Gray Paper


Gray Paper


I'll walk slowly, one step, two step.

Your footsteps are very simmilar to me, one step, two step.

You're getting farther and disappearing little by little with heavy footsteps. 

This is the last time, once, twice.

I make promises that I can't keep, once, twice.

The one who should be hurt is me, please, please.  


Yesung - Gray Paper

Credits: Youtube


Maybe it was his fault that she left him. Maybe it was all his fault that she finally moved on. But he didn't knowo why it hurt him so bad. He was fine the way he was, knowing that if she left, he wouldn't care. But why does he hurt so bad when he remember her and the past memories he shared? Maybbe it was because he couldn't reach her when he noticed her leaving. Maybe in the end, it was all his fault. 


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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: chanyeol paboo..
this was soo sad...
sequel please
Chapter 1: pls write a sequel to this!!!~
Chapter 1: That was so depressing . ;3;
Chapter 1: So sad.....
Chanyeol is dumb
He didn't tell her his feelings and now she is gone, he felt regret.....
Sad :(