Chapter 02

Confidential Case

“YAH I told you not to touch my things!”


“Stop asking me so many questions!”


“Don’t go into my room!”


“Annoying woman!”


“Shy boy!”

I stood incorrect, we argued for the rest of the day and I cannot imagine what will happen for the next two weeks. The house finally gotten quiet when the old lady, Mrs. Yoon hit her cane against the wall that connected with Seunrgi’s apartment shutting us both up. He then went to take a shower leaving me by myself in his living room finally at peace.


I sigh blowing some air out of my mouth causing some of my hair to float up. Just then Seungri walks out of the bathroom with a towel over his head as he tries to dry his hair.


“Yah you should go shower and change out of “those” clothes.” Seungri points to my clothes as I look down at them.


“What’s wrong with my clothes?” I ask touching my plaid dress.


“It’s strange and what’s with your short pink hair?” As he arch his eyebrows up. That’s it he’s going to have a piece of my mind again.


“Just for YOUR information these clothes happens to be trending in my WORLD and my hair is not PINK it’s SOFT PINK.” I said pointing my index finger at him everytime I emphasize a word. When I was done talking I my index finger happen to be poking at his chest. “Now would you excuse me, I am going to take a shower now.” Pickng up my suitcase I ignore his attention on me and went to the bathroom closing the door behind me. Leaning against the bathroom I drop my suitcase and ran my fingers through my hair.


“Aish that guy is going to drive me crazy by the time I get back to the future.” I look at myself in the mirror examining my hair. “Is it really that strange?” I pick up my suitcase on the floor and rummage inside hoping to find some “ordinary” enough looking clothes so Seungri would stop badgering me. Finding a white v-neck t-shirt and a pair of light washed boyfriend skinny jeans I showered and changed. When I finally got done I step out of the bathroom finding Seungri reading a book. As I walk into the living room he looks up from what he was reading.


“You look more normal now.” He said as I bite my tongue from making a remark. I gave a sarcastic smile and sat across from him. I have not fully gotten to look around his house yet since I was to busy arguing with him. Now that I finally notice how small and clean his place was it was actually really nice.


“So how long have you lived here?” I ask staring out of his balcony window, I have to say the view here looking out at the night sky from Seoul was nice.


“Not long ago only about a year and a half.” He replies flipping a page from his book.


“What made you moved here?” I ask another question turning my attention towards his kitchen.


“I don’t know after my mother had passed way. A new start for myself I guess.” He answered, after hearing this I turn my attention towards him.


“I’m sorry about your mother’s passing.” I said sincerely as he shrugs and looks up from his book.


“Aren’t you supposed to know since you are from the future and all?” There he goes at it again, poking at my bones. Gritting my teeth I reply with sweet voice.


“No not everything.”


“How come, I thought you new everything about me?” He asks too many questions and ninety percent of those questions are stupid ones.


“Let’s just say for your sake and mine from fighting that I can’t. Only informations that can make you believe me and for me to get to know you better.” I said, if he asks one more question I think about going to lose it.


“Okay, but-”


“Seungri-ah,” I cut him off before he could say anything that will make me go crazy, “no more questions for today huh? I’m very tired.”


“Okay, just one more.” I gave him the death glared that shut him up instantly. He pointed to a door besides the bathroom. “You can sleep in there it’s my room.”


“Thank you, but where are you going to sleep?” I ask getting up as I grab my suitcase.


“I can sleep on the couch it won’t hurt me. You go rest.” That I had to say was the best thing he said all day to me. Maybe it was because of how tired I look, he gave me a smile before I close the door from his room.


“Oh, I almost forgot I know you and Jiyong are going to the yogurt shop tomorrow and I can’t stop you. But I’m warning you to leave at one in the afternoon. You cannot stay there no longer than twelve fifty five, it’s important because she will be coming in the shop at one. You got it?” I said as he nods his head.


“No longer than twelve fifty five, got it.” I nod my head and close the door. Turning on the light his room was significantly clean just like the rest of his apartment. Setting down my suitcase next to his night stand I turn off the lights once again and plop myself on his bed. A sweet scent wafted on his blanket and pillow luring me into a deep slumber.




