He Is Mine

He is Mine

SM High school. The most reputable school of art and drama in Korea. It built in the heart of South Korea, Seoul. If you have a dream to be an artist or a successful singer, you wouldn’t even think twice to give your form to enter this prestigious school. But it had never been that easy. People said that the one who could be accepted in this school was very lucky. Or he/she must be really talented. And I was the one with the lucky charm. I sighed deeply when they were giving me that stare. Yeah I am the daughter of the mighty Kim Suri Yang. She is my mother and she is the most successful producer in this few years. They might want to be friend with me because of my mother. They were craving for debuting.

This school was boring, because I actually just love my guitar. I didn’t need the acting class or the dancing class. But the only thing that I really love to be schooled here was that I could meet Kai. He was the one of debuted boy band called EXO K. He was my senior, he had graduated few months ago. He was two years older than me. He has the most beautiful brown eyes and so fluffy black hair. But, the roll of him being an idol made him changed his hair’s color often. But still, I love it.

“Did you know? There was a rumor that Kai will be in we got married.” Said Jia, she was my classmate. I barely talked to her, but what did she just said? I clenched my teeth and I could feel my fist getting white. I hate it when someone mentioned Kai joining we got married. Sure, it was all his jobs, but I couldn’t bear with it. I avoided them by entering class. They were chuckling like they just got a lot of money to spend it with shopping. I rolled my eyes when they started to talk about me.

“She isn’t her girlfriend though, but she acted like no one could be his girlfriend. It will be nice when Kai officially got in relationship with someone.” the girl said with low voice but she made it loud enough for me to hear. They chuckled but I ignored it. There was time when I ran to the rooftop, my favorite place, and they made a lot of fun with me. I should stay calm. My class was getting louder when the school bell rang. I stood up from my chair ready to go to canteen when Luhan pushed my shoulder and made me sat on my chair. He sat in my desk and leaned his back to the window beside my desk. I wished that the window got broken then Luhan could be killed. I shot him my unfriendly gaze. But he never bothers about my cold attitude towards him.

I was going to stand from my chair and for the second time he pushed me back to my chair. He brusher the tips of his finger and ran it through my left cheek. I threw his fingers off of my face.

“You’re getting too touchy these days,…”

“Because you’re getting prettier,” he cut me off when I was going to spat him. He looked at me deeply. I had to admit that he was gorgeous. He has his hair dyed blonde and his eyes were deep when he looked at me. But he liked to tease me, they said that he was head over heels to me. But, they were completely wrong. Because this guy was obsessed with me, he was insane. I sighed deeply and stayed at my chair while Luhan just stared at me from head to toe.

A loud voice from the boys could be heard when they were getting nearer my spot. They were walking while munching their foods.

“For you, princess.” Lay gave me sandwich and he was about to brushed my hair before Luhan pushed his hand. Luhan smiled cutely at him.

“Don’t touch her. Will you?” Lay shook his head in disbelief, but he didn’t protest. He sat beside me while Kris, Tao, Chen and Xiumin would make a circle around me. I enjoyed my sandwich while they making a little conversation.

“Yerin, how was your class this morning?” Kris asked me nicely. But, as usual I didn’t even nod to answer him. I hate to be surrounded by those guys. They were nice but they also annoying. Finally the bell rang. Luhan groaned as he hopped from my desk.

“Have a nice day, dear.” He said before he went from my class with his friends. I rolled my eyes. At least, I just had to bear with their attitude for about seven months. We will graduate and I wouldn’t meet them again.

“Are you cheating?” Jia suddenly asked me. I widen my eyes but looked away after that. She was sure hates me. She is daughter of the successful director. She didn’t need to be nice to me.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her back, I knew what she was talk about. She chuckled but then she walked passing me to her chair. The class started as soon as she sat back to her hair. The teacher taught us about the dancing parts that we usually did wrong. I didn’t have any interest to this class, so I doodled some random words that spontaneously came to my mind. And within a half of hour, my book was filled with Kai.


It was a bright Friday. I went to school while singing along with the music from my phone. I arrived in my class and found Luhan already sat in my chair.

“Get away from there.” I told him coldly, he looked at me with his hurtful expression but he smiled while standing from my chair. I sat slowly and he began to sit in my desk as usual.

“Today the teachers will hold a meeting a whole day. Ahhhh, this is so great. We can spend today together.” He said while playing with my hair and curled it in his finger. I stood up immediately ignoring him and walked away from my class. It was the perfect time to be alone.

