The Game Love Plays

Chanyeol POV

*pound pound pound!!*

I woke up to the sound of continuous pounding on the door. 'Ahhhh, who would bother me at this time of day?' I thought to myself as I ignored it and tried to close my eyes, and manage a few more minutes of sleep, hoping whoever is making the noise would just leave me alone. Tough luck. The pounding continued, and I was starting to get annoyed.

"Come in" I said, with sleep obviously still in my voice. The pounding just got worse.

"What the hell? I said come in!" I groggily shouted, clearly being agitated. The pounds won't stop, and it's popping my last nerve. So instead of waiting for it to sop, I rolled off of my bed and crawled to the door. 'Ugh, whoever is doing this, is going to regret it!' I thought, as I swung the door open. I crinkled my eyebrows, as no one was at the door. 

"What? Where is that pounding coming from?" I questioned, being puzzled. "Probably next door.. Ugh. way to ruin a Sunday morning"

I angrily mumbled to myself. I crawled back to my bed and dived right into my fluffy pillows, toasty blankets and beer bottles. Wait wait wait, beer bottles? I struck straight up as my eyes scanned the room. Furniture toppled, trash shipped off to different parts of the room, broken doors. All I mumbled was "Oh no"

My glare pierced the beer bottles, as I looked the bottles, one by one, flashbacks of last night smacked me right in the face. I fell from space down to earth again, then i realized, that pounding was still there-- and that pounding was from my head. A throbbing pain struck me, which left me hugging me head in pain. 

"Ugh, I need to wake up" I groaned, the pain knocking against my head. I fumbled to my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I grabbed a tube of toothpaste and squeezed it. To my surprise, yellow liquid came gushing out onto my toothbrush. I sighed as I threw the tube into the trash.

"Really Kris? Really? Pissing on my , will ya?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a new tube, and started brushing my teeth. I have no idea what is in thhat toothpaste, but it was making my eyes droop really heavily. My eyes were fully closed by then, but I realized I haven't taken a good look around my bathroom yet, you know to see what all my retarted friends did to my place. 

 Opened one of my eyes and spotted a pink, leopard spotted bra across my sink and faucet . I opened my other eye and stared at the bra for a few seconds, then closed my eyes and laughed. 

'Haha, don't remember I had a pink, spotted bra. I don't even have s.'

A spent a few seconds on that thought before my eyes shot open, and I darted out the bathroom. I poked my head out of the door frame, and stared at my bed. And sure enough, it was a figure of a female underneath my sheets.

 "No no no .. Not again" I thought as I mentally face palmed myself. Its been the 4th time this week.

i let out a big, frustrated sigh, and plopped down on a nearby chair. My brain is starting to cringe again. I started to think. Thinking about why did this happen to me, why can't I stop this. It's always the same. I either go/have a party, over-drink, end up getting drunk and do screwed up , then wake up to a throbbing pain in my head and a random girl who I don't even know the name of in my bed.  And then think about why I can't have a good life, with a good woman on my hands.

Honestly, I don't even blame the people around me for hating me. Even I hate myself, what do I expect from others? But I would never say that out loud, oh hell no, that would hurt my pride far too much. People see me as a cocky, arrogant and careless, but every book has a story doesn't it? Well just like everyone has theirs, I have mine, so people who say things about me, simply just doesn't know me. But there is one name that I am known country-wise: playerboy. That's right. And no, I do not deny it one bit. I am a player, I sleep with every girl I can get with, any age, any nationality, lets just say, if it has a , I'm gonna screw it. 

But there's a story behind that as well. Hmmm.. 9th grade it was? Yes 9th grade. Ooh, the freshman years. Park Mi Yun- my first girlfriend.. I loved her so much, I gave everything up for her- I quit my life-long passion, soccer, just for her. But an unfortunate day.. The day that I still remember as clear as a bell- I caught her cheating.. I remember her round, shocked eyes, and my red,  glistening eyes, filled with tears. Yep, that was the day my heart shattered to a million pieces. Yet 3 years later.. The pieces are still missing. She has taken a part of me away with her.. Even if she did what she did, I can still never stop loving her. And its killing me. Because as long as Mi Yun remains in my memory, my bad habit of playing women will forever bekept. 

But now, I am planning on breaking my bad habit. For my own good, and the girls I use as well.. Why? the thing i want most right now.. is a sincere relationship. But im not a bad guy. I really care and feel bad for the girls I play, but I can't help it, it's like.. brings down my stress level. But now I am going to try. It's going to take a while, but eventually, I'll have to find Ms. Perfect. And I'm going to have to change my habits to look for her, because I have a few traits in a woman that I'm looking for. I want a woman that is Independent, caring, not clingy, quiet and stoic. But I'm having a bit of a hard time here. Women like that, don't want men like me. 

'You have to change Chanyeol. You have to change.'


A/N: there's chapter one guys! It's a little short, because I want to introduce Chan and Baek first, before going to the actual story, you know, just a little info about each of them, so you can see the differences between the 2. Hope you enjoy >/<~

*remember to give me good feedback, so I post faster!*

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Chapter 1: Hey it's a good start! I am excited to know what is going to happen next!