I woke up to the smell of kimchi making my mouth go watery. I just realize that I haven’t eaten anything yesterday since I came here. Getting out of bed and opening his bedroom door slightly I took a peek outside. Seungri was just setting down chopsticks on the table when he notices me.


“Don’t just stand there go freshen up and eat.” He gestures me to the bathroom as he turns back around to finish setting up cooking. Listening to what he said I went to the bathroom and came back out finding Seungri already eating.


“You take forever in the bathroom.” He said as he put a piece of kimchi in his mouth. Ignoring his remark I sat down and began to eat as well.


“This is really good!” I said with wide eyes not believing how tastful it was.


“Yeah right.” Seungri said obviously not believing me.


“I’m not kidding! This is really delicious!” I said happily, picking up another piece of his unknown food dish. Just as I look up from eating I saw him staring at me with his cheeks blushing.


“Thanks.” He simply said making eye contact with me as I smiled. Just then the doorbell rang causing us both to look towards the direction.


“Seungri-ah it’s me Jiyong you ready to go?” The man behind the door said.


“Oh man it’s already this late?” Seungri said getting out of his chair in a hurry.


“Yeah I’ll be right there!” He yells to Jiyong as he looks at me, “Do not open the door and let him know you’re here.” He whispers to me as he heads into his room to change.


“What’s taking so long?” Jiyong asks from behind the door as I look from the door Seungri went into to the door where Jiyong was waiting from the other side.


“I’m coming!” Seungri yells rushing out of his bedroom door as he struggles to put on his socks on. “Hey just stay in the house and do something until I get back.” He told me as he put on his shoes.


“Yah do you really expect me to sit here all day waiting for you to come back?” I ask crossing my arms over my chest.


“Yeah you’ll freak other people out if they know you’re from the future.” Seungri said as he stood up from tying his shoes. “You got it?” He asks me before opening the door to leave.


“Yeah yeah and don’t forget about my warning.” I said as he nods his head.


“Yeah leave before twelve fifty five I got it.” He said before closing the door behind him. I could hear Jiyong asking Seungri who he was talking to as they left. Looking around the house now all to myself I got up to wash the dishes.


“There all done.” I said to myself, please of my kitchen clean up. Stretching my body I felt bored already. Just then I spotted Seungri’s set of keys with his panda charm on it.


“Hmmmm someone forgot something.” I said with a smile as I arch my eyebrows up and snatch his keys into my hand from the kitchen counter. I glance at the clock hanging above the sofa, it read ten twenty.


“I have time to go shopping before Seungri comes back.” I quickly grab some money from my suitcase and left the house.


Reaching the outside of the apartment everyone was so busy just walking towards there destination. I look down at myself forgetting to change and blend in. My white v-neck t-shirt and boyfriend jeans seem normal enough though. I walk down the street hoping to find the closest clothing store. Walking down the street for several minutes I found nothing until I finally hit the fifth block down the apartment. It was a small little clothing store. Pushing the door open the customer bell rang signaling a customer has come.


“May I help you?” A young lady asks behind the cashier counter. I looked around the shop hoping to find some clothing that catches my interest.


“I’m just looking for some clothes and hopefully an outfit to wear.” I answer as I rummage through some clothes on the hangers.


“Oh I have just the outfit for you!” The young lady exclaim as she ran inside to her back storage room. Seconds later she came back out with some clothes on a hanger.


“Here go try this outfit on. I’m sure it’s the right outfit for you!” The young lady said in excitement as she pushes me into the changing room.


Once inside I examine the clothes she gave me. She gave me a black floral skirt with a white long sleeve crop top. Wearing it and stepping outside the lady yelps in excitement.


“I knew this outfit would match you! Oh and I took the pleasure to pick out a pair of shoes for you as well. I hope you don’t mind black platform wedges.” She said as she handed me the pair of shoes. Not wanting to offend her I put it on and stare at my own reflection.


“Oh you look just fabulous!”


“Thank you but I never got your name.” I said turning around to look at her as she giggles in her hands.


“The name’s Suzy.”


 “Suzy do you happen to have wigs here as well?” I ask as I tug at my short hair. After hearing my question she gave a smile as she nods her head.


“Thanks for shopping here! Come again Sunmi!” Suzy said as I step out of her shop. I bid goodbye and head back towards the apartment with my old clothes in my bag. Wearing my new clothes and shoes I couldn’t help but smile. Tugging at my brown hair from my fake wig it felt uncomfortable but right at the same time. Maybe I should go to the yogurt shop and check up on Seungri.