The rooftop was peace, like no one ever step their feet here, except me. I looked at the building across my school. It was SM Entertainment building. Kai was there. I smiled to myself. He was a gorgeous yet cold guy. I always follow his currently news from my phone. It felt good when I saw him smiled. He looked so angelic.

“You’re motioning me to come here, right?” I gasped when a pair of arm hugged me from behind. Luhan had his face buried in to my neck. His behavior was unbearable. I was struggling to make his body left mine. But he was strong, he tighten his arms around my body.

“Yahh !!! Get off of me !!!” I shouted at him, but he didn’t even answer me. I felt uneasiness in my stomach when his hand squeezed my upper arm. He buried his face deeper while smelling my scent. I couldn’t take it any longer. I kicked him with my right foot. I didn’t think that it would be effective or not. I just wanted to release myself from him. He released me after I kicked him for the nth time. I faced him and I was panting hard. He looked so calmly while eyeing me.

“You’re soft,” he said innocently. I pushed him with so much anger inside myself.

“I’m not a pillow. If you need something to hug, then find some s to be hugged !!!!” I yelled at him. He was out of his mine. He was getting crazier. He was getting dangerous. I left him that looked angry with my last statement. I opened the door which can lead me back to the main floor when Luhan slammed the door close. I yelped in shock. Luhan pushed me to the wall, I hissed a little when my back touched the wall harshly. I looked at his eyes that know getting darker. I didn’t know that my statement could hurt his pride.

He brought my frame closer as he tried to kiss me. I pushed him hard in the chest. He kept trying to kiss me. My eyes became teary. I was afraid. Luhan might always tease me, but he never did this before.

“Luhan stop !!!” I shouted loud, but then my yell stopped when his lips touched mine. My tears were flowing down my cheeks. The kiss was hard. It was like he just the one who demand on it. It wasn’t something that I wanted. I didn’t know that Luhan could do this thing. I lowered my head while still trying to catch my breath.

“Would you please forget about Kai? Please just like me from now,” Luhan spoke calmly. He brought my face to face him. He smiled. But, I didn’t want to have Luhan as my boyfriend. He is scary. He scared the hell out of me, why would I even think about him being my boyfriend? Luhan swiped my tears from my cheek. But I pushed it aside harshly.

“You’re scary ! You’re not a human ! Go away !!!” I yelled at Luhan. I caught  a shock in his eyes. He punched the wall beside me.

“Wake up Yerin !! You have to face the reality !!” Luhan’s harsh statement slapped me. My eyes were swollen now. I felt my heart sank.

“Don’t say anything again,” I said weakly, but Luhan seemed to throw anything now because he didn’t stop speaking.

“Kai is an idol Yerin !” Luhan shouted.

“Stop it !!” I yelled back at him.

“He may loves another girl now. So, why don’t you love me instead getting hurt by one sided love towards him?”

“Stop it Luhan,” my voice was trembling.

“I’m good at dancing, I’m good at singing. Even I’m not ugly when you compared him with me. You have to just look at me !!! Why are you didn’t even give me a glance when I passing by?? Why don’t you just love me? The one who could be reached by you?? Why it must be him?!!!!!!”

“Damn it Luhan !!!! Because he’s freaking my boyfriend !!!!” I yelled at him. My heart  felt hurts.

“I couldn’t even say to my family that Kai is my boyfriend. I couldn’t say to anyone how happy I am when Kai confessed to me six months ago. I kept it inside my heart. I kept it to myself. Every day I was bullied by Jia. But I couldn’t defend myself. I couldn’t tell her that Kai is actually my boyfriend. I couldn’t say that because he’s an idol.!!!” I continued. Luhan was shock. He shook his head trying to not believing this. But this was the fact. Luhan ran from the rooftop while I fell in to the ground. Crying. Frustrating. I hate this, but I love Kai so much. Even if he was now filming something with a girl, I couldn’t stop loving him. I was being blinded by him. Kai.

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kyaaa I did so many typos TT mian TT


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Chapter 1: OMG Luhan O.O
Actually I always think that how will the fans react when they found their idol has a girlfriend... :3 Alright, I'm talking nonsense~
It's pretty dramatic btw <3
Chapter 1: Yeah okay uhm i don't what to say but its freaking good! You're actually Kai's girlfriend? Wow wow
InspiritHamster #3
Chapter 1: Wow . This story full of drama :) can you make sequel?
UnfoldedStories #4
I don't know what to say but the prologue... seems orz