright. I’m jealous ok? Now, can you please stay?” Seungri said defeated. “Ok ok” GD said now looking at Seungri. He then gave Seungri a peck on the head. “But I really have to go though.” GD said. “Where are you going?!” Seungri pouted. “I’m gonna buy that watch you wanted. Didn’t I promise you that earlier?” GD said while smiling at Seungri.


Seungri then jumped at GD while smiling and screaming “I LOVE YOU HYUNG. YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!!!!”. GD smiled then laughed a little. “Alright alright. I love you too. And I know I am the best boyfriend ever. Now, are you coming with or what?” he said. “wait I’ll just change my clothes!” Seungri said happily while running to his room. Minutes passed and the couple went to the mall, holding hands and exchanging pecks from time to time. 

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Chapter 1: Awwwwww
bruh check your messages
Chapter 1: Ahhh too sweet and too fluffy! :D but it's short though >.< anyway great job! ^^
silenceaj #4
You should write a little bit the moment when they called lee joon...
Chapter 1: sweet. your story made me smile like crazy. too much fluffy >< oh my feeelss
Chapter 1: Aww, so sweet! :)
Chapter 1: aaaawww, they are so sweet eventhough it is short! great job ^^
mzjonghyun #8
Chapter 1: awww so cute I love gri