Gtop - the apartment

Some things aren't meant to be

Seunghyun is Vick, a wealthy guy who owns "the apartment" in uptown.
He sells himself for money to clients he picks himself, only a hand full of people get to be with him.
Jiyong has been dumped by his lover, he's about to loose his job and his private life is about to go down the drain when his best friends announce they'll be moving out of town.
Youngbae tells him about "the apartment" and Jiyong goes to find the mysterious Vick.



He heads to the little coffee shop that Youngbae made out to be the place to meet Vick if he decided to give it a shot.
Jiyong wonders how Vick will find him in the shop but he sits at the little table close to the window on the left side as he's told to, sips a black coffee size medium as he's told to and waits as he twists the artificial flower pedals of the floral decoration between his fingers, nobody told him to do that but he's nervous and needs something to occupy himself with.

He's about to give up on the matter and just return back to his apartment when a tall, dark haired man steps through the shop's door, the bell above it jingling as he enters.
Jiyong's breath gets caught in his throat as his eyes rank the man's lean figure clad in a classic tailored suit, dark hair perfectly styled atop his head.
His heart nearly leaps out of his chest when the man walks up to his table and slides onto the chair opposite of him.

“Are you here to see me?” the man asks and Jiyong tries to swallow around the lump in his throat eventually squeezing a shy “yes” through his lips.
The man smiles at him and relaxes into his chair ordering a cup of coffee when the waitress comes over and with that Jiyong's interrogation begins.

It's mainly small talk and chit chat, the man asks his name and age but anything else is rather shallow, no question going into detail or digging into his private life and even though it should make Jiyong relax it has the exact opposite effect on him.
He merely manages to choke out small one word answers and in his own ears he sounds like a dump teenage kid but Vick doesn't seem to mind as he keeps talking in his low, sensual voice.

Vick has beautiful hands, Jiyong notices when he watches as the man stirs his coffee in a slow circle, his fingers are long and slim and the skin looks soft.

When Vick takes a sip of his coffee Jiyong gathers his courage and asks the man if “this is the normal procedure.” but Vick only smiles at him lazily and his eyes seem to spark.

Nothing really happens besides of them sitting there and drinking coffee but Jiyong doesn't really have the guts to ask whether “he passed the evaluation” or when they will leave for “the apartment”.
Vick pays for their drinks and Jiyong tries to protest but the way the dark eyed male smiles at him and shakes his head makes him shut up in an instant, knocking the air out of his lungs with the minimal upwards curve of his lips.

Vick hands him a business card, telling him not to spread it because he will know it was Jiyong and then after Jiyong's shock caused by the man's dark, fierce gaze wears off he tells him to stop by at the apartment the day after tomorrow if he's still interested.


Conversation notes :


T. I heard there's this guy...vick
J. what about him?
T. well he's got this apartement in uptown you know...fancy place...very artsy and sophisticated.
J. So? That's good for him then
T. No you don't understand...he's got that apartement know those occassions
D. You can't reach out to him though...he's got to reach out for you.
J. That doesn't make sence
D. Well they say he's worth it.


J. much do you...?
S. Why are you here? *calmly*
J. Excuse me?
S. Why are you here?
J. I...I don't know I...
S. What's your reason? (while getting a glass of water)
J. I don't have a reason...
S. Everyone has their reasons...and everyone has a price I just want to determine what yours is.
J. I don't have a price *offended*
S. None that can be determined in numbers. *amused*
J. Unlike yours...
S. Unlike mine yes *confidently*


S. Can I get you something to drink?
J. No thank you.
S. You don't have to be scared.
S. You can tell me to stop any time I won't feel offended.
S. I'm going to kiss you okay?
S. See half so bad...
S. Is it okay if I touch you?
S. You can touch me as well if you want to.




J. You don't need the money
S. I don't
J. Why are you doing...this?
S. Does the why concerne you?
J. Well...I want to understand
S. Would it make you happy if you understood?
J. I'm not sure
S. Why are you coming here?
J. asked this before...
S. I asked before but I'm asking again...why did you come back here?
J. Would it make you happy if I told you?
S. I guess it shouldn't matter...





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Chapter 10: I really, really like this idea...I also really like how it was written. Very interesting...
Rakiyang #2
I think that if I read these, it'll make me too sad because they'll never be finished T_T
Chapter 5: This made me laugh! Poor Himchan
Chapter 5: I cannot.
Why Amber though x'D ?
Chapter 4: Hehehehehe
Chapter 4: I looove it ;A;
Chapter 2: This one is super, duper interesting and painful since it seems that Youngjae died in it saving Himchan? I would loooooooooooooove to see this as a whole story. Such a awesome idea!
Chapter 1: This was interesting!
Chapter 2: OH.MY.GOD!!! why??? My heart.. hurt.. *cries*
Chapter 2: Good. Lord.