Baekyeol - Primrose

Language of Flowers - Oneshots




Young Love






There were lots of things Byun Baekhyun didn't like. His friends tried to make a list once. They never tried again. Byun Baekhyun didn't like drinking cold coffee. Byun Baekhyun didn't like junk food. Byun Baekhyun didn't like seafood. Byun Baekhyun didn't like snails. Byun Baekhyun didn't like insects. Byun Baekhyun didn't like Mondays. Byun Baekhyun didn't like fantasy. Byun Baekhyun didn't like chewed pencils. Byun Baekhyun didn't like horror movies. Byun Baekhyun didn't like rude people. Byun Baekhyun didn't like silver nail-polish. Really, Byun Baekhyun didn't like lots of things.

However Byun Baekhyun liked romantic novels, heartbreaking movies, French cuisine, eyeliner and more than anything, Byun Baekhyun liked men. Tall men. Well, there was always exception since Baekhyun didn't like that much his friend's boyfriend. Kris could be so annoying. Baekhyun didn't even know how Tao could deal with him.


Now that we have stated Byun Baekhyun's tastes, why don't we move on and take interest in his life? If you were to ask him directly about it, he would answer that he was a normal person living a normal life. Byun Baekhyun was twenty two and he had a job in a café. Taking orders, making coffee, … those were his usual daily tasks. It was not that exciting but it could have been worse. The pay was actually good and Baekhyun could not say it was a hard job. Moreover, the others were nice. He had a great time talking with Kyungsoo and planning evil pranks on Joonmyun with Luhan. Occasionally his bestfriend, Tao, would come and they would talk while drinking coffee during Baekhyun's pause.










The cup shattered before Baekhyun's eyes and the burning liquid painfully splashed against his brand new jean. The brunette scoffed. He just knew it was going to be a bad day. He woke up late, didn't have any milk for breakfast and his eyeliner was gone missing. Yes, it was a bad day.


“Tao is here”, stated Joonmyun, his head in the opening of the kitchen's door. “And I think you need to take a rest”.


Baekhyun nodded and Joonmyun closed the door.


“I'll clean for you”, said Kyungsoo grabbing a broom.

“But Kyung...”

“Hush!”, commanded the doe-eyed boy. “Go and change yourself. I have a spare pant in my bag. It's in Joonmyun's office. I don't need you here, you are clearly tired and you are doing a mess in the kitchen.”


Baekhyun pouted but Kyungsoo didn't falter a bit. The cook was like a mother, always taking care of the others. And Baekhyun could not do anything but to obey.


Kyungsoo's pant fitted him well and in a matter of minutes, Baekhyun was presentable again. He pushed the door of the office and instantly spotted Tao. The younger was sipping on a cup of coffee while typing on his phone. “Kris...” sighed mentally Baekhyun. He advanced toward the black-haired boy. Tao soon turned his look away from the screen of his phone and his face broke into a huge smile as he waved at Baekhyun.



“Hey Tao”, answered the brunette as he took a seat. “Do you have it?”

“The eyeliner? Yes of course.” Tao rolled his eyes. He went through his bag before finding the small product. “Here.”


Instantly Baekhyun grabbed it and flicking a small mirror open, he began applying the make-up on his eyelids. Tao just laughed a bit and turned his gaze back to his phone as it vibrated.


“Done!”, victoriously stated Baekhyun. He frowned at the lack of answer and turned to see Tao smiling like a fool while typing. “Kris again?”, said Baekhyun puffing. “I understand you love him but you know what they say. Bros before hoes.”

“You should really get a boyfriend Baek. You sound more and more like a guy who will end up with fifty cats to keep him company.”

“Ouch. That hurt”, gasped Baekhyun putting a hand on his heart.


Tao looked behind Baekhyun's shoulder and smirked. “Hey, there is this cute guy looking at you, near the counter.”

The older turned his head and the brown-haired man that was eyeing him gave him a smile and a wink. Instantly Baekhyun twisted around to accord a nice grimace to Tao who was literally bended over the table, laughing so much he was beginning to cry.

“Do you understand why I don't have any boyfriend?”

“Whatever hyung.” Tao calmed down as Baekhyun was fixing the bottom of his coffee cup. Tao then stood up, throwing his jacket on his shoulders. “I have to go. Kris is waiting for me.”

“See you someday then.”, acknowledged Baekhyun.


The brunette sat a bit longer drinking his coffee. The brown-haired man left since Baekhyun did not seem interested. He was the last customer and Luhan began to clean the room. Baekhyun cleared his cup in the kitchen, Kyungsoo had already taken his leave. The eyeliner boy joined back Luhan and helped him cleaning in silence. Tao's words were turning again and again in his head and Baekhyun began to actually wonder why he was still single when all his friends were taken.


“What about you Luhan, do you know why I can't find any boyfriend?”


Luhan raised his eyebrows, still wiping the café's tables.


“You are too difficult?”

“What do you mean?”, Baekhyun frowned.

“Your standards... they're too high.”, shrugged Luhan. “You know, you should tone down a bit your romantic movie's marathon. The problem is, because of those always perfect male characters you are influenced and want your boyfriend to be like them. And, breaking news, the probability of finding a guy like that on Earth is close to zero.”

“I don't look for a guy like in the movies”, protested Baekhyun.

“Oh yes you do.”

“I just want a hot, nice, romantic, fun and smart boyfriend.”

“That's what I'm saying.”


Baekhyun puffed his cheeks. Surely he could not be that difficult, he just hadn't find the good guy.


