
Way Back Home

       "Anyways, you'll be staying here for now." Jihae nodded towards the half made bed in the corner of the room. The room was conveniently available for use since her brother had returned back to the states to attend his university not that long ago. Furthermore, Jihae's parents left for their business trip a few days ago and wouldn't be coming back for a few weeks. So in other words, Kai could rest easy for the time being knowing that he wasn't really transgressing on anyone's property.

           "Are you sure this is really," Kai gave a once over the room again. " -okay with you and your family?" 

            "Of course," Jihae answered with a nonchalant shrug. "If it wasn't, you wouldn't be here right now."

              Kai nodded and walked towards his new bed, patting the mattress with uncertainty. Naturally, it did not feel the same and it would take him a while to get used to it, but it would have to do for the time being.

             "I'm going to shower first," Jihae yawned and glanced at her watch. "You can borrow my brother's clothes if you want. Check the drawers."

              With that, the blonde left the room, leaving Kai to himself. 

              Kai didn't bring much with him. In fact, he didn't bring anything at all. He had been kicked out so suddenly that there wasn't even time to consider packing or anything of the like. That kind of really .

              He began rummaging through the drawers Jihae had mentioned and found a decent bright yellow pajama to slip into. It felt a bit baggy on his body but was surprisingly warm. Pulling the covers of the blanket over his head, Kai finally felt the drowsiness that had been creeping up on his body take over.

        "Hey Kai, I'm done." Jihae knocked gently on the door. When silence ensued, she pushed the door open and peeked in. To her surprise, the male had fallen asleep and was barely moving. As she got a closer look, she couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked.The corner of his lips were turned upward and his long lashes framed his face rather prettily.

          With a small smile, Jihae pulled the blanket up so it reached his chin. The male stirred for a moment at the brief touch and quickly resumed sleeping. 

           Jihae had only met Kai today. There was surely a lot she had to learn about him, that was for sure. She didn't really know much about him other than the fact that he had been kicked out of his house and that they attended the same high school.

             From an outsider's point of view, inviting and allowing a stranger in to your home would be considered a pretty foolish decision. That was a valid point, Jihae had to admit.

              But for some reason, she couldn't shake the feeling that Kai was different. Even though there was a half a story she had yet to learn, something told her that she might as well stay for the ride.

              "G'night." Jihae muttered after a while. She adjusted the towel around her neck and stared blankly at the boy before leaving again.



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I love the characters in this.