Challenge 2?

100 Days With This Idiot.

It was hardly midnight and I heard a huge bang outside of the room. I got up and tried my best not to wake up Junhyung. I opened up the door and the butler bowed and gave me a small blue paper.
"Please wake up Young Master Junhyung." He said under his mustache.

I rubbed my eyes and the lights. I looked at the blue paper and sighed.

Challenge #2!
Watch this scarrrry movie with your loving husband! The butler will be watching your room so don't try to push it off! Okay? Have a good night!

I sighed, took the movie that was attached to the back then crushed the paper. I went over to Junhyung and shook him to wake him up.
"Junhyung. *shakes arm*"
*shakes harder*

He mumbled something. But still didn't bother to move. I shook him a little more, and he mumbled something again.
"" He mumbled.
I pulled his arm and his eyes open a little bit.

"Whaaat?! Its 12 in the morning! Why are you waking me up?" He groaned.
I pushed the movie instead the dvd player and pressed play.
"You woke me up so I can watch a movie with you!?" He said angryily.

I sighed loudly and pointed up at the camera with the red light. He groaned again then sat up straight. I plopped on the bed next to him, or at least tried my best to squish into the bed. Junhyung and I stared at each other, then stared stright at the tv. I pressed the play button and the movie bega to play.


Junhyung's POV

Are you serious? They're making us watch the Last Excorsim? This movie is so lame!
Oh what the hell is she doing. 
Oh my ing god did she just crack her neck?


I looked over at Eunse who was trying her best to squish herself behind the pillow. She looked like a little kid playing hide and seek. I twiddled my thumbs a bit and pretended to yawn and ya know... put my arm around her. 

Hey I'm married to her. I can do what I want to her right? Plus If I make her fall in love with me, we can leave early and then I'll just dump her and leave her at the alter. I know its not right. But Hey, If she hates me, I hate her.

So anyways. The camera began to pan onto the strange demonic writings on the wall. Eunse crawled more under her pillow. and my arm managed to touch her lightly. She didn't respond. Instead she just stayed there for a second and didn't look at me.

The camera to the girl, who PRACTICALLY looked the like Pazuzu from the Excorsist. (quick note. DO NOT SEARCH IT UP OKAY? Especially when some of you are young aged) She jolted and she quickly ran into my side. 

"Its just a movie... its just a movie..." She was whispering. I put my arms around her and hid her under me. She was really warm and her skin was milky soft. She hid near my chest as she heard the music getting louder. She was shivering a little bit, I put the banket it over us and continued to hide her.

The camera then panned to the girl, SHE HAD THE ING CAMERA? ..
Eunse was still shivering and she was still hidden under my arm.

10 minutes later...
"Y-Yah. Eunse" I whispered. No answer.
I moved my arm from her and she fell ontop of my chest. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. I gently ran my fingers through her hair and patted her back.

Maybe this marriage won't be so bad after all.


_______'s POV
I looked at Junhyung as he put his arm around Eunse. A small tear fell from my eye and I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. 
I closed the door slowly and slipped down against the wall. 

Is it right for me to tell her now? After 10 years, yes I still love her. But I don't understand why shes letting into Junhyung's doing...

10 years of waiting... 2 years of pain.. I have gotten so far.. And its about to fall into flames because of Hyung...

Why should I even bother... She probably doesn't even remember that I'm here.


Short chapter owo
Minahnae~ I just want to do as many updates as possible T.T
Btw do you guys know who _________ is?!
5 neopoints if you can guess!

LOL. JK don't tell anyone!
Btw to those who were wondering... I have a new tumblr URL.

please visit my homepage for more ways you can contact me!

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Chapter 16: Aww~ Why'd you stop writing the story? I really like it! Please update soon~
anasilvia #2
Chapter 16: You should update your story is so good!
Chapter 16: Yay! An update!! :D You know I had to re-read a couple of chapters before reading this one because I kind forgot what happened lol but when I read it I was like OH! Yeah! I remember this! :D So tank ju for de update! <3 Me likey this story!!
b2strockz #4
Chapter 16: Update soon~
christine12 #5
update soooooooon unnieeeeee!!!!!
christine12 #6
.. annyeong unnie! ... christine12 is here to read your another fanfic ... heheheh
TunAngel #7
Nice Update~ ^^ Loving it so far. ^^
WAIT UNTIL YOU GET TO COLLEGE it's going to be worse since you got to study since you don't know what you need to study. if that made sense lol.x
@lovly39 OMO... Thank you! ♥