Love Again

Love Again

Kyuhyun knew he had to do something



They've been in the hospital for almost seven hours. Ever since the doctors said they had to wait his family went to the hospital chapel to pray. He hated not being able to help his beloved ones, he has to go out and do something, anything, it didn’t matter he didn’t know what.

He kissed Jongwoon, who was unaware of his presence one last time, doing his best to hold the tears inside. the thought that he might lose Jongwoon, or worst that their last memory would be of the stupid fight they had that day was unbearable. He left the hospital.



Letting his feet carry him away he was walking down the bustling city, everybody was busy with preparations for the holidays. Kyuhyun must've seen so lost wandering aimlessly in the city, then again what can he do.


He walked by Jongwoon's parents café, yet he didn't enter.


He walked by the pet shop where Jongwoon got a new pet every time Kyuhyun was on a prolonged business trip. He walked by the city library where Jongwoon used to stalk him until he finally gathered enough courage to talk to kyuhyun. Every corner was engraved with memories of Jongwoon and Kyuhyun's heart felt heavier. He walked faster, trying to clear the mess in his head but it only got worst.


Memories kept hitting Kyuhyun as he ran across the lane; sweet memories of secret kisses and kind eyes smiling at him, painful memories of Jongwoon at his door step with a suitcase and eyes red from tears. Funny memories like the time Jongwoon was determined to celebrate Hanukah because he liked the colorful candles and nearly set their apartment on fire. Sweet memories of shared vacations and trips. Memories of love- all of them were Kyuhyun's most precious treasures.


He couldn't take anymore when he reached home, their home. He fell on his knees and prayed. He didn't know if he prayed to god or Buddha or any other deity, he just knew he had to have another chance. They can't be over, he has so much to say to Jongwoon that he haven't said yet: he didn't say enough I love you's and he didn't ay enough stay with me forever's, they didn’t grow old enough together and they have to! otherwise what's the point of life?


And if he didn't have a second chance, he prayed with all his might and passion to tell Jongwoon one more time that he loves him.




When Kyuhyun finally got back to the hospital he noticed from afar Jongwoon's parents rushing to the receptionist; he thanked god for their decision to support their son and to stand by him in this dreadful time. He didn’t want to Jongwoon to be alone.


He watched all the breathing machines the white bands around his broken injured body.  While Jongwoon held his limp hand tightly and didn't let go as he has done almost all of the time since Kyuhyun left the surgery room. Jongwoon didn't give up on Kyu for a second constantly talking to him, about practically everything, even smiling bravely.


The obvious agony on his lover's face pained Kyuhyun endlessly "Please god" he prayed again, "don't let me leave him, we need each other"


"Please" his eyes filled with tears again, in the back of his mind the thought that it was so stupid that a ghost was crying went through, although it didn't make him stop.


Kyuhyun fought to open his eyes, putting all of his efforts, loud voices of machines around him buzzing around him and numb pain in his chest. Imaginary daggers filled his throat, however all of these didn’t matter, he was finally back.


"He wakes up he wakes up" Jongwoon's husky and raw voice calls His palm was stiff from Jongwoon constantly holding it



"I think he tries to say something do something!!" one of the resident doctors yelled.



The oxygen mask on his mouth was removed; he tightened his hand around Jongwoon's


As if time stood still, doctors and nurses' loud noises and a mad world around didn't matter, Kyuhyun and Jongwoon were the only ones that existed in the world that




"I love you"



you can comment and stuff, otherwise I'll think it is worst than I thought

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Chapter 1: Short and sweet. <3
RaniTan #2
Chapter 1: It was so beautiful..I loved it
kyusung <3 loved it ^^
dyazbluish #4
Chapter 1: it's beautiful, thanks for the love again video, I never know the meaning would be like that..
it's short but I got the point, thank you for this KyuSung story ^^