“Luhan, Baekhyun, we are closing”, announced Joonmyun clapping his hands once. “I'll see you tomorrow.”










The next morning was tiring. Luhan had taken a day-off because he and Sehun had decided to go on an early weekend in Busan. That basically meant one thing: more work for Baekhyun who was both taking orders and being waiter. Joonmyun was sick so only Kyungsoo was here. In the kitchen. Baekhyun was so annoyed.


“... so one latte with a brownie. Wait, are you macaroons home-made? I'll take one raspberry and one chocolate then.”


Baekhyun was scribbling the order, mentally rolling his eyes. The woman had already taken ten minutes to make her choice.


“No, no, no. Cross the macchiato, I'll actually have a caramel macchiato. Very hot.”


Baekhyun cringed and cross the latte to correct the order. Customer is king, customer is king.


“Anything else?”

“No. And don't forget to make the macchiato hot!”

“Of course.”


Baekhyun brought the order to Kyungsoo, complaining a bit about the woman to his friend who tapped his back. Baekhyun went to another table where a man was sitting reading a newspaper. He awkwardly cleared his throat when the customer made no move to acknowledge his presence. The man looked up and Baekhyun's breath blocked. Well, it was not like he had the most handsome man ever in front of him.


“... thanks.”

“What.”, blankly stated Baekhyun after realizing the stranger had talked to him.

“Just an americano, thank you.”, repeated the man.


Baekhyun stared at him a few more seconds before widening his eyes and quickly scribbling on his notepad.

“An americano. Sure. Anything else?”



Baekhyun blinked and looked again at the man. He was not sure he had heard right. That perfect stranger could not have just flirted with him, right?

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, nothing else.”, said the man smiling.


Baekhyun nodded and went back to the kitchen while frowning. He really thought the man said “you”. Maybe he was wrong, after all he was pretty tired lately. He would not be surprised if he had auditory hallucinations. Kyungsoo only shook his head when he saw the state his friend was in. Blank. Lost. Dreamy. And just plain stupid.


“Here. The table two's order. Be careful it's hot.”


The annoying customer's order was safely delivered and the woman hummed contently when Baekhyun gave her the hot macchiato. He then proceeded back to the kitchen and brought the americano to the handsome stranger.

“Thanks a lot”, smiled again the man. “Could you give me a napkin please?”


Baekhyun came back with the napkin and bowed a bit to the stranger before going back to his place behind the counter.


When the man left, Baekhyun went to clean his table. As he grabbed the cup he spotted an odd spot on the napkin. Squinting his eyes, he was able to read the messily writing.

“You are cute.”


Baekhyun really thought his heart stopped beating for a millisecond. His bit his lips delicately and stuffed the napkin in his pant's back-pocket.










The man kept coming. Every morning he would order an americano and ask for a napkin. Then he'd pay and Baekhyun would be left with a new message. Luhan suggestively wiggled his eyebrows whenever the man was entering the café and Tao just asked questions all the time. Sometimes Baekhyun regretted he told his story to his friends. At least Joonmyun and Kyungsoo were not annoying him.

Luhan gave him a wicked smile as the man left the café.

“Not going to collect his message?”, he teased.

“Stop that Luhan, you look creepy.”

“You are such a joy-killer Baek, this guy totally has a thing for you, why don't you make a move?”

“Just leave me alone.”

“Baek will end up alone with fifty cats”, crooned Luhan having the time of his life.

“At least I'm not going out with a high school student.”

“Sehun is in last year!”, protested the deer-like boy.

“Still in high school.”, shrugged Baekhyun while walking towards the handsome stranger's table. He grabbed the napkin and decided he would read it at home.


Days flied by. Two weeks passed, then a month. Baekhyun had a box slowly filled by napkins. You look cute. I like your smile. Eyeliner looks good on you. Are you a student? I work in a company. Do you like watching movies? Let's watch some together one day. White suits you. Do I sound creepy? I swear I am not a ert. Byun Baekhyun. Your name has a good vibe. Do you want to know my name? I am P. C. How old are you? Park C. Do you like flowers? Park Chan...










Then one day the man entered the café and Baekhyun immediately brought him an americano. He also added a blueberry macaroon.

“That's a gift.”, Baekhyun stated.


The man answered with his deep voice. Whenever he talked Baekhyun would always have this tingling feeling in his stomach.

“Thank you Byun Baekhyun”.


Baekhyun nodded and left. He had really thought he would faint after hearing his name pronounced by the stranger. He took refuge in the kitchen in order to calm his heartbeat. Kyungsoo only smiled at him, his eyes sparkling with genuine amusement.


When Baekhyun found the courage to face the man again he entered the room to see the other had left. And instead of the usual napkin, a bouquet of flowers laid gracefully on the table, accompanied by a small card.

Luhan passed behind him and laughed quietly. Well, it was finally time one of the two made a move.


Ten minutes later and Baekhyun was still gaping at the flowers. He decided to sit down and opened the card. His eyes affectionately brushed the familiar messy black ink.


Heard you liked French cuisine. I know a good restaurant.

Park Chanyeol


Baekhyun beamed at the note. Park Chanyeol. He liked the way the name rolled on his tongue. Guess he would probably not end up with fifty cats.










The same evening, Baekhyun's older sister came to eat at his place. When she saw the bouquet proudly standing in a vase on the table she smiled.

“Who gave you that?”, she asked pointing the flowers.


Baekhyun frowned. “Why?”

“Those are primroses. And they are the symbol of young love.”





Here we go, first oneshot ever

finally did it yayyyy

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Lisa_lp10 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^