Love hurt, doesn't it?

Is this the end?

     Doori's POV-

    I was just walking to school when suddenly, I saw Ilhoon and Hyang. I went over there and decided to eavsdrop. "Ilhoon, we have to tell Doori, that we are dating. She will find out eventually." Hynag said. "Yes, we have to tell Doori." Ilhoon said back to her. I was about to die when I heard that. Ilhoon leaned close to Hyang, when Hyang was facing me and saw me there. "Doori!" She yelled pushing Ilhoon out of the way. "Hyang!" He yelled. I quickly ran, I stood in front of Sungjae's house, and opened the door. He gave me his house keys. Suprisenly, Sungjae was wet. Probobaly becuase he got done taking a shower. I quickly locked the door, and sat down on the couch. "Doori?!" He said running to me. I didn't want to cry, so I held it in. I quickly ran to him and hugged him. 

    "What happend?" He asked. "Nothing, I decided that i don't want to go to school today. You also don't want to go to school, right!" I said to him. Everytime I  say he always laugh!

    Sungjae's POV

   Doori just damaned me to stay home with her. I just laughed at her, everytime I have a chance to talk and see her, I feel like I fall for her more and more. But she's dating Ilhoon, which is dating Hyang, which is Doori's sister. You may ask how do I know, will I saw Ilhoon sweet talking to Hyang and then kissed her. "Doori? May I ask you something?" I asked, I am going to confess to her, now is not really the right time but. "Wait I just need to text Ilhoon that's over" She said texting. Next thing I knew it nothing came out of my mouth. "What did you want to tell me?" She asked, coming closer to me. "Umm.. W..w..wou..would you like.. to co..cook with me?" I asked gulping really hard. What was I doing! I was suppose to sound like a man! 

    Who cares! "Sure" She answered. I was jumping up and down inside. But on the outside I went to the kitchen and got an aapron. 

    Doori's POV

   I thought he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. I liked him more and more everytime I see ans talk to him! But you know, he doesn't even like me back. I broke up with Ilhoon. I mean he's not going to cry any. When me the apron I wanted to kiss him so badly! But he is only a friend, or so I want to be more than friends. "Umm, I am going to go upstairs for a while I'll come back in 30 seconds." He said I just nodded an my answer. He saw my phone and ran away with it. I was to sad to be chasing him so I just cooked by my selft. It's been 10 mintues already and he has not came down. I went upstairs to his bedroom, and saw him asleep. I went to him and pocked him. He still didn't wake up. I saw my phone! I kinda glided over Sungjae trying not to touch him, and grabbed my phone. He quickly grabbed me down and hold me tight. "Sungjae! W..WHat are you doing!" I yelled trying to get him to let go of me. 

    Sungjae's POV

    I quickly grabbed Doori, funny how she thought I was asleep. "Shh.... Doori, don't you want to sleep with me?" I asked her. "No!" I pulled her on top of me. No we were face to face, eyes to eyes, nose to nose, and ofcourse lips to lips, i pulled my self up a little to kiss her. She didn't push back, she made that kiss into a passionate kiss. She was tuggling for air, but I didn't let her go. Finally when her face was red I did. "Sungjae! I couldn't breath!" She made me laugh like always. "Be my girlfriend and I'll let you go." I asked her. I was jsut lieing. She blushed for awhile and agreed. But I didn't let her out yet. I pushed her back down to kiss me.  

   Once we got down to the kitchen, we had a lot of mess to clean. Escpecially when flour was on the ground. When I looked ar Doori, she was gone. I looked everywhere for her. "Doori!" I yelled. Before I knew it I felt someone jump on top of me. "Yes?" Doori answered. "Nothing, I though I lost you for a second. "I love you. Be my girlfriend" I asked. "I love you too. You be my boyrfriend" She demaned again. She fell off of me cuase I was laughing. "What!" I heard Ilhoon yell. Doori and I looked at Ilhoon, "Doori! You left me for a tall guy!" Ilhoon said. 

    "Well you left me for my sister." Doori said to him. "So are we both happy of who we got?" Ilhoon said in the stupidest tone ever! "I think so" Doori said looking at me and rapping her arms around my neck. "Well bye!" Ilhoon said. 

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