
Money or Life?

Luhan woke up to a dull ache in his head and something gently patting his cheek. At first, he barely acknowledged the second, deciding that the pain was more important, but after some time, the repetitive touches of something - probably the skin of someone else - were getting annoying.

So with a soft groan, he let his eyes flutter open. 

"Oh, he's up." He heard a somewhat familiar, deep voice."Glad to see you in one piece, blondie."

Luhan groaned quietly, blinking rapidly in order to clean his mind a little as for quite some time, he had only been able to see piercing light and nothing else."What happened?" He croaked out finally, noticing the silver-haired stranger leaning above him with a wide, almost childish grin.

"That idiot threw his gun at you. It hit your head a little but luckily it seems like you fainted more out of shock than pain." The stranger explained, something murderous flashing up in his eyes for a moments at the mention of the robber.

"Oh." Luhan said quietly."Well, it hurts." He added before slowly sitting up. At that moment, he almost fell ahead as the world started spinning with him at a crazy pace, making him dizzy and faint.

"Hey, I'd rather you not move around so much." The stranger said gently as he helped the blond to lie down. His hands remained at Luhan's shoulders for a few moments as his dark eyes bored into the doe-like, brown orbs of the petit boy.

"What happened to him?" Curiosity arouse in the blond's mind as he stayed put even after the stranger pulled away. For some reason, he felt worry deep down in his chest, but for who or why, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was because there were quite a few fresh cuts on the silver-haired boy's face, or maybe because despite his cheerful attitude he looked incredibly tired. There were dark circles around his eyes and those dark orbs that Luhan had been given the chance to see from up close, even if only for a few moments, seemed to radiate exhaustion.

"Well... I kind of got... mad at him. And hurt him. But he's fine." The stranger mumbled suddenly, a grin once again apparent on his face."Really. And the store is okay, too, so there's absolutely no need to worry."

"Oh." Luhan remarked quite intelligently once again before closing his eyes for a few moments."Who are you?" He asked suddenly, feeling the stranger once again starting to touch his face lightly, again and again."And why are you doing this?"

"My name is Sehun, and I'm doing this because I'm bored." Sehun said with a small smile."And your skin is soft."

"Oh." Luhan was starting to get tired of his own vocabulary, that was, at the moment, quite lacking, but he honestly didn't know what else to say. He was still a little dazed and tired, and well, he had rarely ever been cared for like this before. 

"Is that all you can say?" Sehun asked with a chuckle and lightly ruffled Luhan's soft, fluffy hair."It's cute of course, but I'd rather you actually talked to me. Or is that too hard to ask, Luhannie?"

"How do you know my name?" Luhan felt blood rush to his cheeks at the nickname and he tried his hardest to turn away so Sehun wouldn't see the crimson color his cheeks had gained."And why did you call me Luhannie?"

"Because it's cute. And for another reason as well, but that's a secret." Sehun said with a cheeky grin."Now, rest for a while and then I'll take you home. By the way, this lady called Daisy called you on your phone. She's pretty angry at your for some reason."

Luhan bit into his lower lip with a soft sigh."Hope she won't fire me." He mumbled quietly as he sat up once again, this time pushing the dizziness away."She's the store's owner and well, I let in a robber."

"Hey, it's not your fault." Sehun rolled his eyes a little at the not so logical mumbles that came from the small boy, a little saddened by how Luhan was blaming himself for something that he hadn't done."He had obviously been planning this and you couldn't have known it. Plus, he's behind bars right now. I think your boss is angry for another reason."

"I don't know." Luhan mumbled. He knew that it would have been quite hard for him to guess that the next customer would be a robber but he still hated himself for how he hadn't reacted quickly enough and hadn't alerted the authorities the moment the man had stepped into the store. And well, he really didn't have any other guesses about why the woman could be furious at him. Sure, there could have been a chance that she was worried but he highly doubted it.

Luhan didn't deserve this thing called worry nor pity or love. He knew it because ever since he had been young, he had been told these things. And old habits do die hard. He was never going to forget how he had almost begged just for a small bit of attention from his parents and got none. He had even fallen down he stairs once, by purpose, of course, and even if many bones had been broken, no one cared. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Sehun's voice broke the boy out of his thoughts. Luhan nodded quickly and managed to curl his lips into a weak smile.

"I'm fine, just a little tried and my head still hurts." He whispered softly. His eyes were shining sadly as he realized that probably, not even the silver-haired boy's worry was genuine. For some reason, it hurt more than the fact that Daisy was angry at him and Luhan really didn't know why. 

"Okay. I hope you'll get better soon. I actually wanted to bring you to the hospital but then I realized that I know nothing of you and you didn't seem too badly hurt." Sehun explained softly as again, he ruffled Luhan's hair lightly. The blond hummed quietly in response, quite happy as he was terrified of hospital and everything that came with them, from the nurses to those odd smells. 

"I'm glad you didn't do that." He said softly.

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Chapter 3: Sehun is the puppy!!! Right!? RIGHT!? XD
leedino #2
Chapter 3: love this <3
update as soon as possible!
hunhan though <3
Chapter 3: Almost all comments are about how sehun has supernatural powers lol xD
petitebaekon #4
Chapter 3: sehun is weird and probably not human with him touching lu's face like that sounds like a kitty or a puppy hehe
Milielitre #5
Chapter 3: Just like eskulapka, I wonder if Sehun used some powers to make the police do whatever he wanted or something like that... He's weird, no matter what he is^^
Chapter 3: I love this story so much even though it's only been 3 chapters!
eskulapka #7
Chapter 3: Why so short? QQ
So basically Sehun knocked down the attacker, called the police, who left with the attacker but without checking on the victim and taking his testimony, and then Daisy called to check on Luhan (police informed her?) and Sehun answered his phone and told her about everything and she got upset, because she was worried.
I like the story, but as far as I know the police doesn't leave an unconscious victim like that. They would call an ambulance, and they would want to take testimony as soon as possible. The shop owner would not just let their employee, who got attacked by a robber, and as far as they knew was unconscious stay under custody of some stranger and just walk home. They would rush in, check on the employee, check on the store, and make sure they got proper health checkup and get them home safely. The only possibility this story doesn't look very improbable to me, is if Sehun had some magical powers of persuasion that also work through the phone. Which he totally could have, since he does not really seem to be entirely human so far.
Chapter 3: Now Sehun should play prince and kiss Luhan <333 Love this story so far~ ^^
eskulapka #9
Chapter 2: OK, the robber is not Sehun. I think Sehun is one of the animals that Luhan was the asking care of and because of the danger he decided to turn human. Shapeshifter?