22. Heart issues 1

Last Fairy

The school was closed for another notice now as everyone was investigating the unknown dead body in the school yard, jaejoong did not try to clean u the mess because no school meaning less opportunities for any dark creature to attack them again and beside he was busy enough in the morning with training yunho and Yoochun who was so stubborn that did not make even the slightest improvement and at night well… his nights belonged to the man who claimed and marked him his, not that he was complaining or anything


'Hyung~' whined kibum entering the house with a big pout on his face

'What is it bummie?' smiled jaejoong hugging his baby brother at once, kibum, Junsu and the brat changmin moved in with him and yunho now because after the last zombie attack jaejoong was not going to let his brother anywhere away from him so using a spell he added more rooms to the house and even build walls around his and yunho's bedroom since they were sharing the same one now just as kibum had his own room far far away from Changmin's who shared with Junsu while Yoochun stayed at the school.

'Hyung~ I'm bored~' pouted kibum cutely and jaejoong sighed, he did not want his baby brother to go out on his own, not without him around and right now he was helping Yoochun

'I will take you out' smiled yunho and kibum grinned widely, as jaejoong was going to say something yunho hugged him and whispered something in his ear:' I will take care of him love, trust me' and to that jaejoong did not say anything but nod, no one knew about their relationship yet and he did not want anyone to know just yet

'AAHH!! This is useless!!' Yoochun frowned kicking the crystals away from around him, he had found his guardian, the fire but other than that nothing, he could not master his powers yet and nothing was working for him

'You are not focusing' jaejoong looked and before he saw him he knew he was there, Junsu because every time he was around Yoochun would not concentrate on anything but him and the way he walked

'I am concentrating' hissed an angry Yoochun

'Of course you are but on the wrong thing, stop thinking about the fairy and concentrate and you will do it, yun…ho did' for a second jaejoong thought he was going to say yunie, a nickname he gave yunho, a nickname which to be used only in the bedroom when no one is around!

'I am not…' began Yoochun to argue eyes still on the fairy but jaejoong tsked and sighed shaking his head, he should stop denying it already

'Anyway think again, think of your feelings and find the one that triggers your powers!'

'IT HAD BEEN AWEEK AND I STILL CAN'T CONTROL THE DAMN THING! YOU ARE DOING THIS ON PURPOSE!!' yelled Yoochun so angry now and at once everything around him began to burn

'Oh it's rage then….hhmm, mind putting it out' jaejoong waved Yoochun off with his hand and went to sit on the couch watching some TV when he heard a voice calling for kibum and he stiffened at once, he had already promised yunho that he won't kill the boy again but he was still not going to allow him anywhere near his innocent baby brother!

'Ohh… where is kibum?' changmin asked awkwardly bowing to jaejoong a little

'Out with yunho!' hissed jaejoong eyeing the boy

'Oh he did not tell me' frowned changmin crossing his hands in front of his chest

'Well he does not need to; you are not his brother after all. I am!'

'Yea I know but I never wanted to be just his hyung, I always wanted more!' challenged changmin looking at jaejoong right in the eyes which was one of a two, one super brave because he was facing a super angry powerful wizard, two very stupid because he was facing a super angry powerful wizard!

'Never!' hissed jaejoong thinking of what to turn the boy into, a frog sounded good, so did an ant or a bat, anything ugly that kibum won't go near it!

'AAHHH!!' Yoochun yelled having troubles putting the fire out so jaejoong went to help and with a wave of his finger the fire vanished as if it was never there

'I told you sit down and concentrate about the same thing you were feeling when you used your powers, whatever it was it released it and I don't think it was rage, right?' frowned jaejoong and Yoochun roared some swore and sat down on the floor again

'Don't get angry… here' a blushing Junsu walked to Yoochun and handed him a sandwich, Yoochun's heart began to race and again everything around him began to burn as flames irrupted everywhere, it was like before, when he sued his powers a few minutes ago, he was thinking of the way the fairy walked, his slender waist and long thin legs, perfect figure!

Jaejoong waved his finger again and the fire was out, he smirked looking at Yoochun who blinked blankly at him not liking the smirk and the look he was getting from the wizard

'I will go to my room' smiled Junsu a little not wanting to interrupt their training

'I will go to mine too' hissed changmin still angry at jaejoong and together with Junsu he walked upstairs

'So… love is what triggers your powers' smirked jaejoong when they were away

'What?' blinked Yoochun, love was a word that did not exist for a hunter!