Stopping a citizen I ask for the direction of the old yogurt shop. Hopefully he listened to what I told him. I thought as I bit my lip slightly waiting for the bus to come.




“I still don’t believe you Seungri.” Jiyong said as he and I walk down the street after ditching the other three guys.


“I told you no woman was in my house hyung!” I denied turning red.


“You’re lying your face is turning red!” Jiyong exclaims laughing at my denial.


“Let’s just go inside and eat some yogurt. We have to leave before one.” I told him as I push open yogurt shop door.


“Why do we have to leave before one again?” Jiyong asks me following me inside the shop.


“Because Sun-because I need to go home by then.” I adverted saying Sunmi names just in time. He eyes me curiosly before waving it off.


“Fine fine come on let’s go eat some yogurt then!” Jiyong said happily as I watch him run towards the cash counter. Even though he’s two years apart from me he acts more of a kid then I do.


“Hey remember how we use to eat here all the time. Our parents got so mad at us for wasting our many here everyday.” Jiyong laughs as he took a mouthful of yogurt in his mouth.


“Yeah and you lied to both of our parents about how it was all my idea.” I said as Jiyong laugh even more remembering that moment.


“Hey don’t be mad you follow my ideas without me forcing you to. So it was your own free will.” He spoke as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I shook my head as a small smile spread across my face. I can’t believe I even follow his crazy ideas most of the time. Checking my watch it was twelve fifty three already.


“Hyung we have to leave now.” I said getting up from my chair.


“Hmmmm already?” Jiyong whines as he got up from his chair as well.


“Yeah come on.” I grab both of our yogurt bowls and toss them into the trash can.


“Oh I have to go to the restroom really quick.” Jiyong said as he rushes towards the men restroom before I could stop him.


“Yah you better hurry!” I yell after him. I look at my watch again and two minutes has already past. I waited impatiently just then someone taps on my shoulder causing me to jump.


“Why are you still here???!” Someone asks, I turn around to find a woman looking at me with a serious face. She looks quite familiar and narrowing my eyes at her I realize it was Sunmi.


“Sunmi why are you here? I told you to stay at home and why do you look so different? Is that a wig?” I ask as she wave all those questions aside.


“I went shopping while you were out and yes it’s a wig. You’re the one that said my short hair was weird.” She replies as she grabs my arm. “Come on you have to go now.”


“Jiyong’s in the restroom I’m waiting for him.” I replied not budging from where I stood.


“He can get home himself I’m sure.” Sunmi said as I ignored what she said. Just then the door to the yogurt shop opens and in walks a woman with long black wavy hair.

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This was such a cute story. I wish you could have finished this. Reminds me of WonderBang.
Hi don't know if you're gonna see this but its 2018 now. Somehow I suddenly remembered this story and how good it was. So clearly this left such a good impression in my mind
Chapter 10: it's been a really long time but I'm glad you haven't given up on this. You're doing great!
Hyu2nie #4
Chapter 9: Yay an update :)))) my RiMi is so cute :))) and since there sadly is no WonderBang moment in this comeback i will have to find my happiness in those WonderBang's fanfictions and your new chap give me life :))) really cant wait for the next chap author nim :)
Drewhajri #5
Chapter 8: Update please!!
Chapter 7: Lmao Suzy is so nice XD. Anyway thank you for writing this fic, I'll anticipate the update c:
Only4Twinkle #7
Chapter 6: I really love the stroy line <3
Waiting for updates ^___^
Hyu2nie #8
Chapter 6: OMG such a plot twist :-o your story is just like a movie, well an action, sci-fi movie actually :) this chapter is so good :) cant wait for the next chap author nim :)
Hyu2nie #9
Chapter 5: OMG your story is so good, i love it. So JiYoung want Sunmi to go back to the past so that she can stop SeungRi and Sohee falling in love with each other so that he can have Sohee, right? OMG i just love your story so much. Plz update soon author nim <3
Drewhajri #10
Chapter 4: I just started reading your fanfic and I love it...very well a huge seungri&sunmi (Rimi)shipper, can't wait to read more (please update more). Fighting Author-nim!!