Stars on cotton fiber - potential daejae

Some things aren't meant to be


Youngjae builds a blanket fort to invite Daehyun for a round of imaginary star gazing and make believe. (Sella do you remember this one? I still need to write it for us ;;) 



He roamed around the room, gathering various objects, tossing pillows and blankets on the floor right beneath the windowsill, grabbing the big human sized teddy bear, I'd gotten from a fan, of my bed and placing it in the corner.
He stormed out the room only to come back seconds later, 3 bedsheets in his hands.
He attached one of the sheets to the window catch, stretching it over to knot the other end on one of the chairs, wrapping one end around the pole of our buck bed and tied the last corner around a floor lamp which he'd brought in from the living room along with the sheets.
I watched him do all that in silence, how he adjusted the chair and lamp until the sheet formed the roof of whatever he was building, the lighter sheet buttoned into it to form a wall.
I chuckled at the sight of that bulky tent he'd build as he crawled underneath it, placing the blanket flat on the floor, fluffing the pillows before placing them down.
He came out from underneath again walking towards me and I thought he was about to explain what exactly he was doing but instead he unplugged my nightstand and carried it back under his architectural masterpiece, plugging it in at the closest outlet.
I watched him standing in front of this extraordinary object he'd created, hands on his hips as he scanned it before nodding his head, a satisfied smile on his handsome features.
My eyebrows furrowed and I chuckled anew at his expression.
I startled a little when he suddenly spun around to dash out of the room once more.
The noise of him roaming around the kitchen traveled to my ears while my eyes wandered over the sheets he'd arranged, the blankets and pillows piled up underneath and somehow despite the improvised nature of the whole arrangement it seemed cozy and inviting.
The pillows and blankets looked comfortable, more than they did when placed on the beds and though the space underneath the set up seemed very small it was all the more giving of a comfortable impression.



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Chapter 10: I really, really like this idea...I also really like how it was written. Very interesting...
Rakiyang #2
I think that if I read these, it'll make me too sad because they'll never be finished T_T
Chapter 5: This made me laugh! Poor Himchan
Chapter 5: I cannot.
Why Amber though x'D ?
Chapter 4: Hehehehehe
Chapter 4: I looove it ;A;
Chapter 2: This one is super, duper interesting and painful since it seems that Youngjae died in it saving Himchan? I would loooooooooooooove to see this as a whole story. Such a awesome idea!
Chapter 1: This was interesting!
Chapter 2: OH.MY.GOD!!! why??? My heart.. hurt.. *cries*
Chapter 2: Good. Lord.