'Whenever you see Junsu your powers work by themselves and you blush, I know stuff remember?' smirked jaejoong

'Hell no…' Yoochun snickered pointing a finger at jaejoong:' look I don't…' be began when jaejoong pointed at his outstretched finger, it had a soft blue flame attached to its tip

'You were saying?' mocked jaejoong but Yoochun did not answer

'Sit over there and think of your love, keep thinking till you master how to use your powers and please try not to burn anything!' commanded jaejoong and Yoochun was going to yell again but did not, swallowing he went to the corner and sat down thinking, it was a weird feeling he was having toward the fairy, but it was not love, it could not be love! The fairy was someone he was going to and then kill; he only desired the boy's body. Fairies do have the prettiest bodies of all! Yoochun convinced himself with that idea


It was evening already, Junsu was sitting in the garden watching the moon, yunho and jaejoong had disappeared into their room after dinner and kibum tired of the walk took a bath and went to bed, changmin of course followed kibum secretly watching the boy sleep like he did every night without anyone knowing

Changmin sat down on the floor in front of kibum's bed and looked at his love, sleeping ever so peacefully and sighed, his sigh had a mix of happiness and grief, he was happy of course that he and kibum are not blood related and that they can be together now but he was sad, worried and skeptical that kibum does not return his feelings, not the way he does, he wants! Kibum spent all his time lately around jaejoong and not with him; he was being ignored, pushed aside and tossed away like something used, something with no value anymore and that was killing him more than anything else in the world!

Kibum flipped to his side and changmin has to shift his position so he will be able to see kibum's face, he did this every night for the last week, since they moved here and could not stay in kibum's bed, three nights ago yunho caught him sitting in front of kibum's bed watching him and warned him that jaejoong will kill him for sure if he knew but changmin did not care, he missed his baby and he wanted him already!


Junsu sat in the garden watching the moon; snowflake was playing with Rin both chasing each other while he pouted not knowing while, something flashed in his mind and he touched his lips softly biting on them


Junsu and Yoochun had walked out of the headmaster's office, Junsu was about to go back to class when Yoochun's wrist stopped him, turning around and frowning he waited for Yoochun to speak already but he did not, he waited till yunho and jaejoong was way out of ear shut before he pulled Junsu and pushed him into the wall sartling the boy

'Y…Yoochun…shi…' stuttered Junsu not knowing what to do, how to react or even if to yell for help

'Shut up fairy!' hissed Yoochun angrily, Junsu's eyes widened at the sentence and he swallowed hard not knowing what do when he felt something pressed against his lips, something warm and hot, something tender and soft yet thin, it was the other boy kissing him and angry Junsu tried to push him away only to fail


The kiss was not that special, it was for two seconds before the yell was heard and the demon appeared but still he could not take it off his mind, he could not wonder why? What happened? Did everyone already know he is the last fairy?

Beside Junsu's heart was acting weird now, like when Yoochun was around he would automatically let his guards down like he had nothing to fight him, whenever he was around training or anything his trips to the kitchen would double and he would linger in the 'living room' on the couch watching TV or more likely watching him!

Junsu sighed and ruffled his hair; he could not take this anymore, what was happening to him?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Lia00027 #2
Chapter 13: Some parts of this ch is missing. Too bad i wanna read it.
tsubakisworld #3
Chapter 45: Wished to read about yoosu's kid T^T
jetizen #4
Chapter 45: Magical story, i wish theres part 2 with yoosu's kid, promised by mother nature
Chapter 45: daebakkkkk <3
moonjoy #6
Chapter 45: Wow oh wow I really love this! The story and everything...thank you for this :)
sujuELF1315 #7
Chapter 45: OH MY GOD
this thing can be a drama i tell you
and i love it
love it
love it
never read anything like it before <3 and i'm glad i did
GREAT JOB really i enjoyed it so much
if u want u can look her lj
Chapter 14: looks like part of the story is missing in chapter 13, as it has just few phrases and chapter 14 starts with events we have not seen
Happy ending. Horay! ^ㅅ^ reading this made me wish that i was a fairy like Junsu too lol ^^