
A week of memories

Luhan woke up with the bright sunlight sipping through his white curtain. He looks on his right side where the brightest star, even brighter than the sun, he had ever seen laid sleeping peacefully. Luhan felt Sehun’s arms tightened around his waist there he knew he was awake and was fully aware of Luhan staring at him for about five minutes already. Sehun’s lips quirked upward in form of a smile, the smile Luhan had always fell for. Luhan then quickly gave him a peck on the lips suddenly conscious of his morning breath but Sehun, who doesn’t even care as long as it was Luhan, pulled him closer capturing his lips once again. They broke free from each other leaving them gasping for air. They both decided to get up because Sehun who was the chosen father of the two, has work to go to in about a couple of hours. Basically he’s the one who works for the both of them since he insisted that Luhan should just stay at home. As expected, Luhan tried to refuse but still failed to do so. He knows Sehun was persistent about anything and he won’t ever stop pestering till he gets what he wants.

When Sehun got out from the bathroom, his hair hair was dripping wet and Luhan couldn’t help but be mersmerized and gawk at his handsome husband. Sehun being as cocky as he is, smirked and trod towards Luhan who was munching on his toast bread. He gave Luhan a smack on the lips sealing it with his. Luhan absentmindedly wrapped his hands around Sehun’s neck. Then they realized that Sehun would be running late if they won’t stop kissing and let Sehun get dressed up.

“Go! Change into your clothes.” Luhan demanded as soon as he took notice of the time. Sehun nodded making his way towards their shared room. Luhan finished his food and washed his plate he just used and when he got back to the living room, he noticed that Sehun was having a hard time fixing his tie, earning a chuckle from Luhan.

“Seriously, how would you survive without someone who would bother to help you even with small things, such as fixing a tie.” Luhan scolded Sehun who just pouts.

“I know, I couldn’t.” Sehun admitted.

Luhan reached for his tie, looping the end to the other one till it was perfectly done. He had to admit Sehun looks soignée in a black suit. He had the urge to tiptoe and kiss his absolutely stunning husband but refrained himself from doing so. Every morning is full of kisses. It doesn’t bore them, no, not at all.

“It’s time for me to go, Lu.” Sehun said giving Luhan a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Luhan nodded indicating for him to just go and leave and that he’ll be fine. With one last peck on the lips, he was gone.

Luhan sighed plopping down the nearest chair suddenly remembering about the video he had to finish for Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s first anniversary. Luhan was very fond of making and editing videos as this was his past time since he was bored doing nothing till Sehun gets home. He tried to explore the applications in his computer resulting for him to become a pro video editor. No, it wasn’t his work. It was just a hobby. He opened his computer and finished the video with final touches to make in more appealing to those who would watch it. He was closing the application when he accidentally clicked on Sehun and his picture taken on the same exact day he had a limited term of life. It was taken two years ago. He was given a total of three years to live his life to the fullest. Sehun doesn’t know. He doesn’t have the courage to tell him. He’s afraid of what would happen, afraid that maybe he would leave him just because he doesn’t want to have a husband suffering from a brain tumor who happened to have three years left. Sehun has the right to know but what can he do when he isn’t ready yet.

It was already in the afternoon when he finished doing household chores then he remembered he had to go to his doctor for a monthly check up. He makes sure to go to it regularly mostly because of the day Sehun confessed he won’t be able to handle it if Luhan would die and that he’d probably get himself killed and Luhan doesn’t want that to happen. He’d asked Sehun what would he feel if he knew Luhan won’t leave much longer. It broke his heart to see Sehun’s miserable state as he said the word one by one.

Luhan was waiting outside the room along with the other patients when the door cracked open and the nurse motioned him to get inside.

“Good afternoon Mr. Kim.” Junmyeon smiled gesturing for him to take a sit. Junmyeon examined his results suddenly a display of pity showing on his face.

“I’m sure you do know that you only have one week to live. We can’t do anything about that and I’m afraid we can’t give you another year of life to spend. I’ve told you to make sure to live your life to the fullest. I’m also a friend of yours and I was concerned you haven’t told your husband about this yet. When are you planning to tell him the truth.” He said.

Luhan shook his head. “No. I won’t tell him. I’ll hide my sickness as long as I can.”

“But you can’t hide it forever, you’ve only got one week. One week, Luhan. For sure, he’ll notice your unusual behavior.”

“Why do you care? The last time I checked, he haven’t notice how I would vomit from time to time. He haven’t noticed how I would disappear into the kitchen even before he finished his food just to drink my medicines. He haven’t noticed a thing! I can do this I know I can. He isn’t that much of an observer. He won’t notice.” Luhan assured Junmyeon who just shook his head.

Enough is enough, he was shaking, he’s afraid his tears would start falling infront of the doctor. He can’t afford to let him see that. Luhan bid his goodbye after saying his Thank You, newly bought medicines in grasp. He decided he’d go to a quiet place to think, he needed that. He’s afraid he’d break down in front of Sehun and he won’t risk anything for him to see his vulnerable side and he was sure it’ll end up with him, telling Sehun everything about his condition. He’s afraid at everything, he’s more than scared. He’ll keep it as a secret, as long as he can or more like, as long as he’s living. He let his thoughts drift from one to another. He refused to answer Sehun’s calls as his phone started ringing. He isn’t ready to hear his voice yet though he knows he’ll do much explaining when he gets home.

Time has passed by he hadn’t realized it was already dark, in fact it was already ten in the evening. He can already picture Sehun’s worried face but he could careless, not at this moment. He could clearly see the bright stars put up high in the dark blue sky. For him, Sehun would always be the brightest. He might look tough on the outside but when you get to know him, he’s more vulnerable and fragile than Luhan.

When Luhan got home, he found Sehun already sleeping on their shared bed. Luhan stared at his sleeping figure for a matter of seconds. Letting his guard down, he couldn’t help himself and so he cried cupping his mouth with his hand to avoid creating sounds that would probably wake Sehun up. When he finally calmed down, he slowly and carefully slipped his body under the blanket to join him in his slumber. Sehun then groaned, slowly opening his eyes. His face clearly in display of relief when he saw Luhan.

“Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer my calls? I was crazily worried.” He said in a husky voice since he just woke up. Luhan didn’t bother to answer and just kissed him full on the lips. Tongues exploring each other’s mouth. Luhan’s hand slipped  under Sehun’s shirt feeling the warmth of his bare skin. It didn’t take much time till they are already stark . Chest to chest, hips against hips, ing from time to time. For Luhan it was a solace. Action is what they both needed at the moment. Words aren’t capable to express his love while actions are more than enough. He hugged Sehun tightly as if he would never let him go, away from his arms. Sehun was his sweet haven after all. Sehun who was unaware of everything, smiled and gave Luhan a full kiss on the lips. Luhan’s body relaxed in just the presence of the person he treasures the most, Oh Sehun.

“Let’s make a lot of memories to fulfill this whole week.” Luhan whispered in Sehun’s ear surprisingly without a trace of distress and misery. Sehun was confused as to why would Luhan ask for a week when they could make memories till they turn old and gray. Nonetheless he nodded giving Luhan a hearty smile. Soon they both drifted to their sleep, legs tangled against each other while hands were wrapped on their waists. This night was perfect for the both of them.


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