A Creature Who Loves You


Summary:Junsu wants to tell his feelings to Yoochun but Yoochun already love someone else? 


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Iminthezone #2
courcour #3
@loveo,Thank You :)
courcour #4
@Emmy12899,The Girlfriend started to cheat on yoochun and the reason why i left it out of the story because when yoochun started to notice junsu first he was already falling for him and he broke things off with his girlfriend to be with his junsu
Emmy12899 #5
I love the whole story. ^^ I know this might ruin the mood , but what about the girlfriend? O.O<br />
I don't really care, but still.
courcour #6
@almadcuervo,Thanks,Everyone loves a happy ending and thank you for reading my story <3 :):) Happy Yoosu Day :) <3
Nice story...I love stories with happy endings...thank you for sharing...<3 :)...Happy YooSu Day!!!...<3